Garden Photo of the Day

The Many Colors of Spring

Tulips, pansies, and other spring favorites

My name is Carolyn E. Massey, and I reside in a neighborhood called Green Hill Farms on the western edge of Philadelphia. I love, love, love plants, trees, and flowers, and an enthralled spring is finally here and showing her beauty in many colors.

The sight of these color-rich tulips always takes my breath away. I am surprised each spring when they re-emerge.

More spring beauty: a pansy is delicately marked with lavender lines across its white face.

Another pansy in soft yellow.

And, for stark contrast, a nearly black pansy. Pansies have to have one of the widest varieties of color of any plant in the garden.

And another iconic color of spring: this azalea is loaded down with brilliant flowers so numerous they cover the entire plant.


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View 10 comments


  1. User avater
    treasuresmom 05/06/2019

    Thank you for sharing your pics of spring. Here in the deep south we are racing toward summer with high temps in the near 90 degree mark.

    1. User avater
      simplesue 05/06/2019

      Treasuresmom-Curious if the Southern Magnolias have opened their flower buds in the south yet?

      1. btucker9675 05/06/2019

        Hi Simple Sue - I'm in NC, south of Charlotte and have started to see buds and flowers on the magnolias. Our spring flowering is over and the heat will be here sooner than I'd like.

      2. User avater
        treasuresmom 05/07/2019

        Mine haven't yet but going down the interstate into Louisiana we saw many of them in bloom a week ago.

  2. cheryl_c 05/06/2019

    Good morning, Carolyn. Your photos of these beautiful flowers are so breathtaking - so close up, and such rich color and texture! Thank you for sending these in. I hope you will send more as the seasons unfold. We are past even the late tulips now, past most of the fruit tree bloom, have bearded iris, allium and columbine blooming now, with the foxtail lilies making a grand statement even in full bud. It is a spectacular spring here in SW MO.

  3. User avater
    simplesue 05/06/2019

    It's nice seeing the flowers through your eyes- up close and detailed. I think so often we see flowers in large groups of color from afar, and forget how beautifully detailed they are when viewed up close. You'v shared a nice perspective.

  4. paiya 05/06/2019

    Carolyn, your photos are beautiful! I live nearby to you, and at this time of the year, feel that Philadelphia is paradise with all the flowering trees (magnolia, cherry, dogwood, redbud, ..) and flowers and shrubs, like the azaleas that you showed and pieris, viburnum.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/06/2019

    The Philadelphia area has such beautiful spring colors and your photos show that off. Nothing like a bloom packed azalea to take one's breath away...the one you shared is a beauty.

  6. User avater
    devinkoblas 05/07/2019


  7. User avater
    KevinHuggins 07/16/2019

    Very Nice!

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