Podcast: Let's Argue About Plants

Episode 6: Fabulous Foliage Plants

May 26, 2017

Who needs flowers when these beauties look so good without?
Whoever said the best garden plants are the ones with the most flowers has never seen ‘Ghost’ painted fern. This episode celebrates all those plants that shine bright without a single bloom in sight. Whether it’s shocking chartreuse leaves or a texture like rubber bands, these plants put on a show. And, in case you ever wondered what Southern Comfort bourbon has in common with interesting foliage plants—this show will provide the answer.

Expert: Sharon Nyenhuis, garden designer in Sequim, Washington.

It’s stunning, but not spooky. ‘Ghost’ painted fern (Athyrium 'Ghost') has a white dusting over its fronds which might make you think there's an apparition haunting your shade garden.

Gunnera (Gunnera manicata) is so prehistoric looking it should come with a stegosaurus when you buy it at the nursery. Despite its large size, expert guest Sharon Nyenhuis considers it one of her favorite foliage plants.

It was love (or maybe obsession) at first sight when Steve saw ‘Spider's Web’ speckled Japanese aralia (Fatsia japonica 'Spider's Web') at a tradeshow. Since that first encounter, three plants have magically found their way into Steve’s garden.

‘Sounthern Comfort’ is a heuchera (Heuchera ‘Southern Comfort’) that actually comes back reliably year after year. It’s a fabulous foliage plant you’ll find in on Danielle’s favorites list—although the same can’t be said for the alcohol that is its namesake.

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  1. arkant214 10/19/2021

    This podcast is very informative. Thank you for sharing.

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