Garden Photo of the Day

Monday Morning Mashup!

--From Deborah Baker in Cambridge, Ontario--"I am so passionate about gardening. It's so rewarding to see your effort and creativity come to life. This garden is close to 8 years old and each year I find another unique plant to add to it ~ it just keeps growing! I am a mother of two grown boys and a 7-year-old granddaughter who loves to help in the garden as well. I am a yoga instructor and love to host small classes in my backyard as the gardens add such a beautiful tranquil backdrop to my yoga practice." Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Deborah Baker

I’ve spoiled you guys. When the GPOD started a few years ago it was one photo per day, maybe two or three if the urge struck me. But now just one won’t do anymore! Now none of us is really satisfied unless we get to tour a whole garden, and sometimes even the limit of 12 photos per post feels constrictive!

–From Claudia Hosky– “I can’t wait to send photos of my mother’s garden and her amazing irises when they bloom this year (This is a pic from last year)! She has the most beautiful house in Washington DC!” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Claudia Hosky

I tease. I love it as much as everyone else, getting to take a long, leisurely photographic stroll through a garden, but I get lots of emails with only one or two photos, and it just occurred to me that I should compile them all into an occasional potpourri of pics! So that’s what we’re doing today. Enjoy (more info in the captions), and let me know if I should do more of these. Also, if you see your garden posted today….SEND MORE PHOTOS!!

–From Sally Koering Zimney– “This is a photo from last summer. This butterfly came to visit our Cabin Garden, and spent several minutes with us. This is one of my favorites, when my three-year old was fascinated by its presence, and this sweet butterfly let her get so close.” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Sally Koering Zimney

**** Share your garden story…. Email me with photos and words at [email protected]. ****

–From Kathy Fink in Massachusetts– “Many understand the sensual and creative joys involved in designing and maintaining a personal garden that reflects them and meets their needs. For me the benefits go considerably deeper than that. I have been in remission from diabetes for years having overcome compulsive overeating. To design a Japanese garden is to actively seek and to connect to the energy of idealized nature (in my case, a dappled mossy woodland glade as I experienced on camping trips in New Hampshire). My tea garden near Boston became a safe place to bring younger parts of myself where they could heal their emotional wounds. In my imagination, one took a “hurt” and buried it in the moss to form fertilizer. Several healed young versions of myself jumped on the stepping stones and splashed “joy” water on each other from the basin. Whenever I am having a bad day, the garden is there for me, in reality or in my imagination. To tend it is to tend my soul.” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Kathy Fink
–From Julie Speasl in North Bend, Oregon– “Here is a photo of my backyard raised beds….I can’t wait to get out there and start again for the season!” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Julie Speasl
–From Wednesday Wilkey– “Small frog resting in a hibiscus bloom.” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Wednesday Wilkey
–From Annie Boyce in Aiken, South Carolina– “When we bought this house in 2009, we inherited 2 acres of an older, established yard. We hired a landscape architect and made some changes that created a beautiful scene. But one of my favorites is one of our hydrangea bushes (the sweet tea of the south). It bloomed a beautiful blue with varying shades of blue the first years we were here. It is a massive bush and gets nothing special from us except deadheading in season. This past year it bloomed three colors in one bush.” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Annie Boyce
–From Paula Hamill in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada– “This picture is a view from an upstairs’ window overlooking part of our backyard.” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Paula Hamill
–From Brad Harlow in Louisville, Kentucky– “Early summer photo. We moved into this 1950 house in 2009 and the yard was a blank slate. This is a view from the rear patio into the backyard.” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Brad Harlow
–From James Ricciuti– “I just retired and started gardening and I love Fine Gardening. I get a lot of ideas from the other gardeners on this site, and I just hope I can do as well as them.” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of James Ricciuti
–From Amanda Kiel in St. James, North Carolina– “I have had this 30″ Euro Hayrack for over 15 years. I purchased them from Kinsman and they have lasted wonderfully. I replace the coco liners each year, plant, and they are ready to go! Last year I filled them with ‘Skyfire’ coleus, ‘Graffiti Red’ pentas, Zinnia ‘Profusion Yellow’, Superbena Burgundy verbena, Creeping Jenny. The planters are equipped with irrigation, which makes care much easier during our sunny Carolina days.” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Amanda Kiel
–From Carolyn Webb in Corvallis, Oregon– “Here is a summer picture on my deck. Red was my favorite color last year with lots of geraniums, cannas, fuchsias, and roses. I bring my taro and the geraniums in every winter. I like to also use garden art with the flowers.” Photo/Illustration: courtesy of Carolyn Webb

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View 24 comments


  1. perenniallycrazy 04/21/2014

    Love the potpourri of gardens and stories featured as much as the idea of doing so. Simply brilliant!

  2. Sunrosa 04/21/2014

    Oh I so enjoyed this mashup. It's nice to see gardens from different climate zones.

  3. flowerladydi 04/21/2014

    Loved the Idea Michelle!

    I agree with what has been said!,Nice to see things from all over and read their stories! Sometimes we all just get a really fantastic photo,, and may feel that we do not have enough to send in,, but can feel free to do so now , knowing that even one or two is appreciated as well!

    Great Idea!!!

  4. deeinde 04/21/2014

    A great way to show those odds and ends photos! I enjoyed it!

  5. Annedean 04/21/2014

    A delightful collection!

