The Dirt

Pick the next cover of Fine Gardening

We have ruled this option out for our next cover. But what should we use?
We have ruled this option out for our next cover. But what should we use?

It’s not easy picking a cover for Fine Gardening, nor is it fun (OK it is). But trying to guess what will sell and what won’t is almost impossible. Sure, you can weed out the long shots, but when we get down to just a few options, that’s when it gets hard.

So we are letting you decide. Follow this link to cast your vote on what you think our next cover should be.

This survey is now closed.

As always, we appreciate your input.

View 3 comments


  1. ACG 04/15/2010

    Is there any way to see what the current tally is?

  2. geron1mo 04/18/2010

    Why is the survey "currently closed"?

  3. Ruth 04/19/2010

    The issue is going to press shortly, so we ended the survey.

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