Colorado - Fine Gardening
Plants Providing Winter Forage for Seed-Eating Birds
Of all the time I spend in my gardens, the moments I find most memorable and meaningful are when the garden is enjoyed by others. Though typically brief, the moments—like…
Giving Thanks to the GPOD Community
Happy Thanksgiving GPODers (and happy belated Thanksgiving to all of our Canadian readers)! I've been a part of building and preparing Garden Photo of the Day to send to all…
The Best House Foundation Plants for Your Region
When it comes to choosing foundation plants for your home, it’s important to pick species that not only enhance your landscape but also thrive in your specific climate. That’s why…
4 Tips for Getting the Garden Through Drought Sustainably
On a recent hike in the foothills just southeast of my house, I couldn’t help but notice crisped, curling leaves on big flower cinquefoil (Drymocallis fissa) and the drought-tolerant mountain…
Holly’s Denver Garden
Hi GPODers! Today we're heading to the Rockies and checking out a sensational alpine garden. However, Holly Culp didn't always garden at high altitudes and a lot needed to learn…
Tips for Designing a Meadow Lawn
I’ve designed, installed, and continue to manage two meadow lawns to date. Through these gardens, as well as my own study in nature and research in references, I’ve learned a…
How to Manage Flea Beetles: The Cutest Pests You’ve Never Heard Of
Late spring sees me watching and waiting, breath not quite bated—and certainly not baited—to find out my fate for the season with one garden critter in particular: the flea beetle.…
Cathy’s Colorado Garden in Spring
Hey GPODers! Today we're heading west and getting an update from Cathy Hollis in Colorado. We were first introduced to her garden, inspired by English borders, in 2022 (you can…
Guidelines for Building a Rock Garden
Last fall, this column featured Showy Native Plants for Rocky Soils. Not included in that plant palette were rock gardens. While similar in that the plants for such spaces require…
Plants That Take Sun and Shade for the Mountain West
1. Creeping Oregon Grape Name: Mahonia repens syn. Berberis repens Zones: 5–8 Size: 1 to 2 feet tall and 3 to 4 feet wide Conditions: Full sun to full…