Garden Photo of the Day

Cottage Charm

Jim and Lynette create an inviting front yard for their cottage home

“We are Jim and Lynette Smith of Hartselle, AL. Here are some pics of our home and garden. Our garden is mostly perennial, with a few scattered annuals and some hanging pots and planters.”

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View 40 comments


  1. user-7007498 06/14/2016

    Jim and Lynette: I am such fan of informal gardens, and your cottage garden looks perfect with the style of your house. I love the wide border in front of the fence. I also think your fence is beautiful. I enjoyed seeing the garden flag. It's another way to create movement in the garden with the breeze, as well as a splash of color. Looks great with your style. I have a Victorian style home, and think the garden flags look cool in the perennial beds.

    t looks like you are doing your part part to support our pollinators. Beautiful design and execution.

    It appears like the back of the house has considerably more shade. Have you continued a similar style into the back?
    Thanks for sharing you awesome garden.

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Thanks Kevin, I too love the informal garden. I honestly think that if I could do it that I would plant one of every flower on earth in my garden. Literally, just a party of all different flowers. I love different colors. Kevin, the backyard use to have sunshine and therefore I grew vegetables and enjoyed. Over the years the trees, which are not on my property grew and my vegetable garden expired. I also, had about four more flower gardens and the work became too much, so now I focus just on "home entrance" and it is still challenging because of work schedule.

  2. frankgreenhalgh 06/14/2016

    G'day Jim & Lynette - You have created a lovely cottage garden showcasing plenty of colour. Congratulations! What is that little hut in the background of the final photo?

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Good evening Frank. Thanks for kind words. It took me one full year to hand dig the entire garden. I did probably every evening and off day for year and then brought in all new soil and then I amended it. So lots of sweat and labor. I remember family thinking I was literally crazy. They simply could not see the picture I had created in my small brain. Small gazebo at side of house with swing in it. Yes, I love lots of color!

  3. diane_lasauce 06/14/2016

    The bees and butterflies love your gardens. Thank you both for sharing.

  4. user-4691082 06/14/2016

    Good morning Frank! That looks like a gazebo to me...

    1. frankgreenhalgh 06/14/2016

      Greetings Rhonda - I'm having trouble getting a good look at the construction. Almost looks like a thatch roof - or do I need my eyes tested? I would like to post some pics of our gazebos/rotundas, but the files are too big to be accepted. Very frustrating administration!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      1. User avater
        LindaonWhidbey 06/14/2016

        Hi Frank, that's happened to me as well and even though I consider myself a bit of a nerd I'm having issues downsizing my photos. Frustrating indeed!!!

      2. User avater
        meander_michaele 06/14/2016

        Hi, Frank, why don't you take the plunge and submit a bunch of pictures so that your garden can be the featured garden of the day. That way the size limitation per picture doesn't seem to kick in like it does in adding a picture in the comments. It'd be fun for the rest of us to take that cyber trip to your part of the world.

        1. frankgreenhalgh 06/14/2016

          Hello there Michaele - I posted some pics. of my garden on 23 Feb. this year (Terraced garden in Victoria, Australia) and you were educated about the word 'billabong'. I was very surprised at the interest in agapanthus in the North America, and hence will post on GPOD again in Dec. when the agapanthus is in full bloom down here. I must say though that the GPOD policy on limited use of pics. relating to comments sectione stifles the conversation. I found that the use of pics. for the discussion added considerable value to the blog. Cheers

          1. User avater
            meander_michaele 06/14/2016

            Well, duh, on me, Frank! Thanks so much for the gentle reminder that you treated us to a wonderful and thrilling walk-about showing your impressive garden and property. However, the plus from my memory glitch is that I just came back from relooking at your photos and it was just as delightfully draw dropping as the first time. You really mastered some challenging terrain and, as your commentary revealed, you sure put your heart, soul, and an awful lot of hardscape material into creating such a special garden.
            Looking forward to your next go round of photos that will include showcasing the agapanthus.
            And,I agree that it is a shame about the 2 kb limit for pictures in the comments section. I suspect it is the policy of the comments' manager, Disqus. Saves on their bandwidth or something...definitely not an area of expertise that I have much of a clue about which I'm speaking.

          2. frankgreenhalgh 06/16/2016

            Nice footwork 'Ginger Rogers'!

          3. User avater
            meander_michaele 06/16/2016

            Ha, it would only be in wordsmithing that I could be complimented on any impression of literal 2 feet are those of a klutz! :)

  5. user-4691082 06/14/2016

    Love those coneflowers! I'm sure your neighbors love to stroll by and take in all of the colors. I would like to be your neighbor!

