Garden Photo of the Day

Yes, A Veggie Garden Can be Ornamental

Longwood’s lovely veggie garden has some great ideas

Today’s GPOD again comes from Fine Gardening  assistant editor, Carol Collins:
Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA  is best known for their topiaries, over-the-top ornamental beds, and fabulous fountains. But if you are a vegetable gardener, you won’t want to miss their inspirational edibles garden. Here are some shots I took in July 2016.”

Split bamboo edging is a simple, attractive solution for keeping wandering feet out of garden beds.

‘January King’ cabbage

Artichokes have a big, bold garden presence.

Here’s a cool trellising idea using split bamboo.

‘Noon Ta Klong Pea’ eggplant has foliage to rival any perennial

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View 15 comments


  1. sandyprowse 12/12/2017

    What a delight to see artichokes growing. Fantastic!

  2. cheryl_c 12/12/2017

    My mouth is watering looking at all these beautiful veggies. Love the blue colors present, and the ideas for using split bamboo, but doubt the curved bamboo edging would keep any of the critters around here (including two legged!) away from the plants.Lovely - thanks so much for sharing.

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 12/12/2017

    Everything looks so lush and healthy. I could get lost in the swirls and furls of those sumptuous cabbage leaves...what a beautiful plant.

  4. user-4691082 12/12/2017

    If I’m not mistaken, they use these vegetables in their fancy dining room. We, however, prefer to eat in the cafeteria!

    1. User avater
      meander_michaele 12/12/2017

      I would guess that by eating in the more modestly priced cafeteria, you have extra money to spend on plants on the drive home! That's what I'd do!

      1. tennisluv 12/12/2017

        Such a positive responsive. Since my husband and I both love to cook, we seldom eat out. Unfortunately, he does not share my love of gardening. Small fault that I accept since he has so many other redeeming qualities.

  5. anitaberlanga 12/12/2017

    I agree that veg gardens can be ornamental - I've worked hard to make mine so, though they don't approach anything near the beauty of Longwood! Their veg gardens are gorgeous!

  6. VikkiVA 12/12/2017

    Beautiful! Vikki in VA

  7. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 12/12/2017

    There was a great article in FG a few years ago where some public veggie gardens were all color coded with brightly colored structures. One section was yellow, one area red, etc. Since that article we’ve tried to do this in our own gardens. The bamboo cages in these photos are very clever. Thanks, Carol.

  8. user-7007140 12/12/2017

    Whenever I see beautiful vegetable gardens I suffer a deep sense of longing. These really are a work of art - I love the artichokes and I am right with Meander re the cabbages.
    In the short time I was able to have a small vegetable plot I enjoyed everymoment from seeding to harvesting. And watching my granddaughters pick fresh beans and tiny tomatoes, putting them straight into their mouths was just wonderful. Really, probably more fun than flower gardening.

  9. user-6536305 12/12/2017

    Wow, it is a beautiful vegetable garden. ‘Noon Ta Klong Pea’ eggplant foliage looks so pretty. Thanks for sharing.

  10. tennisluv 12/12/2017

    What pretty vegetable gardens. Not at all what I was expecting when I finally opened this posting. I expected to see blooming plant edge vegetable gardens, i.e., marigolds & nasturtiums. I've always thought that squash (summer & zucchini), lettuce, and parsley made pretty border and container plantings. Absolutely love the heart shaped trellis and the artichoke plantings. I want, no, will get, a Martin house; connective childhood memories - the best! Thanks so much for sharing Longwood Gardens vegetable garden.

  11. user-7008735 12/13/2017

    That 'January King' cabbage is as lovely as any hosta and would be shining when my hostas have disappeared for the winter!

  12. Cenepk10 12/14/2017

    Beautiful. I worked so hard on my little potager last year. It was sweet - I did use parsley for edging- still looks good. Bet I harvested 15,000 tomatoes. But was inundated with squash bugs - zucchini suffered- as did squash. My favorite ornamental is eggplant ! Beautiful & prolific !!!

  13. greengenes 12/14/2017

    What beautiful beds! Not a weed in sight! So organized and ready to harvest! Wish i could have some help in mine! Great design on the bamboo trellises! I will have to try that! I plant some vegies in with the decorative beds such as kale, cabbages, and parsleys. It works great! Well thanks for inspiring us today! Time to plan for next years garden!

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