Today’s photos are from Avis Vesely in Maryland. We’ve visited with Avis once before (refresh your memory HERE). Today she says, “We are blessed to live in southern Maryland on very wooded and native plant filled lot. Our house sits on a very small lake with the Chesapeake Bay across the road. We have lots of pollinators and birds who enjoy the native plants and I’ve been trying to add to them as they seem to be resistant to deer munching and fit into the natural setting here.

Our grandchildren are here often and so everything that I do in the garden has them in mind as well. This summer’s project which I’ve been working on in my head all winter is a secret garden for the children. We are putting in the posts for the door today!” Avis, it’s so nice to see more of your garden! I knew, way back in 2012, that there was more that you weren’t showing us….and I’ll bet there’s still lots more! It’s all lovely, and I do want another batch of photos….
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Avis you are very fortunate to garden on such a lovely piece of property. I love natives and each year we add more to our landscaping too. The foxglove is stunning and the flag stone path lined with my Grandmas favorite plant the Iris,I can almost smell the scent of my Grandmas flowers. This is all so beautiful and you are are making life long wonderful memories for your Grandchildren. I can't wait to see the secret garden you are making for them. Will you share it with us when you are finished? I thourally enjoyed your gardens and I can tell you have a love for your land.
Hi Avis. This is my favorite type of garden on two counts. First, I love a woodland garden, and yours is so beautiful. I also love your stone path and retaining wall and the plants you've used. Iris is one of my favorites. You are so fortunate to have so many trees. Second, my favorite season is spring. All through winter I long for the time when I can dig in the dirt again. Then spring comes and everything starts popping up. Thank you for sharing your pics. Please send more soon. Again, your garden is so beautiful.
Thank you so much , we have five feet of snow here in Nova Scotia these are a welcome treat for the heart ..
Avis, thanks for this breath of spring. So encouraging. Maryland is really beautiful and it looks like you have a great piece of it. That foxglove is really enchanting. It has such great contrast with its soft, gently color and polka dots. Love it.
How wonderful to have a woodland garden! Beautiful! And love the stonework as well. Yes, do send in more photos- and later, photos of the "secret garden". What a fun project!
You have a very delightful woodland garden. Always something kinda storybook-ish about them. That trillium is a real treat. It's a beautiful property with all its natives. Way to preserve them. Thank you for sharing.
Ah, Avis, your pictures have released my inner child this morning and I went happily skipping and running down your beautiful stone path to knock on the door of your very picturesque cottage. I love, love, love this kind of gardening vibe. It brings such a sense of discovery and enchantment. And, what a gorgeous hyacinth that is going to be when it opens...and with such an intoxicating scent...ha, I am drunk on spring and it isn't even here yet!
What a lovely little place to siesta in! I must exclaim, " I love your rocks!"There is such a wonderful slope to your place, too. Yes, as Glenda said, you are making a wonderful place in the hearts of your grandchildren! I remember many good times with my grandparents. It acutually shaped who iam today with the gardening aspect. Its all beautiful, Avis. I so would enjoy seeing the secret garden! What a treat and a fantasy for me to have one! A walled in one of rock would be just fine! Thanks for sharing with us!
Hi Avis. I agree with the other comments, you have a very beautiful yard. It looks like a great place to relax and commune with nature. Thanks for sharing. The only thing curious to me is the choice of hellebores in the kids garden. Aren't they poisonous?
Lovely! You've captured the heart of what a woodland garden should be,,,beautiful, serene and and natural. Bravo!
Spring is almost here! I always look for the first crocus and snowdrop in my own garden and then take pictures of the first of each of the wildflowers as they document the progression of the seasons. Here, the Fawn Lily (Erythronium sp.) and the Shooting Star (Dodecatheon sp.) always race to see which will bloom first, the wild trilliums show up much later.
Love your little house and the stone paths and walls! Hope to see the secret garden as it evolves, such fun!
Avis, your cottage garden is still as dreamy as ever! The Spring garden is so fresh, vibrant and colorful. The Wee House is such a charmer especially with that path lined by narcissus and irises. I am smitten!
Magical and enchanting are the words that popped in my mind as I scrolled through your photos. Your grandchildren are very lucky!
Love to see the first signs of Spring. it has been such a hard winter for so many that your photos are a delight. Glad to hear that the deer ignore the native plants. Look forward to seeing your secret garden,
What lucky grand children. Love the path and flowers, especially buttercups.
Absolutely agree! Gorgeous! Love the natives and the natural woodland vibe. And the wine trillium. I also have a wine colored trillium but mine has mottled leaves and the petals stay closed, like a tulip. Still too early - it's not up yet. More pictures, please. Thank you.
Hi Avis, hello from Central MD. If these are pictures that you just took, then you are way ahead of me in spring cheer. I just chopped down Red Baron grass to reveal the crocus, glad I am in time since they are just emerging. I love your paths to your garden shed. I would like to see photos of your view. Can you see the lake? the Bay? The irises are magnificent lining the path. Happy spring.
OH !!!! The evening primrose !!!! My favorites ! And what a stand of them ! Your hellebores are the biggest I've ever seen ! Such a pretty place you have there. So very lovely ! What a treat for me today !!!! Thank you !
Blessed indeed! What kind of digitalis do you have?
Nice plants and beautiful property! Love the patio peach.
Love those white crocus and the foxgloves are spectacular!
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