Garden Photo of the Day

Five Years in the Making

By Kim Charles

Martha Bosma from Seattle, shows us her splendid garden after 5 years of hard work.

"My garden was featured several years ago when my mom had just moved in next door, and we were ripping out laurel hedges and making the trellis. This is the result 5 years later.

The photos of my garden depict my yard as well as my Mom's yard next door. Much of the front garden has filled in luxuriously, and I did some work on the back gardens. We had a bumper crop of camassia this year, which only blooms every two years, a great plant! My new favorite plant to go with hostas and heucherellas, is called beesia.  A superb and lovely plant!

The wisteria bloomed a full two weeks later than last year – but still close to my mom's 99th birthday!  The wisteria is about 15 years old, and has finally hit it's stride!  Archie the dog seems to really like the fragrance."

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Some new work in our back yard, and the fountain between our two houses in the shady back yards. 

View 47 comments


  1. Vespasian 06/16/2017

    Absolutely stunning, so lovely, what an amazing job you have done together.

  2. Jay_Sifford 06/16/2017

    Really lovely. Your repetition of color and your appropriate use of garden art set your space apart from the norm. And what's a great garden without a great dog!

    1. martibos 06/17/2017

      he keeps me company all the time, a real sweetie! Thank you!

  3. deeinde 06/16/2017

    Beautiful! And so nice to have Mom close by! God bless her and wish her Happy Birthday for me.
    I discovered beesia last year and love it too! I only wish I had bought more than one. Love the wisteria.

  4. tennisluv 06/16/2017

    What an amazing job you and your mother have done with your combined yards. So pretty and lush (PNW gardens always are.) I love the trellis fencing - just perfect for growing climbing roses and other blooming vines - do you also have clematis? As Jay stated, repetition of color and garden art do make your gardens unique. Good looking dog also. The heuchera-fern-hosta combo is going on my must mimic list. Thanks for sharing.

    1. martibos 06/16/2017

      The clematis is coming to life just now. I put several of those pots in mom's back yard as focal points, the blue really shows up in our dim lighting in her wooded back yard.

  5. user-3565112 06/16/2017

    Good morning Martha, Everything about your garden is warm & welcoming. The garden has a seamless flow to it & It's beautiful that your Mom & you built your tender garden together.
    Happy birthday to your Mom & good luck to you both, Joe

  6. lotsensoong 06/16/2017

    What I like about this garden is its slightly decrepit look, especially the fountain (love that moss in there). I don't mean this in the negative in any way. Your garden has elements of what you see in Tuscany, Nice, and in Greece- that which is lived in and tempered by the sun and by time; very nice indeed...

    1. martibos 06/16/2017

      thank you! Having an overgrown path always feels mysterious, and decrepit. Things just take over, and I don't always have the heart to tell them where to go.

  7. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/16/2017

    Hi, Martha, your gpod sharing today is such a feel good story with wonderful pictures. I seem to remember that handsome trellis abundantly covered with beautiful roses from a previous it has roses as well as the wisteria, right? And, why do I think there might also be some beautiful clematis adding to the flower show? Your new patio and paver pathway are a great addition and look very safe for enjoyable walkabouts...esp. for your 99 years young mom! That beesia plant is adorable and your clump of it is perfection. I'm going to keep my eye open for it and hope I get lucky. Thanks so much for these additional photos and I'm glad you included Archie surveying his domain.

    1. martibos 06/16/2017

      The roses are coming in right about now, and the clematis as well. I'll send more pictures later. I think I built the paths for Archie, he always hanging out there supervising!

  8. andreanola 06/16/2017

    What a lovely garden.

  9. user-4691082 06/16/2017

    Wow Martha, you and mama have done an amazing job! I see you got your glass sculpture at the PNW garden show also. I envy that you can leave it out year round. I love that beesia, it reminds me of a miniature Italian Arum. Everything is so peaceful and cohesive, I would love to take a stroll! Well done!

