Garden Photo of the Day

Halloween in Harrisburg

By: Kim Charles

Kevin Kelly from Tennessee gets us into the Halloween spirit with a mix of ghouls, goblins, and gardens. Enjoy!

"Good morning, fellow GPODers. I have sent in some Halloween photos of the garden just for fun. I hope they put a smile on your face."

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View 58 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 10/31/2017

    G'day Kev (in Pennsylvania) - My word you have got into the spirit of Halloween and gone to a lot of trouble! Love the skeleton up the tree. Well done mate. Cheers from Oz

    PS. FYI today (31 Oct) is a special day in our history. I attended the Shrine of Remembrance in Melbourne to commemorate the centenary of the Australian Light Horse Brigade's successful charge of fortifications around Beersheba. A very bold strategy, brave light horsemen, wonderful horsemanship and amazing horses. 'Lest we forget'

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Frank. G'day to you. Thanks for the picture and history lesson from a battle in WWI.

  2. bsavage 10/31/2017

    Love your Halloween décor, and your yard and gardens are gorgeous!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Brenda. We love decorating for Halloween and Christmas. It gives me something to do as the garden is winding down. Although this year, I still have coleus and colocasia standing proudly (no frost).

  3. jeffgoodearth 10/31/2017

    fun fun fun! and when did you move? :)

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Strange things can happen on Halloween :)
      Love your new avatar.

      1. jeffgoodearth 10/31/2017

        I was hoping we were now neighbors

  4. user-7007498 10/31/2017


    It looks like the spirits of Halloween have relocated Harrisburg, PA to Tennessee. Pretty spooky. It's going to be a long drive to work today :)

    My area celebrates Halloween on the last Thursday of the month, so we had fun seeing all the kids in costumes last week.

    I retook this photo as Kathy and I found the crow at an Apple Festival a few weeks ago.

    1. user-6536305 11/02/2017

      Bonus photos are too small and could see the details. Would love to see more details of photos. Thanks for sharing!

  5. NCYarden 10/31/2017

    Very festive, Kevin. Halloween is my favorite holiday. Oh no....I sure hope that's not Death descending on your Acer aconitifolium..hahaha.

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Don’t spook me about my tree, David. It’s my favorite Japanese maple.

      Last year, I thought it would protect my goldfish, that are in a small pond underneath. When I put up my Halloween decorations, I put away my “cheesey owl”. A heron came in the next day and ate the fish.

      This year, new fish, and the owl remains.

  6. user-7007498 10/31/2017

    Thanks, Diane. We love that witch, too. We got it at a craft fair around 15 years ago. We have had to replace the hair twice, but it has held up well.

  7. user-4691082 10/31/2017

    For those of you who haven’t seen Kevin’s gardens, they are amazing! What you don’t realize, is that he and Kathy live in the tiny house out back. The larger dwelling is really a potting shed...?. Kevin, did you carve all of those pumpkins? It’s all great fun. Thanks for sharing!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Rhonda for all the praise. You are making my "pumpkin" head swell.
      I have thought about taking over the house for my tools and plants, but I think I would be in deep trouble.
      It was quite a challenge carving all those "plastic" pumpkins :)
      I do have a few real ones mixed in, but they are not carved.
      Such wonderful weather. Hope you are enjoying fall. We got 3 inches of rain Sunday night, steady through the evening/night, so the gardens are well hydrated.

  8. User avater
    treasuresmom 10/31/2017

    Just love pic 1. How on earth do you have time for all of this? Everything always looks gorgeous.

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks. Sometimes I wonder about the time it takes. But, after working 50+ hours a week in my real job, I find the time in the garden is my salvation (and never work).

  9. User avater
    meander_michaele 10/31/2017

    Well, Kevin, does grinning from ear to ear count as putting a smile on my face? There pictures are a hoot and a them all. And, of course, I had to let my eyes linger a bit on the beautiful garden vignettes that were sharing the photo frame with the fabulously fun Halloween decorations. Mr. Scarecrow is certainly staked in a piece of prime real estate surrounded by that gorgeous clump of sedum, the chartreusy coleus, and, do I even spot a couple shooting spires from an eucomis? You and your wife are definitely neighborhood treasures with your flair for outdoor holiday decorating.

