Garden Photo of the Day

Pull up a chair and dream

Adeline kindly sent a few more dreamy shots of her garden (lower mainland, BC). Do you take cream and sugar in your coffee?

"By late summer, the garden takes off on it's own. I  packed so many plants in, I didn't even have to  weed. So it's sipping coffee and catching up on my reading time  in the garden."

Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! You don't have to be a professional garden photographer – check out our garden photography tips!

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Hey, is anyone going to the Northwest Flower & Garden show? If so, please stop by our booth (in the seminar space) and say hi!

View 32 comments


  1. Sunshine111 02/09/2016

    Luscious, lovely and divine.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/09/2016

    Looks like a very satisfying view that you have from the vantage point of that dark blue (looks blue on my screen) chair. I know you have other seating opportunities but is that one your favorite? It's all very pleasingly colorful and I'll bet if the breeze hits right, some of the fragrance from the oriental lilies envelopes you in its delicious sweetness.

    1. adeline_kong 02/10/2016

      In the eve. when the last bit of sun rays just gently filtered through those evergreens .. that is my fav. spot. Cool breezes and bird songs

  3. greengenes 02/09/2016

    Beautiful place you have created, Adeline! That's wonderful that you can sit and relax! I will take tea, black! Thanks for sharing with us!

    1. adeline_kong 02/10/2016

      Thk you, come and join me lol

  4. annek 02/09/2016

    What a gloriously happy garden! It's so overflowing with luscious combinations, that I could see starting out with coffee in the morning and continuing my admiration with a glass of wine in the evening.

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/09/2016

    So glad you sent in more photos. That's one densely-packed, floriferous display. Love a garden chock full of plants. So great to imagine I'm there instead of the icy-snowy day outside here in Ohio!

  6. Chris_N 02/09/2016

    This is why I visit GPoD every day. Beauty and inspiration. Thanks Adeline!

  7. MNGardenGirl 02/09/2016

    Beautiful! These pictures are getting me through our long Minnesota winter. Thanks for sharing.

  8. NWAgardener 02/09/2016

    Oh, the English country garden look - I love it!

  9. User avater
    gringopeligroso 02/09/2016

    I LOVE how you've integrated container collections into y'all's permanent plantings! Not only does this practice give you more room to add more, but this also adds another layer of delightful detail and creativity to explore either in person or from an armchair! But, either way: With a steaming, creamy mug please!

  10. GrannyMay 02/09/2016

    Thanks for sending more photos, Adeline. Ah, dreams of summer warmth and the riot of colour that it can bring! Now I'm curious about your winter garden.

    1. adeline_kong 02/10/2016

      Unfortunately, I don't have many winter plant features.. rather stark. Working on that one. Am collecting winter garden ideas from everyone.

      1. GrannyMay 02/10/2016

        You have such gorgeous summer borders that it would be a shame to remove some of those plants for more winter interest. Perhaps adding the winter interest in large, though movable, containers would help. Shrubs like Variegated Pieris, Sarcococca, Lemon-scented Cypress, Camellias, and Japanese Maples with yellow or red bark like 'Winter Flame' add colour and scent as do perennials like Helleborus. This photo was from my deck in January.

        1. adeline_kong 07/20/2016

          Great idea!

  11. sheila_schultz 02/09/2016

    Adeline, your gardens are definitely a feast for the senses, so lush and beautiful! What a lovely place to stop and smell the roses!

  12. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 02/09/2016

    Adeline, you certainly have created a beautiful peaceful looking place to sit and have a cup. I could almost smell those lilies. Are you enjoying this spring weather that we've been having the last few days? Sorry all of you in the cold parts of the country. I probably shouldn't have mentioned that:)

    1. adeline_kong 02/10/2016

      Oh yes!! been outdoors checking on those spring bulbs and perennials. So excited.

  13. christianesterges 02/09/2016

    a living poem ......

  14. user-7007942 02/09/2016

    Adeline, just a quick question....what is the plant along the path from your seating area to the lawn that looks like it is pruned similar to a boxwood hedge. It is only a short section, but very effective.

    1. adeline_kong 02/10/2016

      Connie, it's Euonymus, it's been around for many years, it was trimmed
      to form the sm. hedge as you see it.

      1. user-7007942 02/10/2016

        Thanks, Adeline. I've not seen a Euonymus used in that application. I live down outside of Seattle, so our areas are quite similar. Love what you've done with your yard.

  15. Meelianthus 02/09/2016

    Really lovely Adeline, I love the curved flower garden bordering the grass. And love the "packed" in look and it really does squeeze out the weeds! You have such a beautiful, vibrant choice of flowers and thanks for sharing more photos.

  16. schatzi 02/10/2016

    That's my kind of garden - flowers everywhere you look! Gorgeous. So much color and texture setting off that lovely lawn. Do you have a favorite flower? Or are you like me, never met a flower you didn't like!

    1. adeline_kong 02/10/2016

      Shirley, that's me too..every plant and flower is a possibility in my garden

  17. cynthiamccain 02/10/2016

    Oh, my, Adeline, I would so love to be sitting on the bench with the daisies. Your garden is beautiful!

  18. NevadaSue 02/10/2016

    What a feast for the eyes, can't stop looking at your photos. Your garden is so lush and inviting. Thank you so much for sharing more photos .

  19. eddireid 02/10/2016

    A dream of a garden. Thank you, you have brightened my snowy, cold day.

  20. adeline_kong 02/10/2016

    Thks everyone, enjoyed reading your comments. I love GPOD too. Learned tons. The gardens brightens up my day! Thks Fine Gardening!

  21. Cenepk10 02/15/2016

    So beautiful !!!

  22. krissgandier 02/20/2016

    Looks like a garden I would just love to be there to walk around and explore all its secret beauty and see every single plant that makes up that beautiful picture. You must get much pleasure from your lovely garden. Thanks for sharing.

  23. foxglove12 02/21/2016

    Lovely and very inspirational.

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