Garden Photo of the Day

A Blooming Update

Diane LaSauce is keeping us up to date on what's blooming in her garden. What's blooming in your garden right now?

"Here's what is blooming this morning at Swallowtail Cottage, a central Virginia garden.  A late March morning with overcast skies, yet the plants speak volumes."

Have a garden you'd like to share? Please email 5-10 photos (and a brief story about your garden) to [email protected], or tag your photos on Instagram or Twitter with #FineGardening!

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View 51 comments


  1. User avater
    meander_michaele 03/23/2016

    I smiled the instant I saw you your name as today's sharer, Diane, because I knew there was going to be some lovely photos. You always frame your vignettes with an artist's eye...perfect example being the line of daffodils with the accent of iron fencing. What is the glossy leaved plant in the 6th down picture? It looks like those shiny leaves might be present throughout the winter which would make it a very welcome garden addition.

    1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      Your sweet comments make me smile. Thank you!
      Notice the comment above to answer or Buxus Green Mountain, about seven years old. I adore the Green Mountain and Green Velvet varieties, as they thrive here in central VA, in our difficult zone 6-7. Last year they began flowering and add a dash of delight to my late winter/early spring. (Please tell me your first name!) Diane

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 03/23/2016

        Ha, Diane, well, you wouldn't think a simple request like "Please tell me your first name" would give me a furrowed brow but...ok, here is the story. My birth certificate 'real" first name is Michaele (pronounced Ma kay' la) and many people in my life call me that. However, my family nickname is Mikey and even some newish friends use that as well as those who know me from growing up and through college. And, then there is Mike which others feel comfortable using since I took that on as the grown-up nickname. The Life cereal tv commercial that had a tag line of "Give it to Mikey. He'll eat anything" made me feel goofy introducing myself as Mikey for a stretch in my life and that is when I shortened it to "Mike"...ha, more dignified, I thought.

        Whew, are you exhausted reading this? It's quite a silly story. When I have contributed pictures of my garden here on GPOD, I have submitted them under Michaele Anderson so that is the first name most on this board use.

        My dad actually wanted a girl he could call Mike so he searched hard all those many years ago to come up with something that had the connection. Michaele is the Irish feminine for Michael. My parents liked to tell the story about how the local priest refused to baptize me until they could prove it was a real name. How times have changed!

        1. GrannyCC 03/23/2016

          Love the story!!!

          1. User avater
            meander_michaele 03/23/2016

            Glad you enjoyed it, Catherine. My parents were Dottie and Bill and they were determined that their children would have unusual names so my two sisters are Bronwen and Megan...which were very unusual 60-70 years ago.

          2. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

            Mike, I am slowly plowing through the Outlander series...have you read them? Scotland, yes, and full of unpronounceable names...;-)

          3. User avater
            meander_michaele 03/23/2016

            No, I have not read any of the Outlander my gardening addiction has grown, my book reading time has, sadly, diminished. Good for you, Diane, to not have let that happen.

            I know my parents got the name Bronwen from a book called How Green Was My Valley and it was about a Welsh family. I'm not sure how" Megan" came to their attention but I believe it is also of Welsh background. My name "Michaele" caught their eye thanks to a beer beauty contest...ha, it was Miss Rheingold (a beer brand) of 1947. Soon as my dad saw her name, Michaele Fallon, in the paper, he hoped that the next baby they had would be a girl and I came along a year later...

          4. diane_lasauce 03/24/2016

            My time to read printed material is November through February...if I am lucky. Happy Day!

          5. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

            Catherine, Don't you love how this wonderful Fine Gardening site if we attended a friendly tea today. Thank you Fine gardening for this warm and fuzzy platform.

        2. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

          LOL! What is your favorite name? I know I always wished to be Kirsten...;-)

          1. User avater
            meander_michaele 03/23/2016

            Hmm, picked a good name to lust communicates an interesting person and the bonus is that it is pronounced like it's spelled.
            In college, I went through a stage where I yearned to be called "Shavaun" kept the Irish connection. But, the honest truth is that the only reason that name came to my attention was because it belonged to a very pretty, very popular, smart and super likable girl...ha, so I probably just wanted to be her no matter what her name had been! Later, I found out that the name "Shavaun" also had multiple spellings and the genuine Irish spelling of Siobhan would have been even more confusing than Michaele.

