improve soil - Fine Gardening
How to Use Compost in the Garden to Combat Intense Heat and Drought
There is no way to sugarcoat the challenges many of us in the Mid-Atlantic region have faced this summer. The inconsistency of rainfall and the extreme high temperatures have greatly…
Maintaining Healthy Garden Soil
Many people think of soil as dead, decomposed organic matter and minerals. But it’s much more than that. Soil is full of life. Trillions of organisms live in soil, using…
7 Organic Mulches for the Vegetable Garden
Fall, winter, and early spring are all great times to lay down a little mulch blanket. While any organic mulch is appropriate for the vegetable garden, sometimes there are strategic…
Improve Your Soil by Raking Less
Mowing leaves into your lawn can improve its vigor, and unraked leaves in planting beds don’t smother shade-tolerant perennials
The Four Things You Need to Know About Soil pH
Lee Reich explains what pH is, what it does, how to adjust it, and why to monitor it
Mulch for a Healthy Garden
Top-dress your beds to protect plants, conserve water, suppress weeds, and nourish soil