Garden Photo of the Day

Jo’s garden in Vermont

Path between island beds leading to shade garden 2 WAYS TO ENLARGE! Click directly on the photo to enlarge in a pop-up, or click HERE to see this image, larger, in a new browser window.
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha

Today’s photos are from Jo Busha in Vermont. Jo says, “These are photos of various parts of my garden in June and in the fall. I have lived in this house on 10 acres in central Vermont for 37 years and have had a vegetable garden all that time. I got serious about the flower gardens about 15 years ago.

The central path with island beds on each side and the water feature in the background
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha

“The main area of the flower beds was a sheep pasture for a few years and then a football/soccer field for my kids. I have been filling it up slowly with shrubs and flowers. Like most self-taught gardeners I have learned along the way and have revised and reconstructed several beds over the years.”

A misty October morning
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha

I love gardens that evolve as needs change. Yours is going in a great direction, Jo. It looks great! I especially love that long edging of lady’s mantle in the second photo. Dreamy! Thanks so much for sharing.

Early spring dwarf iris, forget-me-nots, variegated brunnera, and golden creeping Jenny
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha
In the herb garden
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha
In the shady corner
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha
Rugosa rose bed underplantings
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha
The tropicalismo bed
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha
Water feature
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Jo Busha

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 11/29/2012

    I'm always a sucker for winding green pathways flanked by colorful and interesting plant choices...Jo, yours do not disappoint! I like the pops of burgundy along the way.
    You have a lovely property and it wears its fall mist well!

  2. tractor1 11/29/2012

    Ten acres with so many manicured areas is certainly a full time job, just all that edging can keep someone busy all day every day... like painting a bridge... you no sooner come to the end it's time to begin all over again, and weeds grow a whole lot faster than paint peels. It looks like a great property and well tended to, my only question, Jo, is how do you keep the deer from eating all those plants, and I know many I see are their favorites. I tried planting out my borders but it became much too time consuming trying to weed so many thousands of feet, and the deer decimated everything.

  3. greatdanes 11/29/2012

    Thank you for sharing your garden pictures. I love lady's mantle and now I know how border plantings would look. Nice!

  4. cwheat000 11/29/2012

    We went from 1/8 acre yesterday to a 10 acre garden today. I too congratulate you on maintaining such a big space. The garden " rule" you need to plant in threes, needs to be revised to you need to plant in thirties. That's why your lady's mantle looks so awesome. Big swaths of plants are hard to beat. I would take on more acreage if the opportunity presents itself, despite the extra work. I love Vermont and all of New England. The raw beauty of the land and the privacy are wonderful. Enjoy your slice of heaven.

  5. LemonIce 11/30/2012

    Thanks for the nice comments. I did't mean to mislead: the garden area is only a couple of acres. There is a large pond and woodland covering a large part of the property. Someday I hope to tame that somewhat with a "nature walk." I have been lucky about the deer - only some damage now and then. I think the combination of lots of rural landscape around us and a rambunctious black lab mean that the deer move across the property pretty quickly.

  6. cwheat000 11/30/2012

    You didn't mislead. I wouldn't expect all of the 10 acres to be landscaped. You still are working a large space there .well done.

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