Vancouver Hardy Plant Group - Fine Gardening

  • Design

    GPOD on the Road: Here Come the Podophyllums, Part 2

    We’re back for more of Cherry Ong’s visit to a great garden today, one that she saw on a tour organized by the Vancouver Hardy Plant Society last summer. This…

  • Design

    GPOD on the Road: Here Come the Podophyllums!

    We’re visiting another garden with Cherry Ong today, one that she saw on a tour organized by the Vancouver Hardy Plant Society last summer. This is a collector’s shade garden,…

  • black locust tree with chartreuse foliage

    GPOD on the Road: Vancouver Garden Tour

    We’re tagging along with Cherry Ong today, enjoying pictures from a series of garden tours she went on last June, organized by the Vancouver Hardy Plant Society. These photos are…

  • garden path cutting through lush shade plantings

    Garden Tour with Cherry

    Today, frequent GPOD contributor Cherry Ong is taking us along on a garden tour she was able to go on in June. The tour was part of a four-day plant-study…