Garden Photo of the Day

Color Year After Year

Hard work in the garden pays off

Today’s photos come from Pallavi Divekar in Naperville, Illinois.

I am all for perennial gardening and love to see the blooms year after year. I started this hobby a decade back and have turned into one avid gardener who loves to inspire others and share my knowledge of plants with others.

The lovely bright colors of gladiolus, hibiscus, and blazing stars add so much joy to my soul and are a remarkable treat for my eyes.

This front corner had few tulips when I moved into the house in 2005. Today it has a beautiful backdrop of white and purple phlox (Phlox paniculata, Zones 4–8) with Echinacea (coneflower hybrid, Zones 5–9), butterfly bush (Buddleia, Zones 5–9), and roses. Coreopsis (tickseed, Zones 4–9) in the forefront adds vibrancy.

This year I planted a few elephant ears
(Colocasia esculenta, Zones 7–10 or as an annual) in the planters as well as a few in the soil. I love them, and they often remind me of childhood days when my mom and grandma made special stuffed taro rolls. The taro leaves grew near mushy soil better in India.

This picture is from the backyard with some annuals in planters. This year I bought several ready-made petunia baskets while I made almost 20 pots of flowers and veggies. I am so glad I got the old pine trees out from here, and I planted all these to see them multiply crazily.

This is another corner I worked on this year, with ferns and wildflower seeds planted under the birch along with a few mixed bulbs of dahlia, elephant ears, and begonia. My dog, who is a hunting dog, loves the area with its orange daylilies
(Hemerocallis fulva, Zones 3–9), ferns, and grass. It probably reminds him of a prairie, which he loves to run through and sniff.

Hostas and coleus are so pretty and low maintenance. I have a combination of them under my kitchen window. I often enjoy a glance at these backyard beauties while sipping my daily cup of tea.

I hope you enjoy these pictures and get as much joy as I have gotten putting my hours of sweat into digging, weeding, watering, trimming, replanting, dividing, fertilizing, and so many tasks around the garden to make it a relaxing place full of eye candy.


Have a garden you’d like to share?

Have photos to share? We’d love to see your garden, a particular collection of plants you love, or a wonderful garden you had the chance to visit!

To submit, send 5-10 photos to [email protected] along with some information about the plants in the pictures and where you took the photos. We’d love to hear where you are located, how long you’ve been gardening, successes you are proud of, failures you learned from, hopes for the future, favorite plants, or funny stories from your garden.

If you want to send photos in separate emails to the GPOD email box that is just fine.

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/06/2019

    Your passion for colorful gardening is quite evident in every picture and I definitely enjoyed seeing them. I recently read a question in an article that asked "what would someone say to you after they lived 24 hours in your shoes?" I had to smile because the answer would probably revolve around why I work so physically hard in my garden areas for no money. But you, Pallavi, obviously understand that the sweat that comes from digging, weeding, mulching, etc. touches our heart and soothes our soul. We feel privileged to do it.

    1. PallaviDivekar 08/06/2019

      Thank you Michaela for your appreciation ? very nicely quoted , one would only know the happiness of gardening if ones’s heart got connected to the nature ❤️?

  2. User avater
    simplesue 08/06/2019

    Yes, I sure did enjoy your photo garden tour! I also like your artistic photo collages. Your hard work sure did pay off. Nice plant choices all arranged really well. Wish I knew what kind of Phlox? you were growing. They are super nice!

    1. PallaviDivekar 08/06/2019

      Thank you ? I love to do the pic collages a lot so this time I thought of making the same with garden pictures . Makes it so much easier as I guess my pictured would have otherwise exceeded the needed numbers ?

  3. btucker9675 08/06/2019

    Love the brilliant colors in your charming garden - your hard work has definitely paid off! A little time spent amongst beautiful flowers and foliage brightens any day.

    1. PallaviDivekar 08/06/2019

      Thank you for your kind words ? yes , so true , now that most of the plantings are done , I just enjoy my strolls with a cup of tea , admiring each blooms of the season . And pretty much maintaining the existing plants ?

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