The Dirt

Taming a Slippery Slope Plant IDs

See what plants were used in the Taming a Slippery Slope article in FineGardening Issue #158

When Tim and Lorraine Vojt bought their house on a tiny lot in Columbus, Ohio, 16 years ago, the small front yard featured a steep grassy slope from the bottom of their front porch steps to the sidewalk, bisected by another set of concrete steps. The slope was difficult and dangerous to mow, and because Tim is an avid gardener, he wanted to create more room for plants. His solution involved lots of stone, plants, and labor, but the result is the jewel of the neighborhood and a surefire conversation starter. Here are some of the plants he used to create this stunning garden.

Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

The Shady Side

1. ‘Lancifolia’ hosta (Hosta ‘Lancifolia’, USDA Hardiness Zones 3–9)

2. Red-leaved Japanese barberry (Berberis thunbergii cv., Zones 5–8)

3. ‘Ghost’ fern (Athyrium ‘Ghost’, Zones 4–8)

4. ‘Overdam’ feather reed grass (Calamagrostis X acutiflora ‘Overdam’, Zones 5–9)

5. Double white balloon flower (Platycodon grandiflorus cv., Zones 4–9)

6. ‘Nikko’ slender deutzia (Deutzia gracilis ‘Nikko’, Zones 5–8)

7. Black Lace elderberry (Sambucus nigra ‘Eva’, Zones 4–7)

8. ‘Sagae’ hosta (Hosta ‘Sagae’, Zones 3–9)

9. ‘Crimson Queen’ Japanese maple (Acer palmatum ‘Crimson Queen’, Zones 5–8)

10. Hosta (Hosta cv., Zones 3–9)

11. ‘Aureola’ Japanese forest grass (Hakenochloa macra ‘Aureola’, Zones 5–9)

12. Astilbe (Astilbe cv., Zones 3–8)

13. ‘Obsidian’ heuchera (Heuchera ‘Obsidian’, Zones 3–8)

14. Hosta (Hosta nigrescens, Zones 3–9)

15. ‘Kinkaku’ hosta (Hosta montana ‘Kinkaku’, Zones 3–9)

16. Magic Carpet spirea (Spiraea japonica ‘Walbuma’, Zones 4–9)

17. Magic Carpet spirea (Spiraea japonica ‘Walbuma’, Zones 4–9)

18. Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia cv., Zones 3–11)

19. ‘Saturn’ coleus (Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘Saturn’, Zones 12–13)

20. Variegated miscanthus (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Variegatus’, Zones 4–9)

21. Japanese maple (Acer palmatum cv., Zones 5–8)

22. Swamp white oak (Quercus bicolor, Zones 4–8)

Photo/Illustration: Tim Vojt

The Sunny Side

1. Bigroot geranium (Geranium macrorrhizum, Zones 4–8)

2. Sedum (Sedum rupestre, Zones 6–9)

3. Blue oat grass (Helictotrichon sempervirens, Zones 4–9)

4. Myrtle spurge (Euphorbia myrsinites, Zones 5–8)

5. ‘Angelina’ sedum (Sedum rupestre ‘Angelina’, Zones 6–9)

6. Rose campion (Lychnis coronaria, Zones 3–8)

7. Pink-flowered wild thyme (Thymus praecox var. coccineus, Zones 4–9)

8. Blue fescue (Festuca glauca, Zones 4–8)

9. ‘Thunderhead’ Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Thunderhead’, Zones 5–8)

10. ‘Philippe Vapelle’ geranium (Geranium ‘Philippe Vapelle’, Zones 5–8)

11. ‘Boone’ gladiolus (Gladiolus ‘Boone’, Zones 6–10)

12. ‘Garden Treasure’ intersectional peony (Paeonia ‘Garden Treasure’, Zones 4–9)

13. Variegated miscanthus (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Varietgatus’, Zones 4–9)

14. Japanese maple (Acer palmatum cv., Zones 5–8)

15. Variegated miscanthus (Miscanthus sinensis ‘Varietgatus’, Zones 4–9)

View 3 comments


  1. user-7007043 06/24/2014

    This is an awesome front yard.

  2. michaelWatson 07/13/2014

    The front yard is beautiful. You must be one passionate gardener.
    A kind of same work is been done at the
    north shore gardens.

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