Garden Photo of the Day

Progression of Fall in Photos

August – Finally acquired a water feature

Enjoy Erla Richard's story of how her Independence, Oregon garden evolved over the fall! 

"These pictures do not have the brilliant beauty and wonderful photography of the recent showings on GPOD.  I look forward to this feature in my email every day. But I thought the pictures showing the progression of Fall here in the Pacific Northwest might be interesting."

Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

Whether you've never shared before or you've been featured multiple times, we want to see your garden! You don't have to be a professional garden photographer – check out our garden photography tips!

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August – Still more to do landscaping 

August – Setting sun lights Annabelle

September – Vivid grass and Heuchera in front of Choisya Sundance

September – Leaves beginning to color on Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea and Sango-Kaku Japanese Maple and Vine Maple  

September – Cape Fuchsia and Heather

October – Sunset through “Diane” Witch Hazel

October – Japanese Maple showing off its colors after a rain

November –  Cape Fuchsia still lovely after blooms are gone

November – Close up of Cape Fuchsia

November – On Golden Pond

November – Through almost bare branches of Jaquemontii Birch the clouds to the east pick up the colors of the sunset and the rising moon.

View 17 comments


  1. user-3565112 02/17/2016

    Your Golden Pond photo is beautiful & could easily be mistaken for a Bob Ross painting. I am envious of your October Japanese maple. I see so many beautiful Japanese maples on this site & wish I could have some in my garden. Is the choisya sundance a deciduous shrub? Good work & good luck to you, Joe

  2. user-4691082 02/17/2016

    Dear Erla,
    Thank you for sending your photos. I love seeing other peoples yards. I also love the GPOD of the day. I am not familiar with some of your plants, I'm sure, because they are not hardy in my zone. That doesn't stop me from enjoying yours!

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 02/17/2016

    I really enjoyed your pictures, Erla. You have a lovely property that you have definitely made better by your gardening and plant choices. I was not familiar with some of your named selections like the Choisya Sundance and the particular variety of birch. It's always fun to be sent off on some google searches and expand my knowledge. Was that tall and broad Jacquemontii birch already in place or did you plant it? Whew, if you planted it, it has to be amazingly satisfying to have it reach such impressive maturity.
    Your water feature is a delight and, I'm sure, real birds love to join the stone ones in splashing about.

  4. Quiltingmamma 02/17/2016

    Oh to live again where Fall lasts until November. Lovely garden and the sunlit shots are very pretty. I also like...well, there isn't a photo I don't like.

  5. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 02/17/2016

    Brilliant photography or not, you've got a lovely garden with really healthy and beautiful plants. I love your use of the rocks and stones and am so very envious of your water feature. I love your cape fuchsia. I have one that was sold to me as quite hardy, but am dubious. I'm hoping it comes back from the roots in spring with the mild winter I've had. Thanks for sending in photos!

  6. wGardens 02/17/2016

    I join others in admiring your garden and your many features, Love that water feature in particular!!! And the pond photo- oh, so beautiful. Nice plant choices and look forward to having you send in more photos as the new seasons arrive! Thanks for sharing!

  7. cheryl_c 02/17/2016

    Good morning, Erla. What a beautiful start to the day, to be greeted by these photos. I also am envious of your water feature- the height is perfect, and the small bubbling fountain suits its size. It is hard to choose a favorite picture - each shows wonderful combinations that will grow ever more beautiful as they mature, but the third picture, with the mauve heuchera on the left echoing the pannicum (?) on the right, and then repeats in the background, and the varying textures - what an unusual and attractive combination. Thanks so much for sharing.

  8. sheila_schultz 02/17/2016

    You are so fortunate to be able to enjoy a long fall, Erla... to have the glorious colors surrounding your home for more than just a few days is such a seasonal gift! October viewed through your witch hazel and November enveloping the Golden Pond made me swoon. Thanks!

  9. greengenes 02/17/2016

    These are beautiful photos Erla! Dont under estimate what you are doing and have. You are doing well and have a wonderful choice of plants! I have enjoyed seeing every one! Thanks so much for sharing!

  10. Meelianthus 02/17/2016

    Erla ~ I love all of the charming and well thought out areas throughout your gardens. It looks most inviting for a 'stroll' throughout the seasons. The patio photo is particularly inviting with your well arranged plantings. Is the pond in your yard? It looks like a painting, really beautiful !

  11. user-7007940 02/17/2016

    The Pacific Northwest is beautiful. I live in the Seattle area

  12. GrannyMay 02/17/2016

    Well done, Erla! One of the nicest things about GPOD is the sharing of gardens and the gardeners' passions. Thanks so much for sharing yours!

  13. VikkiVA 02/17/2016

    Enjoyed the lovely pictures of your garden. One almost needs sunglasses to look at "On Golden Pond." :) Vikki in VA.

  14. erla 02/18/2016

    Thank you all for the wonderful compliments. They are the best part of having my pictures chosen. As I read GPOD each day, it is so nice that so many of you take the time to respond. To answer some questions: We planted the Jacquemontii. It has gone through two freezing rain storms over the years and lost many branches. Through help from Grandsons, we try to keep it shaped. The pond is not in our yard but across the field. It is visible from my kitchen window and our deck. I can't help taking pictures of it with sunset clouds, rainbows, covered in frost, etc. The Choisya Sundance or Mexican Orange is zoned for 7 to 10. It is evergreen, or should I say everyellow and it has the most heavenly fragrant blossoms. Thought I'd mention the Sango-Kaku Japanese maple is the one on the patio with the Annabelle Hydrangea, not in the back yard.

  15. digginWA 02/18/2016

    That choisya is super with the fern underneath. Thanks for sharing!

  16. perenniallycrazy 02/18/2016

    Subtle and beautiful!

  17. cynthiamccain 02/24/2016

    I'm so envious of your beautiful Mexican orange, Erla! I had one in our Oregon garden, but I'm afraid it's too cold here. I'll bet the fragrance from such a large specimen is heavenly. Thanks for the photos!

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