Garden Photo of the Day

Succulents in Cold Climates–Yes, You Can!

Today’s photo is from Mary Yee in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in response to all those California succulents we’ve been seeing this week. She says,
While I love seeing photos of gardens in other places (like the Californian one featured yesterday), those of us who live in USDA Hardiness Zone 4 have to grow succulents in other ways! I plant echeveria, kalanchoe, and other succulents in troughs.  What is interesting is that these non-hardy succulents can tolerate quite low temperatures.  I keep mine in an unheated porch at about 35 degrees and they come through the winter just fine.  Echeverias also work well as houseplants on sunny sills at normal room temperatures.  I love these beautiful, tough, low-maintenance plants.”
Thanks, Mary, for reminding us that you don’t have to live in California to grow these wonderful plants!
Photo/Illustration: Courtesy of Mary Yee


Welcome to the Fine Gardening GARDEN PHOTO OF THE DAY blog! Every weekday we post a new photo of a great garden, a spectacular plant, a stunning plant combination, or any number of other subjects. Think of it as your morning jolt of green.

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View 3 comments


  1. Lisianne 10/29/2010

    This series has been most intriguing. I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd like to see more examples of succulent use. Do these arrangements require pruning to be maintained? If so, how do you prune without killing the plant?

  2. sheilaschultz 10/29/2010

    When I moved to Denver, zone 5, I was bitten by the 'succulent bug.' I have many hardy succulents in my rock garden, and they consistently fill my containers. They are so easy to grow and the textures and dramatically different shapes provide unlimited possibilities for interest. Debra Lee Baldwin's book, Succulent Container Gardens, is a valuable resource for everything succulent. It's been a great week of photos, Michelle, thanks!

  3. victoriamcguire 01/20/2015

    I'''d lu. To have one in my south facing garden bay window. Where can I get them and the proper soil and container at this to e of year, here in Oregon, Wi.

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