Garden Photo of the Day

Containers by Deanne Fortnam, Part 1

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

Yesterday’s mailbox planting designed by Deanne Fortnam was such a hit that Deanne and I decided we should share some of her containers for the rest of this week. We’ll start today with one of Deanne’s favorites. She says, “The bold leaves of the dwarf pink canna (I think this one is ‘Dwarf Pink Futurity’) provide height in this composition and contrast nicely to the smaller, ruffled leaves of the coleus ‘Burning Bush’(center and left) and ‘The Flume’ (right). The floriferous fuchsias ‘Mrs. Lovell Swisher’ (left) and ‘Winston Churchill’ (right) provide great color throughout the season and the double pink ivy geranium (can’t find the cultivar name of this one but is very like ‘Colorcade Deep Pink’) spills beautifully, softening the front edge of the container. A ‘Sonic Hot Pink’ New Guinea Impatiens fills out the left side of the arrangement.” Beautiful! Thanks, Deanne!

See more containers by Deanne Fortnam…

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  1. arboretum 01/25/2011

    now, THAT is a WOW!
    great job, deanne,

  2. wGardens 01/25/2011

    Nothing short of SPECTACULAR! This week is a special treat! Thanks for sharing your talents with us. Very inspiring.

  3. greekgal 01/25/2011

    This container is drop-dead gorgeous. I love that you gave the names of the other plants so we can duplicate this. Thank you and I can hardly wait to see the rest of them.

  4. Lisianne 01/25/2011

    This is the first time I've seen any use of coleus "The Flume" that makes sense. Once its used as a flower instead of foliage it makes sense. Thanks!

  5. user-7006895 01/25/2011

    This is just terrific -- so inspiring! Maybe because it's snowing out AGAIN my yearn to get my hands back in the dirt is particularly strong today.

  6. rjgrimes55 01/25/2011

    This will definitely be a week that I will look forward to with great anticipation! This container is really nice and well balanced! Thanks for bringing them to us Deanne!

  7. birdwhisperer 01/25/2011

    Beautiful arrangement, but how do you grow so many flowers in one container this size, and what army waters it and probably many others????I loved your mail box garden.

  8. sheilaschultz 01/25/2011

    This is a stunning container for so many reasons, and the background Japanese Maple just makes it pop. Can't wait to see more! Thanks, Deanne, for giving us eye candy for the week!!!

  9. Deanneart 01/25/2011

    Many thanks for the kind comments everyone!

    Birdwhisperer, LOL I would be the "army" keeping all the containers watered and I normally have 300 or more here in the summers. It takes about an hour a day to do the watering. I am able to grow so many plants in a container that size by keeping them on a good feeding and watering schedule. I also groom the plants regularly and prune things to keep everything happy.

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