Trying something new today! Thanks to Anne Wellman from Newark, Delaware for sharing a video of her 2015 garden, as well as her plans for this year.
"Here is a video of our 2015 garden with a newly enlarged wildflower garden to attract pollinators and especially to feed monarch butterfly larvae, all of which are sadly dwindling in the world. Let’s do our part to feed those pollinators! The video will also help me remember our current garden because much of the back yard- arbors, walkways, flowering plum tree, roses- must be plowed up in March to install a new septic drainage field. (I’m groaning!)
But, as they say, every act of destruction is an opportunity to improve. Thankfully, Fine Gardening members have provided mountain-heaps of fresh ideas for this renovation so I’m reviewing all your entries. My current plan: less mono-culture lawn; more flowers (if I can convince my husband to give up his beloved grass.)
My other garden challenges: the side and back yard are fenced due to deer, but groundhogs still get in and have their way with the tomatoes. The vegetable garden always declines into a helter-skelter mess as the heat of summer progresses so I’m trying to figure a way around that. To decrease weeding and watering work, the quantities of some edibles were decreased: fewer squash, fewer raspberries. But “Experimentals” still creep in somehow. Then they become “New Favorites” and need a permanent space…you know how that goes.
I hope my video warms you up on a cold bleak day!"
Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!
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emerging from a severe flue , I particularly needed this pepup from a gifted , kindred soul !!
To [email protected]
Thank you for this beautiful tribute to God! I loved this format, The excellent filming, music and the Bountiful, diversified gardens, and creatures. You and your family are Blessed with gifts and reflect this in sharing with others. A new Chapter awaits you, please share this progress again...Best Wishes!
I'm glad you emerged!
Don't overdo, just plan your 2016 garden.
Wow that was amazing. Loved it!
What a lovely garden and sorry to know you will be be losing a chunk of it....though that means more opportunities.
My back lawn was hit by drought (and lack of maintenance) and I replaced it with white clover. It still needs a few mows a year, but gives a lawn appearance with little maintenance. I don't fertilize it and it only gets water in worst heat while watering the gardens. I am not sure, however, it will take your Deleware heat. I get my seed at a farm supply cum garden centre as it has pasture use as well. I was able to overseed the last remnants of lawn and it has now filled in nicely. I seeded spring and fall the first year and spring in the second. Keep the mower blades high, but it might work well to continue your pollinator plans.
Thank you for such a unique offering to all of us and God. Amazing film work, music and the love your gardens receive.... Your family reflects joy, beauty and dedication in all that you do. I have immersed myself in this beauty , and feel the Spirit moving. You have a new Chapter to write and to look forward to--all BEST WISHES !
Thank you for the new idea! I'll look into it. I was thinking of possibly doing part in Mother of Thyme since the fragrance is heady and the backyard gets very little traffic. My dad always added clover seed to his lawn for the free nitrogen. The sharing of ideas on this site is wonderful. Thank you for taking the time to share yours, quilting mama.
Thank you Anne & GPOD, This is a beautiful way to start the day. Your gardens are terrific & you & your family are talented to the max. Thank you & good luck with your new gardens this spring,
I thoroughly enjoyed this change of pace. It was a delightful way to start the morning and my day will be the better for it because I feel infused with positive energy. Your gardens are magical, Anne, as are your wonderfully talented grandchildren, Anne.This video represents a great deal of work (as do your gardens) and thank you so much for sharing it with us.
What a wonderful way to start my day! I saw your gardens in person a few years ago and they were beautiful! So sorry to hear about the new drainage field. It won't be the same, but that doesn't mean it won't be beautiful!
Hey! I'm still eager to see your garden, Dee!
Mid May when the woodland flowers are in bloom! :)
You're on!
The word 'video' caught my attention this morning. I stayed in bed a little longer and decided to see what the video was all about. I'm glad I did, this was a beautifully done video of your garden, Anne. I loved seeing the beautiful flowers, birds, butterflies, fox. You incorporated your grandchildren's beautiful talents too! Nice combination of sight and sound effects. I smiled throughout your video knowing that in the next few months, some of your beautiful garden elements would be appearing in my garden again too.
Well, you made me Google which state is the Granite State. Now I'm one factoid smarter.
I hope you'll post pictures of your garden, too.
