northwest - Page 2 of 19 - Fine Gardening

  • close up of light pink Martagon lilies

    GPOD on the Road: Vancouver Hardy-Plant Study Weekend

    Back in June, friend of the GPOD Cherry Ong attended the Vancouver Hardy Plant Study Weekend and was kind enough to share photos of some of the gardens she toured.…

  • new gardening tools

    Novel Garden Tools to Get Excited About This Year

    For at least 12,000 years, humans have been clearing brush, digging dirt, planting plants, cultivating, weeding, growing, and harvesting—in a word, gardening! And for almost as long, these same humans…

  • garden full of lush foliage and purple flowers

    A Year in Peggy’s Garden

    Today we’re off to Gig Harbor, Washington, where Peggy Fox is escaping the winter blues by looking back at some favorite photos from last year in her garden. Spring foliage…

  • spring planting plan pacific northwest

    Spring Planting Plan for the Pacific Northwest

    In her article "Spring Planting Ideas," Michelle Gervais beautifully illustrates the magical time that is the start of spring: "Our winter-weary spirits lift as hints of green begin to appear.…

  • Design

    The Fern Fairway in Summer

    Cherry Ong, a frequent GPOD contributor from Richmond, British Columbia, has a narrow side yard in her garden that she calls the Fern Fairway. She always makes the most of…

  • late-winter blooming plants

    Late-Winter Blooming Plants for Pollinators in Pacific Northwest

    After the torrential rains of December, it is a wonder that anything is blooming in Pacific Northwest gardens. Thankfully there are great plants that survive the downpours and even flourish…

  • holiday wreath with white branches and purple berries

    Wreath Making with Cherry

    December is around the corner, which means it's time for holiday decorating. And today Cherry Ong is sharing some of her incredible holiday wreath creations. She combines basic wreaths with…

  • winter garden

    Garden Chores to Tackle in Late Fall and Through the Winter

    With the flurry of the holidays bearing down upon us, now is the perfect time to make a list of winter garden tasks to accomplish over the coming months. I…

  • small gravel seating area surrounded by container plantings

    Cherry’s Summer That Was

    Cherry Ong is taking us on a look back at her garden over the past summer. I bet you’re all enjoying autumn but somehow miss summer. I miss this summer…

  • wide view of fall garden with purple berries and lots of foliage plants

    October in Cherry’s Garden

    We often hear from Cherry Ong when she’s traveling to visit a marvelous public garden, but today she’s letting us in to see her home garden in Richmond, British Columbia.…