Gardening Answers

Wanted: Leftover Christmas Plants

DrPulte_Moderator | Posted in Southeast Gardening on

5 Days until Christmas as I write this post.  As I have been out doing last-minute shopping I have seen so many plants for sale being sold as seasonal Christmas decorations.  Many of these plants could make a good home in my garden as well.  I’ve seen many conifers, rosemary, and even some Salaginella (Spike Moss) that could transition to my garden.

I’ve even had some luck in the Southeast planting out amaryllis bulbs.  I think this year I will be looking for discounts on some of these plants on the day after Christmas.

Does anyone have any success stories?


  1. User avater
    DrPulte_Moderator | | #1

    3 days till Christmas, anyone seeing any plants that are must have?

  2. Shug_NC | | #2

    A few years ago, I found out that poinsettias are really perennial shrubs or even small trees in their native Mexico. We saved a couple of our favorite colors ands now have 3-4 foot potted specimens that get beautiful color every year —- and we’ve never bothered putting them into darkness for a period as I’ve read is necessary for reblooming.

    My top tips: let them live outside in full sun for the summer but never forget to water. And monitor carefully for pests while wintering indoors. Mealy bugs and scale seem to love that white sap! But never fear, they are tough plants that can recover from a lot of neglect. All in all these are wonderful plants that deserve a much longer life beyond the holidays.

    1. User avater
      DrPulte_Moderator | | #3

      I've even used them as a filler in a container!

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