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Michaele. Glad you are grinning ear to ear (like my corn with the scarecrow). Usually the coleus is toast by this point, but still growing strong. No eucomis. I looked at the picture again to see what you we looking at. Behind the scarecrow, are 2 different coleus and a dahlia. One of the coleus has flower spikes that I hadn't cut off. Maybe that?

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 10/31/2017

        Hmm, the mystery spires are in front of the scarecrow and, after staring, squinting and staring some more, I think maybe they are cobs of Indian corn (different color kernels) on I close? Funny how a person can jump to a conclusion and then that's what they the eucomis.

        1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

          Yes they are, Michaele. They are attached to green metal rebar meant to look like corn stalks. Mystery solved.

  10. Sunshine111 10/31/2017

    Hi Kevin

    I’m glad you get so much enjoyment out of your garden. It sounds like a great diversion from the stresses of the medical profession.I loved seeing all of your decorations and your enthusiasm for displaying them. I look forward to seeing what you do for Christmas this year.

    By the way I haven’t had a frost yet here in New Hampshire either. Not in my neighborhood anyway.

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Lily.
      It has sure been a nice, warm autumn. I have been procrastinating bringing my tender plant containers in. Just enjoying the weather.
      I have about 500 bulbs to plant, but I wanted to wait until the frost knocked down some of the plants. Hopefully soon.

  11. User avater
    DawnMT 10/31/2017

    Good morning Kevin. You have a beautiful home and garden. Do you get a lot of trick-or-treaters? I'm sure your house is the highlight of their night. I look forward to seeing more photos of your garden in the different seasons. Thank you for the fun photos!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Dawn. The numbers have decreased over the years, but we still get about 100 kids stop by. I remember when it used to be triple that (about 10 years ago)

  12. anabowers 10/31/2017

    Kevin, so nice you put the time and effort into Halloween for the benefit of the kids in your neighborhood. You guys did an incredible job. Just the kind of decorations I liked as a kid. Your house would be my favorite. Upbeat and not too scary. I thank you for all the kids in your neighborhood! Great job!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Ana. We have a lot of fun.

  13. cheryl_c 10/31/2017

    Cute fun stuff! I was particularly taken by the little 'trick-or-treater' to the left of your front door in a couple of the shots! I know the kids in your neighborhood can't wait to see what great treats are at such an exciting house!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Cheryl. We had to make a new "sheet" for him this year.
      We get a lot of kids and families stop by for the "treats".

  14. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 10/31/2017

    That's got to be a lot of work, relocating to Tennessee for Halloween and doing all of that decorating. Hope everything makes it safe back to PA.

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Wasn't much work with the right magic. Hopefully everything will be back in place by the morning.

  15. kate_coombs 10/31/2017

    I love the witch. She is really great!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Kate. We have had her for 15 years. Part of the family now.

  16. JoannaAtGinghamGardens 10/31/2017

    Kevin, I always enjoy it when you share. Love your Halloween decor!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Joanna. Decorating for the holidays re-energizes me after the summer gardening.

  17. Chris_N 10/31/2017

    All very fun. Kids must love your house. We had a frost in Madison on Saturday night and again last night so all our coleus are truly dead and gone. It wasn't too hard a freeze as we still have some petunias and some other annuals going.

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      We get a lot of kids, and families stop by to enjoy (and we give out a lot of treats). Much fun.
      Colder weather is coming here. I have to move my tender plants in containers in soon. I am still procrastinating.

  18. edithdouglas 10/31/2017

    Those decorations are really, really good, and thanks for sharing them. They fit perfectly in your garden, and were a joy to see this a.m., when, frankly, I was tired of waiting for Halloween to be gone! :-)

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Glad to put a smile on your face this morning. Thanks for the kind words, Edith.

