Garden Photo of the Day

READER PHOTO: Poor, tortured trees…

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Photo/Illustration: Susan Morrison
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Susan Morrison

Today’s photo is from Susan Morrison in California’s San Francisco Bay area. She says: “This house is in the older part of my neighborhood and unfortunately a lot of the trees are still treated this way, but this particular house is the WORST!! It’s like an homage to bad seventies landscaping, with the pollarded trees, lone juniper bush, and the horrible Italian cypress hedge. Even a water-sucking lawn would be a welcome addition. I drove by a couple of days ago, and three weeks later, they still haven’t cleaned up the branches. Of course the flipside of older neighborhoods is that they are often planted with the classic California combination of rosemary and California poppies. When this  wonderfully low-maintenance combination starts to bloom, it’s a sure sign that spring is here.” Thanks for sending in these great photos, Susan!

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  1. Stoatley 03/24/2010

    I'm sorry, I don't know what is going on here. What is with the bare trees in front?

  2. roseymae 03/24/2010

    Dear Susan,

    You're right, those trees look pathetic. I live in Florida and we have beautiful Crape Myrtle trees that city landscapers run by on skateboards with chain saws "trimming" these trees so they look almost as bad as the poor ones in your photo.

  3. katesmudges 03/24/2010

    This photo is my "morning jolt of green"? Must be the week for reading about the dark side of things.

  4. djk78 03/26/2010

    These poor trees should sue for abuse. This is terrible. They need the TV show Yard Crashers or Desperate Landscape to help them.

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