1 to 2 ft. - Fine Gardening

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    Dodecatheon meadia

    The delicate nodding blooms of white-to-pink petals seem to fly upward and away from the pointed red and yellow flower center, resembling a shooting star.

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    Cream false indigo

    Baptisia bracteata

    Treasured for its gorgeous clusters of lush cream flowers, the low growing and compact legume of Baptisia bracteata create a stunning effect. 

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    Dwarf English Boxwood

    Buxus Sempervirens ‘Suffruticosa’

    A small, rounded shrub that forms tufts of growth resembling a cloud if unsheared. Slow growing, dwarf form. Considered to be the most resistant to boxwood leaf miner.

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    Sundenia Coral dipladenia

    Dipladenia Sundenia Coral

    Sundenia dipladenias are shipped in a 6 inch container, with an average height of 6 inches at delivery time. It will be ideal for planting directly into the landscape or…

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    ‘Peach Drift’ Rose

    Rosa 'Meiggili'

    The Peach Drift® Rose is one of the most floriferous dwarf shrubs available. Soft peach blooms cover the plant from mid-spring to the first hard freeze of late Fall. Peach…

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    ‘Pink Drift’ Rose

    Rosa 'Meijocos'PP#18874

    The Pink Drift ' Rose is low-growing with distinctive mounded flowers. Deep pink flowers with a soft faded center bloom in abundance throughout the season. This disease-resistant plant is easy…

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    ‘Apricot Drift’ Rose

    Rosa 'Apricot Drift'

    Double apricot colored flowers begin blooming in spring and display a season-long show of color. It is just as tough and disease resistant as others in the series. Best suited…

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    Creme Caramel™ Coreopsis

    Coreopsis ‘Novcorcar’

    Developed as a sport of the popular Coreopsis 'Créme Brulee,' Créme Caramel™ displays a show of bronzy/orange blooms from mid-June to August.

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    Popcorn Drift® rose

    Rosa ‘Novarospop’ PPAF

    Popcorn Drift® starts out yellow and fades to cream white, sometimes suffused with light pink.

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    Red Drift® rose

    Rosa 'Meigalpio'

    Taller roses bear their flowers towards the top of the plant. color around the base and if red is your desire, ‘Red Drift’ is a great choice.