Garden Photo of the Day

Unusual Specimans and Sculpture Blend Beautifully in NH

Part 1: Lily Jacobi highlights the beauty of exceptional plant combinations and unusual sculptures in Lee, New Hampshire.

"Bedrock Gardens is a special treat tucked away in Lee NH.  These are some photos I took a few years ago.  Jill Nooney and her husband Bob Munger have created an oasis in the woods.  Tucked away, and reclaimed, this masterpiece offers unique garden sculptures designed by Jill and created and crafted by Bob.  They have worked together on creating this garden over 30 years time, and are now looking to create a public trust so that it may be taken care of and enjoyed in perpetuity."

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View 19 comments


  1. User avater
    JaninaG 04/21/2017

    Looks awesome. Some good years here.. Love the blue bottle??? and the pink flowers , actually love it all.. but extra interested if the blue are bottles, and what kind of flowers the pinks ones in same pic.... Thanks for sharing. another few years, and my garden ight be developed enough to share... So really enjoy looking at others.... TU and Blessings

    1. user-4691082 04/21/2017

      The pink flowers are heuchera, and they are a shade loving perennial. They are the leaves of the plant- tiny insignificant flowers do rise above the foliage in mid summer, but it's grown for the foliage. They are some of the best plants to invest in for the shade. They come in so many beautiful colors. Good luck with your garden!

      1. User avater
        JaninaG 04/21/2017

        +Phonda,, Having a look at the enlarged image I realise I have 2 but more dark maroon purple.... but not growing fast, so must be in too much shade.... will have to check tomorrow... Now I also have an idea what to do with my colour bottles :) TU very much

        1. user-4691082 04/21/2017

          You are most welcome! This blog is for learning and enjoying. I have learned so much from all of the GPOD ers!

      2. Sunshine111 04/21/2017

        I think the Heuchera cultivar is Georgia Peach. Enjoy!

  2. NCYarden 04/21/2017

    Cool looking garden. I like that Aruncus(?) along the woodland edge, and I always find Salix integra 'Hakuro nishiki' a beautiful plant to old one once had gotten a trunk that substantial, and my newer one is well on its way. Thanks for sharing

    1. Sunshine111 04/21/2017

      I am glad you are enjoying the photos… If you're talking about the plant/tree in the first photo, believe it or not it's a variegated maple!

  3. user-4691082 04/21/2017

    Lily, thanks for sharing this beautiful garden with us. The twisted silver sculpture is so eye catching, but my favorite is also the blue bottles!

    1. Sunshine111 04/21/2017

      I love it too!

  4. User avater
    meander_michaele 04/21/2017

    Yay, since the introduction says "part 1", that means we'll be getting a second round of pictures next week. This is a garden that has so many fascinating facets and is interesting and worth re-looking at regardless of the season. It had that fabulous tallish blue sculpture holding the glass globe that you shared earlier this year, right? You are fortunate, Lily, to be within easy (yes?) visiting distance. Thanks for sharing with us things that caught your eye.

    1. Sunshine111 04/21/2017

      Hello Michaela... yes this garden is the same one from a couple of months ago. I must have sent in two different submissions! I don't know if the pictures will be the same or not, because I can't remember! The garden is about 45 minutes from my house and it's always lovely… Do come and visit sometime!

      1. User avater
        meander_michaele 04/21/2017

        A garden like this with such a wealth of interesting unique features can be seen again and again and something new always catches the eye. So, as long as there are pictures in your "archives", there is an audience eager to see them.

  5. CTpat 04/21/2017

    Gorgeous garden. I'm jealous of people who can figure out how to fit sculpture into a garden and make it look natural. The "blue bottles" are fancy versions of deck prisms, which would originally have been clear, heavy glass, with a flat side set into the deck of a sailing ship, and the pointy end dispersing light below deck. Not as good as a skylight, but better than nothing. Mystic Seaport Museum sells variations in different colors.

    1. chelleisdiggin 04/21/2017

      Love, Love Mystic Seaport Museum. Our son graduated from the Coast Guard Academy in 1993. We usually stayed in Mystic for our visits and made sure to get to the museum, very year.

    2. Sunshine111 04/21/2017

      Thank you for your explanation! Makes it all so much more informative ?

  6. annek 04/21/2017

    Ahhh, that bench! Those cobalt blue 'deck prisms'! The goats beard! The sculptures! A designers haven. Thanks for sharing

    1. Sunshine111 04/21/2017

      Glad to share!

  7. krissgandier 04/22/2017

    Your nature art museum is fabulous. The plants and trees are amazing. I love the two tall trees with the unusual shaggy bark and the red metal sculpture in between them. What type of trees are they?

  8. foxglove12 04/22/2017

    Looks lush and beautiful.

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