  19. user-7008735 10/31/2017

    Well, that was fun, Kevin! Safe travels on your way back to Pennsylvania; maybe you will be magically transported back, house and all. Happy Hallowe'en, everyone!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Lorraine. I will see what magic will happen by the morning. :)

      1. user-7008735 10/31/2017

        Be sure to let us all know what happens, Kevin.

  20. user-6896190 10/31/2017

    Love them all

  21. sheila_schultz 10/31/2017

    I see you and Kathy have gotten into the Spirit of things this Halloween, Kevin! Your decorations are great fun and have to delight your neighbors young and old! You must love the way the little kid's eyes light up when they see your house and gardens decorated!
    I got an email from a former neighbor the other day who told me she really missed the invasion of giant spiders and their webs that mysteriously appeared on our house and containers every October. Happy Halloween everyone!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Sheila. The kids in the neighborhood seem to enjoy the decorations, and I love when cars stop in front of the house to enjoy them as well.

  22. deborah_gleason 10/31/2017

    Brilliant! So festive! Love that little skeleton on the path your front porch and everything else. Thanks for sharing! Happy Halloween everyone!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thank, Deborah. We have a lot of fun decorating the garden for Halloween and Christmas.

  23. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 10/31/2017

    Good morning, Kevin from Tennessee:) You must be the hit of the neighborhood with the kids. My funny little grandchildren are afraid to stop at houses like yours but I’m sure that will change as they get older. Your gardens still look great, too. Happy Halloween GPOD.

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      The kids love stopping by. We had a lot of fun.

  24. user-5117752 10/31/2017

    I, too, am grinning from ear to ear!!! Thank you, Kevin, for making my day!!! Just a delightful way of decorating!!! Each picture has a way about it that makes me go back and look again!!! I particularly like the little ghost near the front door. Did you or your wife make that? (BTW, I'm in Western NC and my coleus bit the dust 2 nights ago. It was a much longer season this time round so I can't complain!)

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Judy. We bought the kid ghost many years ago at a local craft show. We finally had to replace the sheet this year. It has been warmer this fall. I am ready for a frost.

  25. Meelianthus 10/31/2017

    A smile indeed! Always enjoy your postings Kevin - did you really move to Tennessee? Wonderful decorations, I can see it really brings out the 'kid' in you. ;) Great gardens too!!

    1. user-7007498 10/31/2017

      Thanks, Linda. It’s fun to do something in the garden not plant related. No, Harrisburg, and I, remain in PA. But we had fun with that little goof up today.

  26. mjensen 10/31/2017


  27. deeinde 11/01/2017

    Better late than never! Love your decorations! Hope you got lots of trick-or-treaters. There were a few years where they seemed to slow up but they were out in full force last night...we had at least 50!

  28. tennisluv 11/01/2017

    Kevin I love your Halloween decorations scattered throughout your flower beds. You and your wife obviously get into the 'spooky' spirit. Do you have many kids trick or treat in your neighborhood? My neighborhood goes all out with a 'Halloween' yard of the month competition although I haven't gotten into that - too busy just trying to install a new landscape. Last night the kids were like bees and butterflies hovering around flowers, in this case, candy containers. Most folks set up tables at the end of their driveway and it is one big 4.5 mile long party. I'm going to try to attach a picture of my tub of candy at the start of the evening. Not much to photo at the end of the night.

  29. Maggieat11 11/01/2017

    What fun, Kevin! Your home must be the absolute favorite of the neighborhood!!!

  30. user-6536305 11/02/2017

    Love your Halloween decorations and garden Kevin! Thanks for sharing!

  31. user-7007140 11/02/2017

    Late post, Kevin but just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your Halloween garden - the little ghosties are charming and the pumpkins all look benevolent. If i was a parent trolling your neighborhood there would be no hesitation in allowing a child to knock at your door. Charming and fun.

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