Gardening for Birds - Fine Gardening
Plants Providing Winter Forage for Seed-Eating Birds
Of all the time I spend in my gardens, the moments I find most memorable and meaningful are when the garden is enjoyed by others. Though typically brief, the moments—like…
Gardening for Birds, Bees, Butterflies, and Beauty
Today’s photos are from Julianne Labreche in Ottawa, Ontario. I am a Master Gardener who gardens and volunteers my skills in Ottawa. A few years ago, I removed all the…
Winter Plants for Birds in the South
Winter is a tough time to be a bird. Many of the fruits that linger into winter farther north are long gone before the first cold front blows through our…
Birds in the Garden | Letter from the Editor
A few months ago a bird got stuck in my hair. This did not happen while I was out in the garden. But it almost certainly had something to do…
Plants for Attracting Birds in Northwest Winter Gardens
While only the bravest of gardeners will spend a lot of time in the garden in mid to late winter, the birds that live in our gardens are still very…
Designing a Songbird Garden
The first thing to think about when designing a songbird garden is creating a haven in which songbirds can raise their young. A mating pair of birds needs to collect…
Northeast: Gardening Is for the Birds
It’s impossible to imagine life without birds. Yet even habitat for black-capped chickadees is rapidly disappearing. According to Doug Tallamy, author of Bringing Nature Home, “Conservation ecologists … believe that…