Thanks I needed that!
Beautiful, abundant garden! Such talented children- brother and sister? Musical genes run in your family for sure!!!
Iam confident you will come up with something even better after the new septic goes in. Can't wait to see it!
Did you grow those baby blue eyes from seed? If not- mailorder? Do tell. I am also zone 6 an they do not sell those around here. Have only seen them in Anies Annuals catalog.
The Baby Blue Eyes seed came from Swallowtail Seeds in California. (I'm not affiliated with them in any way shape or form.) Instead of buying a mixture of wildflower seeds and then not knowing what was coming up vrs what was weeds, I opted for separate packets and planted those in marked areas, trying to graduate them by height, and then throwing a few into other areas to get a bit of a blend but certainly not the way Mother Nature does it. Almost all of they types came up. I'll be interested to see which have survived the winter.
Thanks Anne for blessing us today. Not only are your garden and grandchildren amazing, but your video work shows great editing! God bless as you endure a septic job - I have a sneaking suspicion that something good is coming out of it!
Super video Anne! All your hard work has rewarded you well and you have such talented grandchildren. Thank you for sharing the beauty. Vikki in VA
This was utterly charming, I would be crying real tears knowing a lot of it was going to be plowed up but as beautiful as it is I am sure these proud gardeners will bring the space back to life! Such talented grandchildren too, what blessings. Thanks for sharing, I am going to watch it again ! Let's have more!
Your videos are always lovely, Anne. Looks great and I'm sure the new incarnation will be just as lush. Did you get many monarchs last summer? I had a lot the summer before, but very few last year. I did read, however, that they are slowly increasing, due in part to more folks planting milkweed and to more vigilant protection of their overwintering grounds.
We had slightly more monarchs than 2014. This year's plan includes adding swamp milkweed and another type milkweed in hopes of attracting more. To date I have yet to find a monarch chrysalis and hope some predator isn't eating them.
Have you heard of The Monarch Program? It is online and shows how to count and report back to the national site what type habitat you have for monarchs, how to improve it, what date they arrived to see how weather patterns effected their migration, etc. It has wonderful pictures of the stages of their development, too, to help in identification.
That's awesome. I actually have about eight different kinds of milkweed. I've never had caterpillars on the swamp milkweed, but those are beautiful and well-behaved plants. My dusty rose one smells like chocolate when it blooms, and my white version smells like white chocolate! The monarchs that migrate through my area have preferred the terribly aggressive (but beautiful) common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca) and the similar but more ornamental Asclepias speciosa. They've laid eggs on butterfly weed as well (Asclepias tuberosa). Good luck and thanks for helping our winged friends!
Mmm! Chocolate-smelling milkweed. Sounds like a win-win that must be tried! I'm planting swamp milkweed because a Master Gardener friend said she'd seen more larvae on the swamp milkweed...maybe there is some sort of regional difference? Tougher leaves in different climates?
I'll bet there are regional differences. That's great to know. I read one article warning about planting non-natives because monarchs need to use the most toxic milkweeds to be as toxic to predators as possible. I find that the ones that lay eggs in my yard naturally choose the most toxic ones in my garden, given the choice.
I'm sure you'll love the A. incarnata. Mine do seed about quite a bit, but they don't run and the clumps seem to get larger every year. cheers.
Tim, this article today states the monarchs seem to be making a comeback in Mexico.
Thanks, Anne! A local friend shared the article with me and I was so encouraged! I am very, very sentimental about butterflies: they were my favorite thing as a kid growing up in Iowa. Even back then I noticed a decline in numbers as more and more pesticides were used in the farm fields in the 60's and 70's. It's nice to know that with a tiny bit of effort, gardeners can make a difference!
I also remember being intrigued as a child by different butterflies in a field near our house. It was exciting seeing the Mourning Cloak which I remember from those years but rarely see in Delaware. Part of my plan is to plant more of the host plants that other butterflies like: dill, fennel, parsley. viola.
Love your plan, Anne. I just love the parsley in my garden. It is such a rich, dark green, biennially overwinters and self-sows. I'm also crazy about my bronze fennel, especially early in the season. It's a bit of a crazy self-sower, too, but worth it to me and has been spared from my eviction list, made up of other too-vigorous self-sowers. I'll have to look up what Mourning Cloaks like to eat. My neighbors have a tulip tree and I planted two different spice bushes, in hopes of attracting egg-laying tiger swallowtails who use those as food sources. Cheers to your new gardening adventures!
