Gardening Answers


CAlexander | Posted in Midwest Gardening on

Seems that water is either in abundance or short supply this month. What are you doing to manage the water in your garden? Are you rationing water or wishing it would stop flowing? Do you have any tips on how to effectively target water and not waste time or resources?


  1. User avater Moderator
    mdwyer | | #1

    I know in my area of S. WI, it was painfully dry from April into July although we're getting a bit more rain. I wrote an article for Fine Gardening (Issue #212, see link below) with some tips and strategies which I think will become even more important as we should all be minimizing water waste and focusing on the combination of "efficient targeting" as well as considering more drought-tolerant plantings.

  2. User avater Moderator
    Plantswoman | | #2

    We are having the same issues in the Pacific Northwest Region. Check out my reply and forum post about targeting water.

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