Garden Photo of the Day

Daryl’s garden in New Jersey, revisited

Photo/Illustration: All photos courtesy of Daryl Savage

We visited Daryl Savage’s garden in Sparta, New Jersey, way back in 2012 (refresh your memory HERE), and today we get to revisit it!

Grouping of 3 similar pots at the front door: mostly coleus, lantana, sweet potato vine, and nasturtium. 

Daryl says, “I live in a lake community with a relatively small lot, but I am lucky enough to have three separate garden areas: the back is for mostly easy foliage plants for a relaxing vibe on the patio, (previous GPOD photos.) The south side of the house is a wild, native garden, and the front is an English-style garden.

Helianthus with crape myrtle in the background. 

“My personal garden philosophy is I like a lot going on, therefore if something dies, gets eaten, etc., I have plenty else to distract me. I have a job right now where I make containers, and that allows me to try lots of combinations of plants and pots. One of my favorite combos is coleus, sweet potato vine, and lantana. It makes for almost a no maintenance pot (except for watering). This works well when you like to have a lot of pots and planters.

Caryopteris, baptisia, rose of Sharon, and Colocasia. 

“I was inspired by Willowood Arboretum in Chester, New Jersey, to combine tropicals and large annuals in a mixed bed, like elephant ears and castor bean. Otherwise, I mostly do shubs and perennials in the ground, and leave the annuals to pots and windowboxes.”

‘Mint Mocha’ coleus in front of Spiraea ‘Neon Flash’ 

It’s so great to see your garden again, Daryl, and everything looks GREAT! I am especially in love with that pure white rose of Sharon–gorgeous! Thanks so much.

Old iron gate from a church. 

****Hey all, I’m not getting many submissions these days! I’ll be eternally grateful if you dig some up and tell us your garden story…. Email me at [email protected]. Thanks! ****

‘Zesty Zucchini’ coleus & alternathera in a pot with Colchicum ‘Waterlily’ in the background. 
Rose of Sharon 
This year’s windowboxes. I would not recommend New Guinea impatiens for these; they need too much water. 
St. John’s wort with Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’ next to the side of the house. 
‘Zephirine Drouhin’ rose in bloom in June. It doesn’t get any better than this in my yard. 
Weigela ‘Ghost’. 

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View 16 comments


  1. dirtgirl1949 03/18/2014

    Some truly beautiful photos Daryl. Especially love that gate from the church and the Mint Mocha Coleus, well done for creating such a great garden.

  2. flowerladydi 03/18/2014

    It is lovely Daryl! I love all you cobbles, boulders and paths! So charming, and the phlox look so great! Your pots are wonderful,, love all the nasturtiums!,,, they are so much fun! Your gate is a wonderful addition, you were so lucky to find that! Charming!!!

  3. greengenes 03/18/2014

    Wow, sweet! I love it all! You do a nice job at mixing plants. Your zpher rose is stunning. Mine never gets to that level of beauty. Its nice to see a rose of Sharon that is more of a bush than a small, one trunk tree. Ive pruned mine to be small trees but I quite like the fullness that the "bush" gives. Its so nice to see the different kinds of coleus. I will definitely get some of those this year. Well this today has given me some ideas to work with in our gardens. I was going to dig up the helianthus and get rid of it but I think I will just relocate it. Thanks Daryl for sharing with us and have many happy days ahead of gardening!

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 03/18/2014

    Looks great. Zesty Zucchini was new to me last year. One of of my favorites and I think it was hybridized here in Ohio. Mint Mocha is on my list this year. Thanks for sharing.

  5. wGardens 03/18/2014

    That is quite an impressive rose! Is it a fragrant variety? What a great find the church gate is! Although you have a small lot- you certainly have fit a great many plants in. Nice! Thanks for sharing!

  6. Susan_Jensen_Smith 03/18/2014

    Beautiful garden! Funny, I moved from Byram 1.5 years ago, was just 1 mile from Lake Mohawk. Such a beautiful area!

  7. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/18/2014

    Yowza, that's quite a color display when your glorious rose is in bloom along with the weigela 'Ghost'...I'd definitely feel like a proud owner to have that twosome to gaze upon! Is there an actual trellis the rose grows over where there seems like an opening or just some artful pruning?
    I have serious "gate" envy ...that was an awesome find and it's so great that you have it out to be seen. Love the exuberance of all your tall flowers.

  8. tractor1 03/18/2014

    All wonderful views, I especially like the last with ytour 'Ghost'. And that church gate is a great find, worthy of bronzing. I like your fieldstone too, what a neat chimney. Thank you, Daryl.

  9. arthurb3 03/18/2014


  10. GrannyMay 03/18/2014

    Aaah, the rose! What could be better than a beautiful rose at the peak of its bloom! Thank you for sharing that, Daryl! Also for the lovely container ideas and reminding me that large-leaved plants make wonderful accents. Great garden!

  11. sheila_schultz 03/18/2014

    What wonderfully exuberant gardens and containers, Daryl. Isn't it just the best to be surrounded by so much beauty? It won't be long before your gardens start waking up and you can fill your pots and window boxes with new combinations once again... Enjoy!

  12. amandine 03/18/2014

    lysbleu writes: Daryl, I also live in the Lake Mohawk community, and I admire your beautiful garden with envy. I wonder if you have a fence or what you might use against the numerous and ravaging deer in Sparta. I tried to have one installed but as I am on the Lake I was told that deer not only can swim but also can walk on the ice in the winter and so it wouldn't be possible to avoid them coming in. I have displaced a lot of plants to the protected front yard but lack of space forces me to cage my roses which sight is not appealing at all.
    Thank you Daryl for showing your wonderful retreat.

  13. GrannyCC 03/18/2014

    Love the beautiful English garden feel Daryl. Thanks for the good hints on the containers. They are so simple but look wonderful. Gorgeous rose.

  14. wildthyme 03/18/2014

    Lovely garden! I so enjoy the cobbles, the gate, and yours is one more garden helping me overcome my fear of phlox! Thank you for inviting us in.

  15. darylsavage 03/18/2014

    Thanks everyone. Meander, the rose is trained on an arbor leading into the back patio. Most of it is high enough so deer cannot reach it. Coming up the other side of the arbor I have 'Hall's honeysuckle' which smells marvelous in June. As far as other deer repellents, there is some fencing, some spraying, and I do have a dog who I let loose on them!

  16. marika200 06/04/2014

    Everything you have planted looks lush and beautiful. The first photo really does it for me and the Zephirine Drouhin rose. I've seen many photos of this rose and would love to know where you bought yours, as it has the most petals of any of this rose variety I've seen. Well done!

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