  6. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/21/2014

    I thoroughly enjoyed your mash-up idea, Michelle. Each picture and accompanying story made me want to see more...kind of like a good movie trailer.
    I was particularly struck by the very expressive narrative Kathy Fink shared about her tea garden. Mother Earth has an unlimited capacity to absorb whatever pain and worries we pour into her through our gardening efforts and she gives us beauty and serenity in return. I'm so happy for you, Kathy, that you have overcome your damaging over eating compulsion and have found your healthy and more joyful self through gardening.

  7. wGardens 04/21/2014

    A wonderful idea, Michelle! And YES! It does call for more photos. Some lovely gardens represented here.

  8. wittyone 04/21/2014

    What a good idea and what a varied assortment it makes. I love the stories and comments that come with these pics.

    I've got a great closeup of a new flower that bloomed just this past fall that I will send if I get time out from all the weeding and mulching going on around here lately.

  9. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 04/21/2014

    Great idea, Michelle. Thanks for everything you do. Great photos, everyone. Definitely NOT odds and ends! :)

  10. bee1nine 04/21/2014

    Yes, great idea Michelle! ...And thank you to the folks who
    made these fine photos possible today!!

  11. NC_Yarden 04/21/2014

    Fantastic! Can never have too many gardens. And though we garden ultimately for ourselves, gardens are meant to be shared. Thanx for making garden sharing even more accessible.

  12. greengenes 04/21/2014

    Well Michelle, you have spoiled us further! And we love it! Thanks for mixing it up today! Its so great to see others who are gardening. I know from experience that seeing "our" gardens on the Fine Gardening Blog is encouraging and seems to give us more confidence that we can garden. It also brings ideas and encourages others. Thanks for what you do!
    All these little temptations today makes us cry out for more.To all these gardeners today keep up the fun and excitement of your gardens. Each one is so unique and there is a lot we can learn from them... Oh happy days!

  13. tractor1 04/21/2014

    A good way to feature those individual photos, Michelle... and the words from the gardeners express breadth and depth... please do this more often.

  14. cwheat000 04/21/2014

    This is such a fun concept! Michelle, you are spoiling us, even more. We get to sample 12 different gardens! Annie of SC,the simplicity of the huge and healthy hydrangea, against the beautiful tree lined backdrop, is divine.Claudia of DC, tell your mom she has done well! Deborah of Ont., love the loads of color. Paula of New Brunswick, your garden is so nicely laid out, it looks like a landscape designer's drawing from that angle. Sally, I really love this shot. It captures the magic of gardening. Note to self, sow zinnia seeds. Brad, wow you have accomplished a lot! Hard to believe that was a blank slate. Kathy of MA, I can see why you find that a special spot. James, I can see the wonderful addiction has begun. Julie, I love the raised beds. Is that a humongous rhubarb? Awesome! Amanda of NC, you definitely need to enter the Fine Gardening container contest. Wednesday, you're not missing the details; such a cute shot.Carolyn, what a great free floating deck. It looks like it is a great canvas for your yearly creations. Everybody, I would to see more.

  15. GrannyMay 04/21/2014

    Michelle I agree this is a lovely way to get a sample taste of gardens and gardener's passions! While I always appreciate lots of photos, I think that seeing even one photo may be enough to get a sense of what has moved that particular gardener. The accompanying stories are as varied and interesting as the gardens themselves. Cathy Fink says it most eloquently "To tend it is to tend my soul." Thanks to all of you for sharing!

  16. sheila_schultz 04/21/2014

    An inspired idea Michelle... it's like picking up a volume of short stories instead of a full blown novel! So many different styles, passions and reasons to get dirty... love it! A big 'thank you' to each and every one of you for sharing a piece of your heart.

  17. noniecat 04/21/2014

    Thank you so very much for today's lovely photos. I'm stuck in with a nasty flu, ...and the wee frog in the hibiscus has warmed my heart! Bravo!

  18. GrannyCC 04/21/2014

    Thank you Michelle. What a wonderful idea. Each snapshot says so much about gardeners. It makes you what to know more. Keep sending pictures to delight us. Congratulations to all on there wonderful work.

  19. Meelianthus 04/21/2014

    Goodmorning Michelle ~ What fun! As much as I enjoy touring an entire garden, your new approach is refreshing and entertaining. Each individual story is inspiring to read and gives you just a tease of the gardeners creations. It is difficult to not want MORE of each of the posted gardens. But the 'mashup' is fun and thanks for the views and thank you gardeners.

  20. tractor1 04/21/2014

    Claudia, I just noticed that Big Puss guarding the castle. And I wish I could see more of that property, send more photos, please!

    Grand idea, Michelle, thank you.

  21. patward 04/22/2014

    Your site brings a smile to my face every morning! Thanks to everyone for the beautiful gardens!

  22. ancientgardener 04/23/2014

    This was fun for a change. Just enough from each one to whet the appetite and each with good commentary. My favorite was Paula's view from the upstairs window -- also the hydrangeas. I always find when the submissions carry a personal commentary the pictures are much more interesting.

  23. delancey 04/23/2014

    Where to start; love the Monday Morning Mashup. 
    I long for such lush iris, hydrangea, phlox, trees, annuals in my garden. Cannot wait for the butterflies to return, and, when I saw a tiny frog last summer I felt I must've been gardening in the right direction. Pleased to see Paula's Fredericton garden, as I live in Saint John (an hour away), and it gives me hope that soon the rhubarb and day lilies won't be the most noticeable shoots. Maybe I'll plant a bottle tree to tide me over until spring really arrives!

  24. delancey 04/23/2014

    Oh! Forgot to say: I now have an idea of how to make the mossy patch look like it's part of the garden.

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