Despite the drought, Jim Hoose's garden is in full bloom.
"This is one of several photos of my very amateur gardens in Easton, PA. This particular photo is from October 1st of this year after our first substantial rain in almost seven weeks. To say it has been a tough year here with seven heat waves and drought is an understatement. The gardens are all about six years old or less and in an almost constant stage of transition. Perennials predominate and the shade beds are becoming quite established."
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Amateur? Its beautiful Jim! We're about 2 hours SE of you and I agree it was a tough summer. I envy all of those beautiful shade trees. What are the pieces of furniture in the last photo? If you don't already have heucheras, tricyrtis, and actea(formerly called cimicifuga) they are fantastic shade plants. The actea blooms in September, October and is the most heavenly fragrance! I really enjoyed your photography also!
What's this Rhonda. Are you starting to get up early? 1st post multiple times in the last couple of weeks.?
Hey Kevin! I get up early but don't start with emails...sometimes there are so many posts, it seems that my thoughts have been expressed already! I really need you to to come over. I have torn out lots of my plants, and need another set of eyes! I tore out the ostrich ferns in back of my Alaskan cedar- they can really take over! I have begun to tear out the creeping Jenny...what a nightmare!
My you are motivated. Would love to help, but not sure when I will be in the area next. Send me some pictures.
Creeping Jenny can be tough to remove.
Nice work with your garden, Jim. I also am pretty close, living in Harrisburg. The summer sure has been tough this year. I lost 2 established dwarf pines, and a few hostas bit the dust. I love the texture of the gold hosta in the last photo. Your tub containers are pretty cool. Nice photo of the Gaillardia. Very tough plant, and I can rarely keep it for more that 2-3 seasons before it wears out.
Thanks for sharing.
Your last photois terrific. Gardens photographed in the rain seem to be more peaceful & subdued. I like your use of the galvanized wash tub as a planter also. I've had good luck overwintering mums in a dry spot in one of those. Good work & good luck, Joe
I love your use of what my husband calls a foot tub in pic 6. I also have rudbeckia and it is really drought tolerant. We have had 2 extended dry periods since last May and they can make it a long time without being watered once they are established. I have to add along with the other posters, that the hosta in the last pic is outstanding. What is the name?
Your garden doesn't seem to be holding a grudge in regards to the hot draughty summer...flower faces look happy and colorful and foliage is healthy and green (for the most part). I'm sure you did an almost literal dance of joy when that substantial rain came pouring down from the sky. I love the color pattern on your variety of blanket flower ...it's like a little package of sunrise to midday.
nice photos! Your late season color is great. Looks like you have a lot of fun stuff going on in your last photo. Thanks for posting. Just what I needed on a cold, frosty morning!
Looks lovely!!! I feel your pain... It spinkled here, for less than 10 minutes, 4 times since April. And we had such a wonderful wet Spring ! El Nino years are rough... I'm sick of hearing myself whine & dragging hoses !!!! Your garden looks no worse for it, I must say !
Looks a little to nice to be described as 'amateur'! Looking good despite the drought. Love the metal containers.
You have a lot of blooms going on considering your drought this summer... Jim, you must be exhausted from tugging on your hose nonstop! One thing for sure, the vines and herbs in your galvanized planters were feeling no pain, they are lush! I think most of us will be overjoyed to say goodbye to El Nino!
The main difference between amateur and professional is that amateurs don't get paid for their work. The other difference is that professionals have to try to please someone else. When it's your own garden you only have to please yourself. In your case, though, it looks like you are pleasing many people here today. Your planting in the washtub is a big hit. I also like the annuals in the cattle trough and the yellow dresser with the little house (???) sitting behind that. Creativity at its best.
The other photo I find fascinating is the close up of the mullein. The more I looked at it the more little creatures I found. Carpenter ant, some sort of weevil, oh another weevil and there's a third. Fun photo. Love the tiger swallowtail on the lily as well.
I really do appreciate your garden; however, would it be possible to identify your plants? Thanks.
Well, Jim, I see nothing amateurish about your gardens and your photos are outstanding. Is that a giant gnome hiding in the last photo?:) Here on Whidbey we have drought every summer so the first thing that we look for in buying plants after deer resistance is drought tolerance but we still drag hoses all summer since they have to get established to actually be drought tolerant. Grasses and lavender are the best that we've found, so far, but we're hoping that our new Pacific Wax Myrtles will be good at tolerating our wet winter/dry summer combo.
Beautiful. Especially love the tiger lilies and butterfly, and the coneflowers, and...see comments below!
Love your yard art .
Good results in spite of challenging weather.
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