Garden Photo of the Day

Another gazing globe done right

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

In the never-ending war against gazing globes (awful or awesome?), here’s an example of one done right. Dan Johnson popped one on top of a handsome pot to reflect his patio in his garden in Denver, Colorado. It’s small, a subtle color, and just right. Do you agree?

To see an earlier post on gazing globes used in an imaginative way, click here.

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View 7 comments


  1. user-7006895 09/22/2010

    It's very subtle, which is what makes it work. This makes me want to keep an eye out for one at the end of season sales.

  2. SassyNancy 09/22/2010

    Beautiful. I think gazing globes can be a worthy contribution in a garden when placed correctly - just like this.

  3. Sandy01 09/22/2010

    I like!

  4. voyagertrek 09/22/2010

    I really like this idea! We bought a gazing globe this summer -- but couldn't come up with a good way to display it -- this is terrific. Thank you!

  5. user-7006879 09/22/2010

    I really love this idea! Now to keep my deer from licking it and knocking it over :-)

  6. user-7006896 09/22/2010

    I think it's beautiful!

  7. sheilaschultz 09/22/2010

    I totally agree! Dan's backyard is amazing.

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