Pruning - Fine Gardening

  • pink mophead hydrangeas

    How to Coax Bountiful Blooms From Your Hydrangeas

    While pruning a neighbor’s much neglected Hydrangea paniculata recently, I found myself musing on the history of this genus in American gardening, whose popularity has waxed and waned through the…

  • mixed planting of various azaleas

    Guide to Growing Great Azaleas

    One group of plants you can use to create a blooming bridge between spring and summer are azaleas (Rhododendron spp. and cvs., Zones 3–9). As one of the most popular…

  • apple tree from below

    6 Tips for Pruning Young Fruit Trees

    Good things come to those who wait, and this is especially true when establishing young fruit trees. Pruning to encourage proper branching structure and the production of high-quality fruit requires…

  • new gardening tools

    Novel Garden Tools to Get Excited About This Year

    For at least 12,000 years, humans have been clearing brush, digging dirt, planting plants, cultivating, weeding, growing, and harvesting—in a word, gardening! And for almost as long, these same humans…

  • Corona extendable DualLINK bypass loppers

    Essential Garden Tools for Spring

    Prune effortlessly with these adjustable loppers A good pair of loppers can make spring pruning a breeze. However, most loppers seem to make even a strong person feel pathetically weak…

  • tips for growing heucheras

    Tips and Tricks for Growing Heucheras Successfully

    Heucheras are somewhere in between plant-them-and-forget-them perennials and high-maintenance divas. At home in garden beds and superstars in containers, they will reward you handsomely when given proper conditions and care.…

  • pruning

    Pruning Shortcuts for the Busy Gardener

    Friends don’t let friends prune without a reason. If you are pruning without a clear idea of why, put down the pruners and walk away from the plant. Trees and…

  • pruning flowering trees

    4 Essential Tips for Pruning Flowering Trees

    Pruning can be intimidating. Many of us fear making a mistake our plants won’t recover from. Overall, trees are resilient; with a little practice and know-how, any gardener should be…

  • maple pruned in winter

    With Winter Pruning on the Mind, Avoid Cutting on These Woody Plants

    Winter is, broadly speaking, the ideal time to prune most trees and shrubs. Deeply dormant, these woody plants experience less stress when pruned in the winter months, and with cool…

  • Cutting overgrown shrubs

    How to Prune Commonly Overgrown Shrubs

    For many of us, this scenario may sound familiar: You move into a new house and everything is perfect—except that huge rhodie out front that is threatening to swallow the…