          2. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

            Darlin' you keep me smiling!

  2. user-4691082 03/23/2016

    Hi Diane! When people post photos of plants not yet blooming in my garden, it gives me hope that soon my plants will follow! I also do not recognize the shrub in the next to last photo. Everything is beautiful! Loving those hellebores...

    1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      Hi Rhonda, that is a Buxus Green Mountain in bloom! Never thought they bloomed, yet, with maturity, an additional spring delight.

  3. user-3565112 03/23/2016

    It looks like you & your gardens are off to a running start this spring. Could you tell me what the plants is in the 1st & last photos are? Beautiful photos,thank you & good luck.Joe

    1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      Hi Joe, First plant is PJM rhododendron and the last is Euphorbia...Thanks for your kind comments...truly a labor of love! Check out my garden blog showing more images and descriptions...

      1. user-3565112 03/23/2016

        Hi Diane, I checked out your blog & I am impressed. I've added it to my favorites list & will keep it as a reference for ideas for my gardens. Thank for the info re: plants , Hope you have a great spring, Joe

        1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

          Thank you Joe. I invite you to subscribe to my blog. That way you will never miss my latest garden escapades...

          1. user-3565112 03/24/2016

            How do subscribe to your blog ? As far as I know I've never subscribed to someone's blog before. Thank you , Joe

          2. diane_lasauce 03/24/2016

            Joe look in the left hand column of my blog page, and notice the spot that says "follow blog via email", and there is a "follow" button there that will take you to the spot to sign up. Let me know if this works for you. When you choose to follow, every time I post, you will receive an email. Diane

          3. user-3565112 03/24/2016

            Diane, I followed your instructions & it worked like a charm. I read several of your posts & the one about you adventures with the lawnmower was hilarious. You are putting Baby 5 to the test with all that gravel. Before I bought a pickup I hauled in a Trans Am. With the T-tops off I could haul trees. Thank you & good luck , Joe

          4. diane_lasauce 03/25/2016

            Joe, I am laughing just thinking of your Trans Am with trees popping out the funny!
            You indeed understand my garden projects and small hauling truck in my future, so Baby 5 must assist.
            Thank you for following my blog. I do pour my heart and soul into those essays and so enjoy photography. Comments there are always appreciated, as I want to know that my blogging efforts make some difference.

  4. anitaberlanga 03/23/2016

    your hellebores are gorgeous - your entire garden is gorgeous! We have forsythia blooming and a crocus or two - even with the mild temps it's still a bit early in Central IL, but all my tulips and irises are coming up, which is very heartening.

    1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      Happy spring Anita! Your kind comments help me get through the laborious parts of spring gardening. Diane

  5. Cenepk10 03/23/2016

    Beautiful !!! Cranesbill, creeping phlox, quince, hellebores, snapdragons, lorepetalum, spiderwort, forsythia blooming- roses fat with buds !!!! So grateful for Spring to FINALLY be here.

    1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016


  6. Quiltingmamma 03/23/2016

    Snow. We have more snow. Thanks for sharing your Spring.

    1. sheila_schultz 03/23/2016

      Is yours as wet as ours? We definitely needed the moisture!

      1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

        Sheila, we had 19" of snow during winter (ugh) and the ground seems happily moist now following on 83F day last week and 70's this week.

        1. Quiltingmamma 03/23/2016

          83?!? 70's?!? I know, soon we will have similar, and then complain about the heat and dry gardens :-)

          1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

            Indeed, we gardeners must remain verra flexible. We had light frost yesterday morning, and 74 and sunny today...I will take 74 any day of the year, except in the winter! My Minnow daffs took a real hit during our warm December, and most the blooms were killed/maimed. So sad, as they are one of my favs...

    2. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      Hold on! Spring will arrive!

