Garden Photo of the Day

A Full Moon Garden, All Season Long

Ann Desmarais in Amherst, New Hampshire always has a full moon in her garden all season long, thanks to some strategic planting!

"This is my white garden/moon garden which is next to my screened porch. Most everything in the garden has a white flower or variegated foliage. The few exceptions, like the hosta and the dark leafed Ligularia are not grown for the flowers; they act as a backdrop to the other plants with their large leaves so that even if there isn't something in bloom the foliage provide visual interest. The season starts with Galanthus/snowdrops peeking their little heads through the snow, followed shortly by white tulips and Sanguinaria Canadenis (bloodroot). Right now the Baptisia Alba, Aruncus (goats beard), a white peony, and white bleeding heart are in bloom. A SlenderDeutzia (not shown) provides structure to the other end of the garden. In the fall the Eupatorium chocolate and Physostegia (obedient plant) and the Cimifuga 'Brunette' Fairy Candles (bugbane) will shine."

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  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 06/18/2015

    Ann, your moon garden looks serene and lovely and sounds perfectly placed. Do you step out on the porch before bed for a final look?...I think I would enjoy doing that. It takes discipline and vision to pull off a multi season moon garden and your pictures and description makes it sound very worthwhile. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. user-7007140 06/18/2015

      You are so well named Meander!

  2. NCYarden 06/18/2015

    Love this kind of garden, Ann, because such a garden has such an enchanting appeal with the silver shine. My wife wants something similar, but like meander1 I think I lack the discipline, just too looney with all the other cool plants that I can't help but tuck some rogue plant in to disrupt the theme. So with that I say well done. Also my compliments on your courage with the wee you got serious heart. I think that plant looks so amazing, but it was quickly apparent I was not gonna win that exhausting battle. I bet it looks very cool though. Thanks for sharing.

  3. User avater
    gringopeligroso 06/18/2015

    I LOVE how you decided to go Bold and introduce a bit of contrast into your Garden! The choices of Ligularia and Cimicfuga really anchor as well as highlight the brighter elements and gives the view nice depth! (Easy to see in person, much more difficult in a photo!)
    I learned a similar lesson many years ago when I was playing with the opposite side of the colour wheel. My border of very dark blooms were lost and hidden once you stepped back just a few feet. But, by tucking in just few white flowers (Sweet Allyssum, I seem to remember,) the whole bed then rejoiced and the heavier colours glowed with a, until then, hidden radiance. And, it didn't take much..just as you've illustrated for us!
    Also: NICE macro photo of the Peony! Wish I'ld taken that one!!!

    PS: Love the birdbath, too!! (Hyper-tufa, I believe?) I've been wanting to do something similar with some leaves from my contained garden. I've several Aroids...Philodendrons, Anthuriums, Alocasias, etc, which might make good subjects.... Now, if'n I can just find a bit more time....!!!!

  4. user-7007140 06/18/2015

    Your garden is very interesting with all the pretty foliage, too. I have a white garden but much more restricted in plants - it's on a corner where the dogs and grandchildren take a shortcut down some steps! I love the addition of the white peony so I may borrow your inspiration and add one of those. White is not at all boring and to plant a peaceful spot is calming.
    Good job Anne - have fun with it all.

  5. user-7007327 06/18/2015

    The moon is always female.

  6. GrannyCC 06/18/2015

    Hi Ann what a delightful garden. It is so well thought out to include something for all seasons.

  7. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 06/18/2015

    Great plant choices and wonderful restraint. Like several others here, I have little to no restraint. I do have color themes in different areas of my gardens: they just happen to use pretty much whatever color strikes my fancy. That's a color scheme, isn't it? Or maybe I'm just scheming to buy more plants! What other garden areas do you have? Please share more.

    1. NCYarden 06/18/2015

      absolutely ideal color scheme

  8. Cenepk10 06/18/2015

    You and Vita Sackville -West with the beautiful white gardens ! Such pretty plant selections for the beautiful backdrop of your home. Very sophisticated. Thanks for sharing ! I really love when the home & garden design become one beautiful whole.

  9. GrannyMay 06/18/2015

    Ann, I really admire the self-restraint that goes into sticking to a single bloom colour. Love the way it looks - cannot do myself! But do you really cut off the yellow blooms of the Ligularia? There are white-flowered hostas, but it sounds like yours are not, so do you cut off their flowers as well?

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