    1. martibos 06/16/2017

      Actually, there is a local artist near our hardware store who makes the glass in her backyard. That is my next life, I hope!

  10. thevioletfern 06/16/2017

    In addition to a wonderful palette of plants, whoa wisteria! you have wonderful hardscape. I am particularly taken with the beautiful trellis/framework, and Archie. I love that you and your mom share this beautiful space. It certainly is a reflection of love. I am now off to google beesia!

  11. gardenerbob 06/16/2017

    Beautiful. The Wisteria looks great. Are those Boomerang lilacs?

    1. martibos 06/16/2017

      no, the new little ones, I'll go get the name later. My old family lilac actually died!!

    2. martibos 06/17/2017

      whew - long day at work! it is the dwarf Korean lilac Paliban. It's a bit open in habit, but a good small plant.

  12. 7thChild 06/16/2017

    ❤️❤️❤️ So gorgeous! LOVE the arbor/trellis. Thanks for sharing.

  13. NCYarden 06/16/2017

    Double delight. You and your mom must have had a thrill of a time developing this gorgeous garden. Love the full beds...plants everywhere in natural menagerie. Beesia is a great plant, isn't it. That Japanese maple in the last photo is quite striking as well. Must be a treat to stroll along those paths. Thank you for sharing.

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 06/16/2017

      Hi, David. Forgive me for being nosey but I'm curious how long you have had beesia in your garden? Does it stay evergreen for you? Do you have it planted in heavy shade? Does it struggle in the south's heat and humidity? Did you buy it locally or from a mail order source. Ha, with all these questions, looks like my nosiness is on steroids!

      1. NCYarden 06/16/2017

        It does fantastic. We bought it locally. It has been in the garden since 2011. I have it in mostly shade - some sun does sprinkle in, even a little more now with a few of the trees that were removed this past season. But it does not seem to mind the heat and humidity. It is mostly evergreen, some die back on a few leaves, but always present. It's one of Christine's favorite woodland plants.

        1. User avater
          meander_michaele 06/16/2017

          Hmm, everything about it sounds wonderful. I am definitely going to keep an eye on the lookout for it...ha, maybe both eyes. Hope I get lucky.

  14. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/16/2017

    Congratulations to your mom on her 99th birthday!! That wisteria is a knockout, as is the rest of your garden. Absolutely wonderful in both plant matter, structures and hardscaping. Love your Beesia. Count me among those that are trying it out. I ordered mine from Keeping it Green out your way and was so disappointed when the leaves just shriveled up and died after I planted it this spring, but - surprise - it's sending up new leaves and I my expectations are high!
    I'm crazy about the twisting stone sculpture with the stone globe on top. Perfect.

    1. martibos 06/16/2017

      Beesia will come back, fear not! I love the name, and the leaves, and the little flowers, it's such a great plant!

  15. cooksforfive 06/16/2017

    Your gardens are beautiful and how wonderful it is that you get to share them with your mother next door. The wisteria is gorgeous and I love the fountain in the first photo. Thanks for sharing!

    1. martibos 06/17/2017

      The fountain used to have a large carp in it named "Biggie" by my kids. But one day I saw a great blue heron on our roof, and Biggie was gone. But I don't want to put all those wires and stuff. Biggie was there for 4 years before he was discovered.

  16. DarliBarli 06/16/2017

    I so enjoyed seeing your lovely garden. Your dog Archie is a sweetie, and Im sure he enjoys all the different smells just as much as mine does...Until he became our forever dog, I had no idea hosta leaves smell so delicious! I have not met Beesia yet and am intrigued. GPOD is a great way to meet new plants and new friends, and learn. Thank you Kim Charles for making this happen. You are loved!!

  17. mjensen 06/16/2017

    AMAZING, LOVE IT , WISTERIA IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE, I HAD ONE AT MY OLD HOUSE UNTILL A car crashed through my back yard and destroyed it, i cried.