  7. sheila_schultz 03/23/2016

    Your photos of spring blooms are not only beautiful but very much appreciated this snowy morning in Denver. We are in the midst of a blizzard with 5"- 6" of wet snow blanketing my gardens and 3- 4 more on the way! Hard to believe I have been working in the gardens in 70 degree weather for the last 2 days! Guess I should have taken photos of the happy crocus?

    BTW, Diane, Michaele is right... you are an artist with your camera!

    1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      How kind Sheila. Thank you for appreciating my efforts to share my world and small gardens here in central VA. Hold on, spring is just around the corner for you and your gardens...Diane

    2. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      PS, it was a blissful 74 here today Sheila, with full sun.
      Sheer bliss coming your way soon. Diane

      1. sheila_schultz 03/24/2016

        We had 24" of snow at our place!!! Geez Louise??? Definitely Spring in CO, but tomorrow will be close to 50. Much needed moisture in our neighborhood. Your photos are just darn dreamy, Diane!

        1. diane_lasauce 03/25/2016

          Whoa Sheila! 24" of snow in March? Guess you are a pro at handling all that white stuff. And just think of all that free nitrogen your gardens are receiving! Post pics on FG when you see green! In the meantime I invite you to float around my garden blog... Cheers, Diane

          1. sheila_schultz 03/25/2016

            Funny thing Diane... we don't get a lot of snow in Denver, it usually hits the mountains to the west and the flat plains to the east. March is typically our snowiest month w/the snow followed by sunny 40's & 50's. The very dry gardens are loving it!

  8. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

    FYI, if readers here enjoy these spring images, see more photos with details on my garden blog post

    1. GrannyMay 03/23/2016

      I just saw the answer to my question in your blog. I'll check back to see how they grow. Thanks!

      1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

        Thank you!

  9. GrannyMay 03/23/2016

    Diane, thanks for sharing again. I love the massed hellebores and keep hoping mine will take off and do the same. is this your bed of heirloom daffodils? Please send more photos once they are in full bloom.

    1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      GrannyMay, These hellebores surprise me every year, as they seem to be happy, seeding themselves in both sun and shade. It is a chore to cut off all the leaves from the prior season ( in February), yet this task rewards me with 12-15" stems of blooms by early March.
      Yes, this is the 30' trough of heirloom daffs, in the early stage...the five raised beds in the same area, are now converted to heirloom daff/tulip beds too, as these bring me much more pleasure than failing/fighting with veggies/insects...I let the organic farmers at the local market provide me with perfect veggies...and I enjoy my flowers.

      1. schatzi 03/23/2016

        I think you are on to something! I haven't given up on vegetables yet, but I'm getting closer...Your garden is gorgeous. Please show us the heirloom daffs when they bloom.

        1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

          Will do Shirley.
          I invite you to visit my converted raised beds on my garden blog:

  10. GrannyCC 03/23/2016

    Diane your gardens are a delight!

    1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      So thoughtful Catherine. Glad to share.
      Why not visit my garden blog too.

      1. GrannyCC 03/23/2016

        Thanks Diane I really enjoyed your blog.

        1. diane_lasauce 03/24/2016

          Thanks Catherine...hope you "followed..."

  11. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 03/23/2016

    Hi Diane, everytime you submit photos, it makes me wish that I could walk through your garden. I'll have to revisit your blog, I guess to satisfy that urge. I don't believe that I've ever seen a boxwood in flower, other than Sarcococca, which really isn't boxwood even though they call it Sweet Box. The flower, though is quite similar. Does yours have any fragrance? Your Hellobores are so nice and thick. I would love to get mine to that stage. Thanks for sharing your spring.

    1. diane_lasauce 03/23/2016

      You are very welcome Linda. I post many photos on my garden blog, and I invite you to "follow" it by clicking the box in the left hand column. And check out the categories while you are there...over 160 posts...
      I have not noticed any Buxus flower fragrance. I also have sweet box here, and never notice any scent there either.
      I permit my hellebores to self-sow and they spread willingly. Much pleasure from so simple a plant.
      Depending on where you reside, my gardens always welcome kindred spirits...Diane

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