Chloë Bowers

Chloë Bowers began her gardening career as an intern at Prospect Park in Brooklyn and has worked as a gardener and landscape designer on private estates for the subsequent 20 years with a focus on Northeastern native plants, vegetables, and indoor gardening. She lives and gardens in Newtown, Connecticut.

  • a meadow lawn with black eyed susans and asters
    Northeast Regional Reports

    How to Create a Meadow Lawn with Native Plants

    There’s satisfaction in that perfect crisscross of mown lines across flawless green grass, but with the herbicides, pesticides, water, fuel, and effort it demands, the infamous traditional turf lawn is…

  • tall thimbleweed
    Northeast Regional Reports

    Native Shade Perennials for the Northeast

    It seems like the majority of the most popular native garden perennials are sun-loving meadow denizens. It can be difficult to find native flowering plants to brighten shadier spots. The…

  • Northeast Regional Reports

    Northeastern Invasive Plants to Avoid and Native Alternatives to Use Instead

    Most invasive plant species were originally introduced for ornamental use in landscapes. But because they have naturalized at aggressive rates, they have caused habitat destruction and the loss of native…

  • Northeast Regional Reports

    3 Tall Native Perennials to Add Height to Your Garden

    It’s hard to deny that the Midwest hosts the lion’s share of tall and dramatic native perennials, but we in the Northeast also have some statuesque species that will make…