Summer Flowers - Fine Gardening

  • multi-colored hibiscus

    Summer Color in Robert’s Kansas Garden

    Hi GPODers! It's been a very colorful week here at Garden Photo of the Day, and the theme continues with Robert Walsh's vibrant blooms in Lenexa, Kansas. Robert has lots…

  • Endless Summer Hydrangea with a variegated hosta

    Long Island Summer Garden: Blooms and Foliage

    Hey GPODers! Today we're getting a summertime update from Lee Miller's garden in Long Island (check out her first submission: Long Island Garden Tour). She sent over lots of photos…

  • wale topiary surrounded by garden bed

    GPOD on the Road: Annual Arrangements in Victoria

    Happy Friday GPODers! It's been a minute since I did a post on my trip across North America last year (if you missed it, catch up on that series here:…

  • window box with pink white and purple annual flowers

    Summer Containers in Connecticut

    Hey GPODers! Today's submission is extra special for me because they come from the person that instilled my love for plants, my mom! Every year she eagerly anticipates the last…

  • wooden garden arch covered in climbing plants

    Fabulous Flowers in Anna’s Wisconsin Garden

    Hi GPODers! Today we're off to Wisconsin to get an update from Anna Tsai's garden (you can check out earlier posts of Anna's garden here: 21 Years of Hard Gardening…

  • rabbit hiding behind ferns

    More Rabbits and Flowers From Maxine’s Garden

    Hey GPODers! Today we're back in Rotterdam, New York exploring Maxine Brisport's wildlife-friendly garden. In case you missed the first part (which you should definitely check out here), Maxine contends…

  • shade garden with pink flowers and various hostas

    Rabbits and Their Leftovers in Maxine’s Garden

    Happy Monday GPODers! We're starting off the week in Rotterdam, New York, visiting the garden of Maxine Brisport. Maxine has shared her beautiful garden with us several times in the…

  • Columbine Blue Barlow

    An Old Garden in a Lithuanian Village

    Happy Monday, GPODers! As always, I hope you had a lovely plant-filled weekend. Today we're jumping into a garden with a deep history and plants that hold many stories. Sima…

  • bus parked behind wildflowers on the side of the road

    GPOD on the Road: Canadian Wildflowers

    Happy Friday, GPODers! We have another installment of my travels through Canada last summer, and I want to dive into some of the wildflowers I spotted while traveling. While rest…

  • eremurmus

    Spectacular Summer Flowering Bulbs for the Pacific Northwest 

    Spring is fading fast, and memories of the daffodil and tulip bulbs that we filled our beds and containers with are starting to fade also. Now is the time to…