Showy Foliage - Page 4 of 69 - Fine Gardening

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    Acalypha wilkesiana

    This spreading shrub is grown for its multi-colored, toothed, oval leaves.

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    Purple sheep’s burr

    Acaena inermis 'Purpurea'

    This New Zealand native subshrub has 3-inch-wide scalloped leaves and little purple-brown to pale olive leaflets.

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    Agave ‘Sharkskin’

    Agave 'Sharkskin'

    Thick, succulent grayish green leaves tipped with spines make this 3-foot-tall and wide agave a striking addition to a xeric bed or desert garden.

  • 'Black Magic' elephant ear
    Plant Guide

    ‘Black Magic’ elephant’s ear

    Colocasia esculenta ‘Black Magic’

    Rising to about 36 inches, the elephant ear's deep-purple stalks suspend luxurious leaves of the same color.

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    Blue shrimp plant

    Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’

    Though subtly colored, Cerinthe major ‘Purpurascens’ draws comment wherever it inserts itself.

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    Nicotiana langsdorffii

    Broad, deep-green leaves nearly a foot long and panicles of flowers the color of a Granny Smith apple make this Nicotiana a great companion for many other garden plants.

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    ‘Alaska Mix’ nasturtium

    Tropaeolum majus ‘Alaska Mix’

    This old-fashioned cultivar of the species has a mounding habit and grows 10-12 inches tall.

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    Ravenna grass

    Saccharum ravennae

    This large, clump-forming grass has linear leaves with central white stripes.

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    Eastern white pine

    Pinus strobus 'Fastigiata'

    This robust evergreen tree has a narrowly columnar crown with ascending branches, slender gray-green leaves, and smooth gray bark.

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    White skunk cabbage

    Lysichiton camtschatcensis

    In early spring, this plant produces 16-inch-long, pointed white spathes that mask spikes of tiny green flowers, with no offensive odor.