Alternative Plants - Fine Gardening

  • Fendlera rupicola blooms through Yucca baccata

    Showy Native Plants for Rocky Soils

    The Rocky Mountain Region is stretched over 10,000 feet in elevation change and nearly over the full longitude of the Continental United States. Within this massive spread fit more than…

  • native lawn alternatives

    Exploring Native Lawn Alternatives That Thrive in the Mid-Atlantic

    Jeff Lorenz and his team at Refugia Design specialize in creating native landscapes in the Philadelphia area. In addition to looking better than turfgrass, the gardens they design also manage…

  • purple bugleweed

    Staten Island Blooms

    Today we’re off to New York City with Virginia Sherry, a plant lover and founder of the nonprofit Native Plant Society of Staten Island. Good morning! The native and nonnative…

  • Design

    Southeast: How to Satisfy Your Zone Envy

    Why is it that I’m bound to fall the hardest for a plant that can’t grow in my zone? I call this feeling “zone envy.” When zone envy begins, so…