Garden Photo of the Day

A Secret Garden in Paris

Shannon Howes Jurgens has a secret to share in Paris, Ontario.

"Hello from Paris Ontario. In the nook of historic Paris there lies a secret garden.  Many different cultivars are displayed here with focus on water saving, butterfly habitat and Daylilies."

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View 23 comments


  1. frankgreenhalgh 03/28/2016

    Lovely garden Shannon, especially with the stream in the background. Glad to see you using the word 'cultivar' correctly (as opposed to variety). Thanks for sharing.

    1. diane_lasauce 03/28/2016

      Wyman's Gardening Encyclopedia defines cultivar..."so-called "horticultural variety" or "garden variety" so I am not sure what you suggest above...

      1. NWAgardener 03/28/2016

        This excellent article from Iowa State University explains the difference between variety and cultivar. Thanks for questioning the difference - it made me do a little research.

        1. frankgreenhalgh 03/29/2016

          Thanks NWAgardener and Diane for your comments As the article explains a cultivated variety is a cultivar. So cultivar should be used more often in horticulture and agriculture. The issue is whether gardening is cultivating plants.

  2. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/28/2016

    Looks like a lovely garden...esp. during peak daylily bloom which creates the impression of the color wheel coming to life.

  3. NWAgardener 03/28/2016

    Two of my favorites - daylilies and hosta! Lovely serene setting with robust plants - sublime.

    1. shannonhowesjurgens 04/01/2016

      Mine too! Several daylily cultivars will do quite well in semi shade conditions and can be companion planted with hostas very nicely. A personal favorite combination

  4. GrannyMay 03/28/2016

    Thanks for sharing these photos, Shannon. Massed daylilies look fantastic! I couldn't tell from the narrative - is this a public garden or your own?

    1. shannonhowesjurgens 03/28/2016

      Hello GrannyMay,
      This is my own garden, I am usually out there gardening when people stop by to say hello :)

      1. GrannyMay 03/29/2016

        It is truly lovely. I'm not surprised that people would stop to talk. They must be complimenting you and asking for advice.

        1. shannonhowesjurgens 04/01/2016

          Some stop by and buy plants, ask what things are, or just wondering what is providing all the color

  5. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 03/28/2016

    Thanks Shannon, this looks like a lovely place. In fact, I'd like to be sitting on that bench in midsummer appreciating all of the beautiful colors and butterflies.

    1. shannonhowesjurgens 03/28/2016

      It is a lovely place to sit I think, I rarely do :) Such as a gardeners life

  6. lilyfan 03/28/2016

    I have been waiting to see Shannon's lovely garden featured on here...her Artist's Eye surely show up! She is also very active with dayliliy sites on Facebook like Daylily Dreaming,,those who love daylilies should check it out!

    1. shannonhowesjurgens 03/28/2016

      Yes daylily lovers can come join the fun on Daylily Dreaming facebook page. Thanks Nancy you are so sweet

  7. maryannborcherding 03/28/2016

    Yeah! Another daylily lover. Great Garden Shannon.

  8. foxglove12 03/28/2016

    So beautiful and special...

  9. annek 03/29/2016

    Wow, lovely garden, Shannon! The title captured my imagination (secret garden in Paris) - what's more romantic than that?! - and your photos beautifully completed the image. Your swath of daylilies, the hostas and sweet angel, and that wondrous stream.......Oh, you made my day!

  10. krissgandier 03/31/2016

    Lovely garden Shannon. Our Galt Hort. Club had a tour of a couple of places in Paris last year. You have some lovely gardens there. Would you be interested in having your garden on tour one year???? Please contact me at [email protected] if you would be willing to have your garden on tour some year.

    1. shannonhowesjurgens 04/01/2016

      What date is your tour usually held Kriss? :)

      1. krissgandier 04/11/2016

        Tours are held on Monday evenings from 7-9pm, during the months of June, July and August. Your garden would be on tour on one of those Mondays that would be convenient for you.

  11. eddireid 04/01/2016

    What treat! The mixture of plants is delightful. Quite a few of my favorites and so interesting to see the daylilies mixed with th Hosta. Must try that!
    Thank you Shannon.

  12. krissgandier 04/04/2016

    Hi Shannon. My garden is on the tour this year, but they need gardens for next year. The tours are held on Monddd

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