cover crops - Fine Gardening

  • Article

    Best Plants for Cover Crops

    Typical cover crops are annuals, biennials, or short-lived perennials (three to five years). Each has its pros and cons. Here are a few of my favorite plants to use as…

  • Article

    How To Get Rid of Cover Crops

    Selecting a cover crop should be a thoughtful process that takes into account the end (how you’ll get rid of it) before you even plant the seeds. Yes, you want…

  • How-To

    How to Use Cover Crops to Improve Soil

    Productive vegetable gardening is all about soil fertility. The underlining principles of maintaining healthy soil are keeping the soil covered as much as possible, disturbing the soil as little as…

  • How-To

    Improving Clay Soils

    Dump on the organic matter, work it in over time, then leave well enough alone

  • Kitchen Gardening

    Plant a Green Manure or a Cover Crop This Fall

    My perception of cover crops and green manures is they're right in line with compost bins, vermicomposting, grasscycling, and even mulch - they're all a form of composting. In other…