Butterfly Host Plants - Fine Gardening

  • Design

    Episode 173: Beneficial Host Plants for Pollinators

    This week we might rename the show Pollinator Haven, the podcast where we dig into the vibrant world of pollinators and the plants that sustain them! Well, probably not, but…

  • monarch caterpillars

    4 Must-Have Butterfly Host Plants to Support Biodiversity

    Even the most insect-wary gardeners have a special place in their hearts for butterflies. They bring a touch of whimsy and serendipity to our yards, flitting along like fairies and…

  • how to create a butterfly garden

    How to Create a Butterfly Haven

    I will never forget when I became hooked on butterflies. It was 2007, my first year working at Powell Gardens in Kingsville, Missouri. Each spring the garden includes milkweeds (Asclepias…

  • How-To

    A Hole in Every Host Plant

    Many gardeners want immaculate foliage, but to us perfect foliage means there aren’t enough caterpillars munching leaves to produce the diaphanous moths and bright-colored butterflies that we want. Many folks…

  • Design

    Butterfly Host Plants for the Southern Plains Garden

    There are many reasons for having a butterfly garden, the simplest one being sheer beauty. People of all ages enjoy watching butterflies dance through their gardens. Butterflies also serve as…