Garden Photo of the Day

Cheerful Flower Garden

By Alexandra Dittrich

The Moreau and Charland families are excited to share there blooming garden with others.

"We really enjoy planting out flowers each year! We'd like to submit our pictures from Biddeford, Maine! Many people drive by always commenting on how beautiful our garden is all summer long! Thank you for taking the time to look at our photos."

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View 14 comments


  1. user-7007498 08/25/2016

    What a colorful view from your lovely porch.

  2. frankgreenhalgh 08/25/2016

    Hi Moreau & Charland families - Your work has certainly paid dividends; such a colourful garden. Love the wooden wheelbarrow feature. Cheers, Frank

  3. NadjaCroft 08/25/2016

    WOOOWWW! So beautiful! Thanks for sharing and congratulations on such beautiful bounty for your hard work!

  4. grannieannie1 08/25/2016

    Ahhh! Porch swing, rocking chairs in the shade, and a view of happy flowers galore. It is calling to me! Love the multiple tiers of color you've created looking up towards the house.

  5. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/25/2016

    What a delightful front porch to walk up towards...nothing like a tumble of colorful petunias to put on a smile on one's face. Include me as a fan of the flower filled wheelbarrow. Do you leave it out all through the winter and put any holiday greens in it over the Christmas holidays?

  6. sharongoetchius 08/25/2016

    How pretty! LOVE the colorfulness of it! So inviting! Must be so lovely to sit and rock on that porch! Thank you for sharing?

  7. user-4691082 08/25/2016

    Just got back from Bridgton, Maine. I know we pass signs for Biddleford! Thanks for sharing your lovely flowers with us! Love the weather in Maine in the summer! A lot less humid! We are thankful for the break in the weather this past week, aren't we Kevin? BTW, where are Tim and Jeff? We miss you!

    1. user-7007498 08/25/2016

      Glad to hear you are back from Maine, Rhonda. Like when we were in Wyoming, the break from the humidity was well needed.

      This has been a good week for the mid-Atlantic. Cooler nights have been awesome.

  8. User avater
    treasuresmom 08/25/2016

    Very colorful and pleasing to the eye. Nice job!

  9. wGardens 08/25/2016

    Indeed, a very "cheerful" garden! And like the wheelbarrow feature as well. Your love of flowers shines bright!

  10. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 08/25/2016

    What a cheerful, sunny garden and it looks like you have a great sunroom on the back of your house to enjoy plants in the winter, too.

  11. user-3565112 08/25/2016

    Your gardening style is bright & cheerful & reminds me of my mother in law. Except for roses she planted annuals exclusively. She liked to change the plants & look of her garden thru out the year.
    No visit with her was complete until we went to the nursery & planted her exciting new finds. Thank you for this post, it brings back pleasant memories.
    Good luck, Joe

  12. wittyone 08/25/2016

    Your plantings create such an inviting entry way. I hope you actually take some time to sit on that wonderful front porch and enjoy the fruits of your labors. The fragrance from all those petunias in the late afternoon must be wonderful.

  13. Minipaolo 08/26/2016

    Ugh, that red cedar mulch...........

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