How wonderful to wake up to this today! What a beautiful place, family and video! Thanks for sharing this with us!
Thank you, Anne. Your garden and family videos are delightful and entertaining. Whatever happens to your garden, you will surely create something amazing from it.
Loved the lush video of your charming cottage garden. A wonderful way to start the day!
Anne, thanks so much for sharing!! Like everyone else, what a wonderful way to start the day. I'm going to save this post and come back to it many times. I remember previous videos and they just get better. Do you do one every year for permanent record of that years gardens? It also gives you record of your talented beautiful grandchildren. I also envy your nickname - Grannie Annie. Makes me want to change my name. (Still waiting for the grandkids too.)
Thank you, Carol Jean. The video is one way to keep a garden record. It then lets me weed out the year's garden photos and video clips from my computer which runs very slowly if I don't knuckle under and do that.
Anne, what a clever way to present your garden. Think of the upcoming destruction as a way to revamp your and to try some new plants. Also, have you thought of building a few raised beds for those runaway vegetables. It definitely keeps things a little neater but as you know there is no containing those gourd vines. Thanks for the info on the Monarchs. We have some here on Whidbey, but having only lived here a few years, I can't testify to their increase or decline. I do know that they are very attracted to our Salvia 'Black and Blue' which grows as a perrenial here, but will start looking for more plants to encourage them. Kudos to your talented grandchildren. Now I'm going to rewatch this morning's entertainment. Kukukachoo.../
Linda, we do have some raised vegetable beds which always get over-planted and then in the heat of summer I seem not to keep up with tying-staking-pruning.
What a joy to watch and congratulations to you talented family. Good luck with the new project!
Thank you, GrannyCC. I keep pouring over Fine Gardening photos trying to plan the new space. It is a bit tricky since trees and big shrubs aren't supposed to be planted over a drainage field, and there are other restrictions like no mulching, no heavy traffic, no deep digging...on and on. Have fun planning your spring garden!
So impressive and so grand! Thanks Anne for make it and share it. A talented gardener and talented music family. How did you make the video? Leave man and man's lawn alone. I love lawn so much that I just cannot part with it. A lawn is so soothing and beautiful.
My husband was glad to hear he has one supporter out there in favor of lawns!
I used iMovie to make the video with photos and video from my iPhone and an old Canon point and shoot type camera that has since died.
Thank you for sharing your gorgeous garden (and talented grandchildren) with us, Anne! After our huge snowstorm in the past 24 hours, and a root canal procedure this morning, I needed this! So thank you again, very much!
Oh, no and ouch, the pain to jaw and wallet! May you heal swiftly, catasetumkid
What lovely gardens, Anne. You have definitely made the perfect stop-over for all creatures passing through your part of the country!
As long as it isn't a stop over for deer.
The one camera shot I missed for the video (and could kick myself for missing) was of a buck strolling down our driveway in the early morning. They look impressively stately, but then they consume everything pretty to maintain their stateliness!
Beautiful! Glorious! And you have Bluebirds!!! You are doing everything right. It is a tragedy to have to tear it up. All the plants and wildlife are wonderful. And my surprise blessing for today is your wonderful video of your Paradise. You have certainly raised the bar for submissions! Blessings to you and I hope you enjoy the rebuilding or your garden. Let us see it eventually. And thank you for today's beauty.
First year for the bluebirds nesting with us! We were so pleased.
Also, if you are intent on growing tomatoes without feeding the groundhogs, may I suggest a raised bed, lined bottom and sides with 1/4" hardware cloth, and a wood and chicken wire cage with doors on top. My husband built such a structure for me to keep the deer out of my peas and lettuce. I just wish I had convinced him about the hardware cloth to keep the moles out. And next time I watch your video, I will turn the sound on so I can enjoy your talented grandkids. Good luck and enjoy.
You have the Fort Knox of plant cages!
I saw once that a woman's husband built her a huge walk-in cage (with top fenced over also) that went around and over her whole very large vegetable/berry garden, successfully keeping out deer, groundhogs, rabbits, birds....
