Garden Photo of the Day

Dragonfly Hollow in Bothell, WA

We call this the 3 tiered pond

Thanks to Paulette for sharing her amazing garden in Bothell, Washington!

"My name is Paulette Fortune and I like be in Bothell WA- I call my yard Dragonfly Hollow- it was really hard to narrow it down to 10 pictures – we have so many interesting areas in the yard – in the last few years I have gotten into container plantings with pit grouping tucked here and there."

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A new Grecian column with a cascade pink spray rose in the urn

One of my pot groupings

My succulent area- the fountain is made out if the front end of a 1949 dodge truck – we call it carsland

One of 14 fountains in the yard

My Moroccan garden

My vine house and fairy garden

We call this area the rock wall – it gas 5 waterfall areas

Some of my Japanese maple- they are my special passion

We call this Helens garden- it's a memorial to my mom who gifted us this fountain and passed away a week later

View 24 comments


  1. perenniallycrazy 05/04/2016

    I love Dragonfly Hollow Paulette! Definitely home sweet home with a taste of beauty, fun, whimsy, comfort, great bones and a lot more. Your succulent area and story peaks my curiosity. I would love more close up photos of each of your fabulously fun containers. I'd also love to hear about your 14 water features in your property... seems to be there might be a story behind each and every one.

    1. user-7007960 05/04/2016

      Wow! This is a feast for the eyes! You have done a magnificent work of art, for sure. Such diversity, and creativity. How much land do you have? Where do you go from here?

  2. frankgreenhalgh 05/04/2016

    Congratulations Paulette on your really lovely garden with such interesting 'rooms/themes'. Keep up the good work!

  3. user-3565112 05/04/2016

    Your imagination & talent are awesome. From that angle the rock wall looks like a grotto with a spring disappearing in a hillside behind. The 1st. car my Dad had was a 49 dodge & the top grill on your truck brings back memories. You even make an old tire look good as a planter. Your neighbors are lucky to be able see your gardens every morning from their deck. Your Mom,s memorial garden in front of your home is beautiful . Good luck to you this spring,Joe

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 05/04/2016

    Well, Paulette, your playful garden vignettes on display today have nudged my inner child awake and she (meaning me) wants to get outside today and create something whimsical and fun. I adore all the elements in your tribute garden to your did her and her fountain gift proud! I hope you have allowed your garden to be part of an" open to the public" tour at some point. It has so many delightful areas...i would be such a source of inspiration to others. I can just hear the exclamations of discovery as people wandered about.

  5. user-4691082 05/04/2016

    I want to plop down on that white sofa and take in all of the sights and sounds- great job!

  6. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 05/04/2016

    You DO have a lot of interesting areas in your garden. Walking around your garden must be an adventure everyday. I love all your Japanese maples and how well you have planted around the three tiered pond. The rusty dodge truck front end is marvelous. My favorite hardscape element is your greek column. I need 5! Tell me more about it. Is is actually stone? Very cool.

  7. cheryl_c 05/04/2016

    Wonderful start to our day, Paulette! Thanks so much for sharing. I'd love a series of all your water features, then of all your container groupings. You have a great eye, and and even greater sense of the whimsical!

  8. user-2077552 05/04/2016

    All beautiful areas, Paulette. What are thos tall, columnar backdrop trees to your Grecian urn and rock wall garden?

  9. GrannyMay 05/04/2016

    Wow! Amazing Paulette! The three-tiered pond and the rock wall are my favourite areas, the sound of water must be very cooling and restful in the summer. I'd also love to see all of your water features and some long shots of the back garden.

  10. GrannyCC 05/04/2016

    Fantastic Pauline. All those fountains and garden rooms are delightful. How large is your property? You certainly have made a beautiful garden.

  11. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 05/04/2016

    Paulette, you have certainly made the most of your garden space. Love all of your Japanese maples as we have the same passion and western WA is a wonderful place to grow them. I am curious whether you have all of your fountains going at once. If so, the sound must be interesting and I can imagine that you attract a number of birds. Thanks for sharing your very unique garden.

  12. NCYarden 05/04/2016

    My goodness, those maples, Paulette. We certainly share a passion. You already got my attention with that first photo, and it only gets better as I scroll through. And could it be that is possibly Acer pseudoplatanus 'Esk Sunset' hovering over the rock wall fountain in pic 8? striking, so showy, and admittedly I'm envious. You have a very expressive and creative garden...I really enjoy it. Thank you for sharing.

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 05/04/2016

      You and Tim send me off on the most interesting google searches. I was not familiar with the named variety Acer pseudoplanatus 'Esk Sunset'. One of the sites I landed on showed how the backside of its leaves are actually a dark purple-red in the middle of the summer. What a striking tree.

      1. NCYarden 05/05/2016

        It's the fun of having many garden friends (even if online) with so much varied garden knowledge. We all have our passions for certain plants. Keeps us learning and certainly inspired.

        1. User avater
          meander_michaele 05/05/2016

          Here I am waving the white flag of surrender to my voracious vole problem and putting a favorite hosta in a hopefully safe from being eaten situation. Hope your technique that you shared is serving you and your hosta well.

          1. NCYarden 05/05/2016

            That's a beautiful hosta. I certainly hope it is safe from voles. My technique is holding so far. As a modification, I believe it was Becky Heath (of Brent & Becky's Bulbs) suggested voles will only tunnel so deep to get at the roots/bulbs of plants, and prescribed a similar technique, but actually cuts the entire bottom out of the planting buckets to ensure good drainage while still providing enough protection around the sides to a depth that the voles will not go down to. I like this idea too as I recently found one of my hosta slightly "drowning" because I had used such a thick sturdy pot with less than optimal drainage. So I will be giving this a try as well. We'll beat those voles yet! Ha! Maybe not (actually probably not) but definitely gonna try hopefully with some success..

  13. Meelianthus 05/04/2016

    WOW! Imagination unchained, what a fun place! Your 3-tiered pond is great and all of your gardens really show your creativity - with many spots to sit and enjoy your hard work. Thanks for the tour Paulette and will be anxious to see what's next.

  14. eddireid 05/04/2016

    "Dragonfly Hollow"! I knew we were in for a treat today. So imaginative, with such clever ways of enhancing each area. It takes talent to make a garden around an old car but you have made it belong, totally. Your garden must feel and sound like Paradise with the sound and sight of all the fountains and with the seclusion you have created. Awesome! Gorgeous,too.

  15. foxglove12 05/04/2016

    All so beautiful! Loving that Grecian column and all the tucked away patios!

  16. Catasetumkid 05/05/2016

    Paulette, your garden is stunning. I so envy your PNW weather! Love the lush growth and imaginative fountains. Yours is a dream garden for me.

  17. user-7008037 05/05/2016

    Beautiful! Such brilliant ideas and such artistry in the garden :-) I love your three-tiered pond and your succulent planting area and the grecian pillar with the roses in the urn. Amazingly creative!

  18. user-7007940 05/06/2016

    I love all the fountains. Nice yard. I live in Newcastle, WA.

  19. grannieannie1 05/10/2016

    It is easy to tell you are one who likes dreaming, creating, and having fun with and in your garden! No drudgery for you! The fountains are wonderful. Did you make them yourself? I was especially wondering about the 3 cascading fountain stone work. How was that done? Just beautiful!

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