    1. inesmalardino 06/16/2017


  18. gardencook 06/16/2017

    What beautiful gardens!!! The pops of colour among the greenery are delightful!!! I enjoy the japanese maple in particular as it is one of my favourite trees!!! Wisteria is another gorgeous plant and the fragrance is so heady and intoxicating!! You are very fortunate to be living on a property with so much to enjoy, even your dog appears to be impressed!!

  19. margotnavarre 06/16/2017

    Beautiful garden and great plants. Very nice detail on the pathway. Congratulations on your sanctuary.

  20. sheila_schultz 06/16/2017

    Your gardens are quite beautiful with their spirited combinations and free-flowing nature. I love the wild, but cared for feel, it's wonderful! Your choices in garden art compliment the whole picture... you and your mom must spend many lovely moments just gazing at the beauty you both so obviously enjoy!

  21. Beezos 06/16/2017

    Love! So organic looking and each nook calls you to investigate. Love that mom is next door and can enjoy this soothing mecca out her door.

  22. LaurelEm 06/16/2017

    Everything is so nice and vintage looking. It's hard to believe that a lot of this is 5 years or younger. Looks like 100 years. That is a look that I like. Good Work!

  23. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 06/16/2017

    Good morning, Martha and hello to your mom, too. I remember when you were building the front trellis so that your mom could look out at her roses. Well, now she can look out at a whole lot of pretty. Like you I love beesia. It is a great no-fuss plant that just looks good all year round ( well out here it does). Your wisteria is so beautiful but ours is a week or two away from flowering. We don't get as much heat as you do there in Seattle.Did you make it to Sorticulture in Everett last weekend? You have some lovely, well placed garden art, especially Archie. Thanks for sharing and happy weekend everyone.

    1. martibos 06/17/2017

      I didn't realize our microclimates were so different! WOW! I didn't get to Sorticulture, too much graduation stuff going on. I've enjoyed having the focal pieces in the garden, makes the eye appreciate the view more. You can visit any time!!

  24. greengenes 06/16/2017

    Martha, you have created a wonderful space for you and your mom! How fortunate for her to age amongst the plantings and be so close to you! Your Trellis for the wisteria is so nice and i like how it separates the sidewalk and street. Great choices of plants and the fountain and pond is so nice! Thanks for sharing your hard work and the growth of everything! Happy gardening!

  25. user-7008353 06/16/2017

    Your last pictures captures so many things I love in the garden. A flowering wisteria. Red leafed Japanese maples. Glass ornamentation. A beloved pet.

  26. schatzi 06/16/2017

    So beautiful and lush! Love the new brickwork. and the flowers. and the pup...

  27. inesmalardino 06/16/2017

    What a heart stopper for sure! Simply stunning, the amazing pictures make me so want to walk thru your paradise. Love your doggie as well! Please send more... and what a wonderful daughter you are. How lucky your mom is to have you.

  28. judithcesaroboyle 06/16/2017

    Such a fabulous garden. I honestly wouldn't change a thing. Happiest Birthday to your Mom!

  29. Cenepk10 06/16/2017

    O my goodness. Well I never !!!!' Fab U Lous

  30. user-2077552 06/16/2017

    Oh, the lushness. I'd love to be able to visit and stroll your gardens.

  31. lindajenningswilk 06/17/2017

    What an exquisite garden!!

  32. user-6536305 06/17/2017

    First Happy birthday to your 99 year old mother. Gardening certainly lead to longevity. Hello to garden garden helper or rather boss - she or she also a true beauty. Love your hardscaping especially the pond and trellis. Totally agree with you that Beesia is a lovely plant and is searching for it myself. I somehow one day late to see this. Your garden is well said by the others and I echo with others on this post. Thanks for sharing.

  33. user-7007140 06/17/2017

    Gorgeous cramscape. Plants and flowers everywhere, stone paths, trellises overloaded, things to find and more to admire. Thank you, thank you, thank you.... we are truly treated to view such splendor. If you find a little white haired elf in the shrubbery, please don't worry, it will just be me.
    Wonderful place you have created. Congratulations to you and your wonderful mother.

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