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Rhonda I also love coneflowers, they are my favorite. I love long bloom time flowers which they are. I also love tough flowers which they are as well. Only have a few neighbors so today is by far the most eyeballs to ever see this garden.

  6. wGardens 06/14/2016

    Just lovely! What a haven for pollinators... and destination for your neighbors to take a walk! Great job!

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Thanks Margaret. Birds and bees love it here. My girls are not that fond of the bees, but they are a joy to watch. We do not live in a sub-division so for the most part my garden is a "secret garden."

  7. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/14/2016

    What a joyful celebration of color, Jim and Lynette. I see lots of my own personal favorites who are such good mixers and minglers in a flower party. Your fence and home are the perfect backdrop for this happy jumble and tumble of blooms. Curious what growing zone Hartselle AL is in and do you go heavy on adding winter pansies or ornamental cabbage/kale during the time of year the other perennials are taking a rest?

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Thank you meander1. We are located in north Alabama. We were in zone 7, but I believe they have re-done the zones. so 7a or b. Hot, humid summers and mild winters. At end of summer I cut half down, and save the rest for the birds to feast on during winter. My gardening ends when college football starts. That is my other passion. When football ends, I become avid gardener again. Don't get me wrong, I look at garden pics year round in magazines and the internet.

  8. wittyone 06/14/2016

    Who doesn't love a picket fence? And the mix of bright, exuberant perennials just make it more lovely.

  9. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/14/2016

    Love me a cottage garden! Looks so exuberant and it really does integrate perfectly with the style of your home. "Come on over and sit a spell!"

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Thanks Tim for compliments. I love cottage gardens as well. It's like the "survival of the fittest." I am a flower freak. Almost daily I admire gardens on the internet for hours and hours. Literally a sickness or obsession. But I enjoy!

  10. hontell 06/14/2016

    wow, love the cottage garden look complete with the white picket fence. Classics never go out of style.

  11. sheila_schultz 06/14/2016

    Your garden is a delightful riot of color perfectly suited for your lovely cottage... I'm not sure who would enjoy it the most, the humans or the pollinators!

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Thanks Sheila, some mornings I just watch the bees and are amazed at their work ethic. It is to be admired. They rise early and work late..... sort of like me!

  12. annek 06/14/2016

    A wonderfully charming and colorful display. I enjoyed looking through each photo while sipping coffee this morning and smiling at the combinations, white fence and sweet cottage.

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Thank you Annek. I wish I could fill garden with every color shade of flowers available. I too, love to drink coffee and enjoy the garden.

  13. Cenepk10 06/14/2016

    Well... You KNOW I love that garden style & house style best. ( that's what I have in Georgia). Great choice of plants for this heat !!!! Very lovely!!!

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      When I bought this house I knew immediately the style of garden that would look the best. I simply love gardens, and "cottage style" just fits the house. Lived in Atlanta for three years after college, same climates as you said.

  14. schatzi 06/14/2016

    Lush colorful plentiful flowers - what's not to love?

  15. GrannyCC 06/14/2016

    What a wonderful cottage garden to go with your delightful cottage.

  16. Sunshine111 06/14/2016

    Lovely! Your very own garden of Eden!

  17. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 06/14/2016

    Good morning Jim and Lynette, and thank you for sharing this great display of flowers this morning. It was a perfect sight for this grey, rainy day here in the PNW ( not complaining about the rain as it is so needed). You have a great display of echinacea and that picket fence sets it all off beautifully. I hope that you have plenty of free time to sit on your porch and enjoy your cottage garden.

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Thank you Linda for the kind words. I wish we could get some rain in north Alabama, it has been hot and dry for the most part of June. I love old fashioned plants and the coneflower does great in our hot, humid climate. We enjoy the porch in the evenings and the weekends because of work schedules. My escape is through my garden.

  18. barbarapatchettbonnett 06/14/2016

    Fabulous! So colorful, abundant, and charming. Well done fellow gardener!

    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      Thanks Barbara, but I am humbled when I see other gardens in Fine Gardening Magazine or websites. I am just another gardener. And as my Dad always told me as a teen-ager...." Jim, there will always be someone better than you, at whatever you're doing in life." He was right!

  19. mjensen 06/14/2016


    1. user-7008144 06/15/2016

      You are kind mcjense. I simply stick plants in a hole and the good Lord takes over.

  20. user-7008144 06/15/2016

    Thanks Diane. My neighbors dad constructed the birdhouse. I have "Jackman" climbing on it which blooms in my garden with the roses in April/ May. Man, I wish my garden peaked at the same time and held its color for three months.

  21. User avater
    treasuresmom 06/15/2016

    My, my, my. Just gorgeous!!! Reminds me so much of what I grew in my "old" house. Wish I had that soil of gold that you seem to have. ;)

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