Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTOS! Eva’s garden in Hungary

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Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Eva Beke

The GPOD goes international today with Eva Beke’s garden in Budapest, Hungary! Eva says, “I am a high school teacher by profession. However, after I had moved to New York City (and lived there more than a decade) I became an interior design consultant. Only the past couple of years I fancy gardening and photography.

Presently I reside in Budapest, Hungary with my diplomat husband, where we have a flat with a tiny balcony and also a house with a somewhat bigger garden in the country side, in Szeged. I like to live by Robert Brault’s note: “It pleases me to take amateur photographs of my garden, and it pleases my garden to make my photographs look professional.”

About my photos:
1. Fairy Spring – was awarded amongst the best ten, last year by a nationwide magazine: Csodakert

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Eva Beke

“2. Was taken in our balcony about my favorite fuchsias.

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Eva Beke

“The last two in my Szeged garden:
3. Between evergreens
4. Rock garden – redesigned”

Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Eva Beke

Thanks so much for giving us a glimpse of your garden, Eva! Send more photos of your garden and other Hungarian gardens–we’d love to see more!


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View 12 comments


  1. diecierose 04/17/2012

    Beautiful- love the statue and placement

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/17/2012

    Eva, it is readily apparent that you are an artistic person who creates beauty in any medium. Your 'Fairy Spring' photo is a delightful composition and would be stunning as a framed wall poster.
    Love all the distinct and intricate little groundcovers in the rock garden.

  3. phoebusdesign 04/17/2012

    Dear Saludamary and Meander1,

    Thank you for your kind and rather encouraging words.

  4. tractor1 04/17/2012

    Lovely photo composition of individual plants but I wish there were also wide angle views depicting that it's a garden.

  5. Happily_Gardening 04/17/2012

    Eva, the colors and plant combo of Fairy Spring is warm and inviting, very pleasing to the eye. I love the background petunias, coloring brings lollipops to mind. Adding those happy faced violas really completed your work of art.
    And on another note...Meander1, so glad you are feeling better...mornings would not be the same without you!

  6. phoebusdesign 04/17/2012

    Dear Tractor1,
    Thank you for your advise.I'll try to shoot some pics with wide angle views to see the outcome;the background might take a lot away from my flower display, since what I have at the balcony are only a couple of shelves packed with colorful,individual annuals to add some excitement to the otherwise boring walls. (actually you can see the wooden shelf holding my plants)

    Dear Happily Gardening,
    Thank you very much for your nice comment!

  7. greengrowler 04/17/2012

    Eva, your fucshia is so dramatically sensual! I can almost feel the lush petals... Thanks for sharing from "across the pond".

    Meander1 - so great to have you back! Hope you are recovering well. Just don't get the "itch" and overdo in the garden (spoken from one who does not comprehend the concept of "taking it easy"...)

  8. n2hostas 04/17/2012

    Very beautiful, love the containers. the Fucshia is just breataking. Thanks for sharing.

  9. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/17/2012

    GreenGrowler and Happily Gardening, thanks for the welcome back good wishes. I'm stuck on the sidelines for a while since I wasn't fortunate enough to have the nasty old gallbladder removed laparoscopically. However, on the plus side, I get to be a visitor to my own garden and just stroll about. I am NOT allowed to bend over and weed or move a hose. This is a very novel experience!

  10. pattyspencer 04/17/2012

    Love the pop of color in the first photo! Welcome back meander1 - hope you heal quickly!

  11. mauritian_host 04/19/2012

    hi Eva i just love the first two pictures they are extraordinary... i am crazy about the second one, the first one is a superb blend of colors awesome!!!!

  12. californiagardener 04/20/2012

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures. My grandmother, who passed on her green thumb to me, was born in Hungary and though I have yet to visit, it is fun to share a bit of it here. Thank you

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