Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Judy Burton
Day 2 of Judy Burton’s garden in Severn Township, Ontario. Today we get a look at Judy’s front porch, back deck, and her amazing display of containers. Judy says, “The deck and back garden are on the north side of the house, so they are primarily planted with shade loving plants such as impatiens, astible, plumonaria, and hydrangea. I particularly like the white hydrangea underplanted with the red impatiens.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Judy Burton
“The containers are on the south and in the direct sunlight, so they are planted with sun loving annuals such as sweet potato vine, wave petunias, verbena, and nasturiums.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Judy Burton
“I grow most of the plants I use in my gardens and containers from seed. I have grow lights and heat mats in my old cellar to start the seedlings, and then I move them into my heated greenhouse (a Rion 12′ by 24′ kit greenhouse that I love) in early April. I use Osmicote slow release fertilizer in every pot and then fertilize with Miracle Grow every 10 days or so. The combination of the two fertilizers keep the pots lush and healthy all through the growing season.” Lush and happy, Judy! Thanks so much for sharing all of these photos with us.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Judy Burton

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Judy Burton

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Judy Burton

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Judy Burton

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Judy Burton
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Judy, your pot compositions are beautiful...each one an individual work of art and all clustered together a masterpiece! I particularly like the one with the tall burgundy spiky plant ( a millet?) with the accompanying dark sweet potato vine.
What is probably most impressive of all is that you start most of your plants from seed...wow! Also, thanks for sharing your fertilizing routine. Speaking for myself, I always slack off on that part of things and frankly, by the middle of summer it shows. Maybe this year, I'll be a better pot parent. Hmmm, looking at that last sentence, I think I should swap out the word "pot" for container!
I too am impressed with the plants being grown from seed! I have a east facing sun room which doesn't get any more heat from the sun so it's like 30 degrees in the morning (and over night) from November thru early May so not suitable for seed growing - oh and then there are my cats that would eat the seedlings. I don't furtilize my plants after they have been planted. Easy "secret" that I should be doing if I don't want my plants to continue looking sad.
Beautiful containers! Love all the diversity of plantings and the colors all go well together.
meamder1: with all the thought Judy puts into her container arrangements she deserves the title of Pot Head, and her pots are all so marvy. But it's not just brain work, I can see a tremendous amount of labor goes into creating and maintaining, an obvious labor of love. I like those tall corn-like plants with the interesting bottle brushes but I don't know what they are. And I just love Judy's olde tyme screen door. Judy's home is lovely with all those seating spots, if only she had time to sit and knit.
Pot Head - rofl - you're too funny Tractor1
Impressive cottage garden grown from seed... and even more is Judy's ability to combine business with pleasure... or shall we say pleasure with business.
pattyspencer: I couldn't help myself, the devil made me do it. Bet you can't guess that I was the class clown. Growing up in Brooklyn that was the way a nerd could survive. And I'm one of those some resent because I wake up happy and full of humor every morning... I firmly believe that laughter is truly the best medicine. It's been raining (pouring) here the past three days and sporadic thunderstorms are forcast for the next three days. I'm hoping for hot and dry so everything outdoors dries, I need to till my vegetable garden and mow my back field before it's ready for haying. That's my favorite spruce, I love its twisted growing habit and it buds out in the most vibrant teal. It had no name when I bought it five years ago from a famous local nursery: http://www.storysnursery.com/ It's grown about a foot each year. I like spruce because it's one of the trees I don't need to fence from deer. It would be difficult for me to submit a grouping of pictures as I don't really do gardening per se, I mostly fit my plantings into the natural environment, essentially I feel I'm rescuing to I give a plant a good home.
Tractor1 - I wake up happy as well - I learned long time ago that any negative vibe just affected my well being which also affected how I treated others - wasn't good. So I live by "If it serves no useful purpose - don't do it" and negativity doesn't serve a useful purpose in my life.
I've seen that twisted pine in a catalog - I think it was from Park Seed but I'm not sure (I just did a web search and didn't come up with anything and didn't notice it in any of my catalogs this season) I bought it then killed it (bad me)which I tend to do A LOT.
Tractor1- I think the corn like plant is an ornamental millet
Why is it that the days I can't get to my computer are the days you show containers? Geez... can't imagine having the patience to start my container plants from seed. Wow!
By the way... pattyspencer, you're bringing out the gentle side of our friend tractor1!
Sheilaschultz - why thank you - lol but shhhhh not so loud - I don't think he noticed - hehehe
Thank you, ladies, for realizing I'm not an ogre, I'm actually quite kind and very helpful but I readily admit to being honest and frank to a flaw... I've never been one to pussyfoot around, I call em as I see em... and I can better respect those who are the same, I don't get along well with those who candy coat, I find that behaviour smarmy and repulsive.
And thank you cwheat000 for identifying ornamental millet for me, now I wonder if deer will eat it, somehow I suspect they will love millet regardless it's the ornamental variety... still I may try sowing a packet in my wildflower meadow, and though it's an annual it may be self seeding... I'll need to do some reasearch to be sure it's not invasive.
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