Thank you Anne, for making and sharing your video. Wandering through your beautiful garden, listening to your grandson playing the piano with the accompaniment of his sister singing, was a lovely tender experience.
Sitting and watching it all through swirling snowflakes, the sound of Debussy in the background, made me feel truly warm and peaceful.
Your videos are treasures for your whole family. Long may they continue, for the gift is priceless.
Thank you, Eddi. I confess to re-watching my own videos just to hear their music since they don't live nearby.
I can understand that. Lovely way to spend a quiet hour.
Hi Anne, so lovely. I really enjoyed the video. It was almost as good as visiting. It certainly made it hit home just how much of a part sun gardener I am. I do have a few sun loving things (that I can get away with, hope no one tells them I really can't grow that sun loving echincea). I would make so many of the same choices you have. Like Baby Blue Eyes. I always sigh when I see them in the seed catalog. I love my trees but I would also love to have more sun. I would love to visit your garden sometime. Happy upcoming spring! What has caught your eye in the seed catalog?
I'm trying Winter Sowing this year for the first time in 25 milk jugs to see if it works. Larkspur is something I've never grown but always remember my grandma liked it so that it in one of the jugs out in the snow. With all the digging up and transplanting of roses, perennials and bulbs I'll have to do in March before the demolition tractor arrives, it isn't clear to me if I'll even have time to transplant everything that germinates in the milk jugs!
Please keep us posted on the winter sowing. I haven't tried that yet. I do grow larkspur. If you have an empty spot scratch up the dirt, sprinkle the seeds in, pat it down. Done! You can mark the spot and forget it. Nature will do the rest. I never water it or fuss. They will self sow after that if you leave room. Nigella is the same thing.
I hope some friends come out to help you! Don't forget to label. One of my shortcomings. I fail to label my coleus cuttings. Start out ok, but several pot transfers and somehow the labels are gone.
How do you grow Baby Blue Eyes?
Somehow my reply to your question ended up ahead of yours. I'm quite enjoying getting to know some of the wildflowers and hope to add more each year even though they aren't normally in our area. Please post some pictures of your wildflower garden, HelloFMD, if you haven't already.
My last year's attempt at Larkspur failed doing outdoor sowing which is why it is in a milk jug this time. The Baby Blue Eyes were sown in fall on scratched up soil and came up beautifully. Thank you for the reminder about doing labels which I could be making right now. Painting rocks with plant names don't get lost when raking etc. Not sure they will get painted this year!
Annie, so dreamy is your garden! There is endless talent in your family and your production was delightful. Thank you for your efforts. I am breathless just thinking of your fall cleanup. May you live/garden forever...Diane
Thankyou, I smiled through the whole video. Loved the music with the sounds of the birds and water cutting in from time to time. Enjoyed seeing all of the critters in your yard as well. Definitely helps tide me over until spring. Nicely done.
That was so beautifully done. I feel better all ready. You're garden is everything I wish mine were, including the grandchildren! Maybe they could be employed to dig the best things up to put in temporary beds or pots. I too have a lawn worshiping husband. What's up with that! Your family will love your video forever. I really love your gardens.
Kimberly, I'm not sure what Lawn Worship stems from. It does have the color green down pat. Maybe men like it because they get to drive a big, noisy, gasoline-driven machine over it? Just like they prune every shrub with a chainsaw until they look like chicken croquettes?
That makes me laugh! Oh yeah, my husband loves his machines, but I can't complain since he really got to use the snowblower this year when we got 32 inches of snow. I about died when I came home from work one day and he had "pruned" the azaleas for me. In September. As it is he's chomping at the bit to order sod for back yard since it's a mud pit,
I dont see the video. Enjoyed your touching story. What pollinator deficit ? Wha ? Really ? No sweat, girl... It'll be better than ever !!! Promise
Click the arrow in the picture above that has hot pink flowers and a white and black tile dinner plate.
Or here is the YouTube site. The video is called "An Easy Cottage Garden in Delaware."
OMGosh, I loved it! Kudos to everyone involved in making this video!
What a professional production. It should be on T.V. I enjoyed that very much. It was lovely to see the birds and insects in live action. I love cedar waxwings. Your garden is truly lovely and heavenly, and the music too!
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