
  • long plant centerpiece pot with chartreuse foliage

    Howard’s Spring Container Displays

    Hey GPODers! We asked, and Howard delivered! A couple weeks back we received photos of gorgeous window box designs from Howard Nemeroff (check those out here: New Creations From a…

  • close up of colorful container planting

    Creating Container Garden Art

    Hi GPODers, This submission hit close to home for me, so though it was short, I just had to share. Today we're hearing from Jerrica and learning about the beautiful…

  • Design

    Guidelines for Building a Rock Garden

    Last fall, this column featured Showy Native Plants for Rocky Soils. Not included in that plant palette were rock gardens. While similar in that the plants for such spaces require…

  • Deinanthe caerulea

    5 Unusual Blooming Perennials for Shade

    When we think “shade,” we typically think foliage. And when we do think of flowering perennials for shade, the same old ones come to mind, such as astilbe (Astilbe spp.…

  • Design

    Uncommon Flowering Trees for the Southwest

    It’s not hard to set your Southwest garden ablaze with flowering shrubs and familiar trees. In the right zones, jacaranda (Jacaranda spp. and cvs., Zones 9–11), crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica…

  • eremurmus

    Spectacular Summer Flowering Bulbs for the Pacific Northwest 

    Spring is fading fast, and memories of the daffodil and tulip bulbs that we filled our beds and containers with are starting to fade also. Now is the time to…

  • Design

    Episode 159: Plants That Take Sun and Shade   

    Chances are, you’ve got mixed conditions in your garden. One area might be in full sun, while another spot a bit farther away is in full shade. Even beds that…

  • beautiful and tough garden Nantucket

    A Seaside Garden Designed to Withstand Punishing Conditions

    When Susan and Coleman Burke purchased land overlooking the bay on the Massachusetts island of Nantucket several decades ago, they were able to build their house and seaside garden from…

  • Design

    5 Easygoing Plants That Can Adapt to Either Sun or Shade

    The following selections exhibit a remarkable ability to grow in a variety of lighting situations, including those outside of their preferred conditions.  Shrubs The super-showy fruit of Proud Berry® coralberry…

  • hardy garden design

    Designing a Hardy Garden

    I have often thought of myself as “gardening against the odds.” My rural Black Earth, Wisconsin, garden is adjacent to a marsh and pond and is technically in Zone 5a,…