summer container - Fine Gardening

  • multi-colored hibiscus

    Summer Color in Robert’s Kansas Garden

    Hi GPODers! It's been a very colorful week here at Garden Photo of the Day, and the theme continues with Robert Walsh's vibrant blooms in Lenexa, Kansas. Robert has lots…

  • summer container designs

    Spectacular Summer Container Designs: Part 2

    Summer is the season all gardeners await. The bright sun and warm weather signal the start of the showiest time of year, and nowhere is this excitement more evident than…

  • summer container designs

    Spectacular Summer Container Designs: Part 1

    Summer is the season all gardeners await. The bright sun and warm weather signal the start of the showiest time of year, and nowhere is this excitement more evident than…

  • summer flowers plant container

    Creative Container Designs That Welcome Summer

    I have a passion for green things—and all things related to green things. Plant and container specimens line my greenhouse shelves, carport, and driveway. Come summer, I put all worries…

  • outdoor room covered in plants

    Joe’s Exuberant Buffalo Garden

    Today we’re in Buffalo, New York, visiting with Joe Hopkins. We’ve visited with Joe before (Color-Blind Plant Combinations). He gardens on a small, urban lot and is partially color blind,…

  • summer container plants

    Exciting Container Plants for Summer

    I’m particularly fond of big, gaudy plants, but I like teeny tiny ones too. Large-leaved tropical plants really take the heat and can do wonders for planters around pool decks…

  • Monty Don plants a summer container

    Create a Colorful Summer Container Garden

    When the heat of summer truly sets in, many gardeners prefer to sit back in the shade and enjoy their garden, instead of sweating to maintain it. The one task…