Attracting Birds - Fine Gardening

  • bird in the garden

    How to Attract Birds to Your Garden

    Flittering, twittering, and singing—birds bring so much life to a garden. Apart from their beauty and pleasant songs, they also add to the biodiversity of our landscapes by spreading seeds…

  • bird feeder wreath

    How to Build a Bird-Feeder Wreath

    In winter, food can be hard for birds to come by. Using materials from your yard, you can make a wreath that both feeds them and looks good while doing…

  • winter plant for birds

    Winter Plants for Birds in the South

    Winter is a tough time to be a bird. Many of the fruits that linger into winter farther north are long gone before the first cold front blows through our…

  • plants for birds

    Plants for the Birds in Your Region

    As William Cullina mentions in his article on plants for birds, the sad reality is that songbirds are disappearing: "Habitat loss, pesticides, and the accompanying decline of insect populations have…

  • fg 201 cover

    Birds in the Garden | Letter from the Editor

    A few months ago a bird got stuck in my hair. This did not happen while I was out in the garden. But it almost certainly had something to do…

  • bird eating berry in a tree

    Native Plants for the Birds

    I feel very fortunate to live near a tributary of the Delaware River, a stop on the great Atlantic flyway used by songbirds and raptors as they migrate between Central…

  • Juniper-leaf grevillea

    Plants for Attracting Birds in Northwest Winter Gardens

    While only the bravest of gardeners will spend a lot of time in the garden in mid to late winter, the birds that live in our gardens are still very…