Part 1: Frank Greenhalgh gives us a glimpse of his blooming agapanthus and more!
"Hello there GPODers – I was very surprised indeed at the interest in agapanthus in my early 2016 post of our terraced garden in the small village of Metung on the Gippsland Lakes of the State of Victoria, Australia. I have therefore featured this sun and heat-loving plant here, and included some garden art for a touch of fun and Aussie humour – hopefully to brighten up the start of your winter’s day in the northern hemisphere. I have also included a photo of a Japanese maple for colour (autumnal leaves), and a taste of Aussie cooking in the garden fire pit to wet your appetite for longer, warmer days and outdoor living.
Our 1 acre garden slopes into a billabong (i.e. an isolated part of a watercourse) in a temperate rainforest, comprising native daphne (Pittosporum undulatum), paper bark (Melaleuca spp.) and blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus) trees and woody vines etc. I cut the flower heads and stalks off the agapanthus before they set seed to prevent the plant invading the public rainforest area.
A Kubota RTV makes it easier for me to manage the slope whilst gardening, to bring fire-wood up the hill, and to travel to the Lake for fishing etc. It’s a lovely piece of Japanese technology and USA manufacturing – although I still get in the wrong side to drive it!
Hope you enjoy this post from a hot part of the globe at the moment."
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Frank: I've been waiting for the photos....and it was worth waiting for! I'm up early watching the Australian Open with Nadal playing right now, and saw you were being featured today. It's an Aussie morning!
Those agapanthus are awesome....huge! And so abundant for sure.
And, I especially love your garden gate...was it designed for this area? The design is so lovely in that curved stepping area...naturally invites you into the area. It's always a pleasure to see houses and landscape work together in the environment, not fight with it. It can be a great house...but wrong setting. Just like special garden gate designs are wonderful, but this garden gate is perfect in the setting. Congratulations!
Hi Sue - Thanks for your comments, especially about the gate. It was designed specifically for the back entrance into the rotunda area. A local artistic guy did the blacksmithing for the gate, and as far as I know it is the only one in existence.
In relation to the Australian Open, we no longer have any Aussies left in the tournament, and some big names have dropped out unexpectedly. I hope Nadal can win another set. He has amazing idiosyncrasies. We love our sport in Melbourne. Cheers from Oz
Late thought Sue - here is a better pic of the gate. Cheers, Frank
Very cool design. The fella who did the metal work must have really enjoyed making a piece that communicates such a joyful feeling.
Yes Michaele - He really loves this piece of art. I'll send this link onto him, and I'm sure he will be delighted at the level of interest. Cheers, Frank
Oh, yes, do make sure he gets the link and can read for himself that he now has international acclaim as a metal works artist!
Thanks for the extra picture, Frank. This is amazing. I'm smitten with it and the rusty implements in the background. There is something quite joyous about the design; it's full of life.
I agree completely, Tim!
Oh, Frank, I love that gate. We're currently looking at gates for our back acre and hope to find something this creative.
Now I'm wistful and yearning for barbeque! Here in beautiful Colorado, we've just received about 7 inches of snow, with more on the way! Your gardens are so lovely! I also love your garden art and gate. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Brenda - Looks like my strategy has worked in terms of the lamb roast and pork on the spit. We never see snow here, but I guess you get used to your own local conditions. It was 99F here today - bit of a difference from 7 inches of snow hey? Cheers, Frank
Thank you so much Diane for your kind comments. Our garden has a lot of shade because of the large gum trees (some way over 100 feet tall - see pic.) and this is not ideal for agapanthus (they love full sunlight), but they still put on a nice display.
OK the story of the draught horse (Remington) and farmer, Henry. Remington needs a good worming and a feed, and Henry is a shadow of his former self. Remington is pulling a 4 disc plough made around 1920 (weighs a ton) made by our famous agricultural engineer, H V McKay. The amazing thing Diane is that less than 100years ago, this was the technology used by our farmers. Look at the technology used today. Where will it be in another century?
Yep I made all the paths and used 200 tonnes of rock in the garden for landscaping/retaining walls and rockeries etc. - all my work. Cheers, Frank
Wow, Frank, just Wow! I was wondering about all of those paths and the amount of hard work and energy it took to build them. It's a real testament to your dedication to conserve your property and enjoy and live in it, too. The agapanthus are stunning and inspiring. And, if I may be a bit bold, if I ever get to Australia, I'd love to visit in person. Looks like a lovely dinner all ready for the eating!
Hi Chelle - Thanks for your kind words. If you do make it down here please make sure you touch base with me. I would love to show you the garden and share some 'tucker' with you. We have heaps of lovely private and public gardens in the State of Victoria for you to enjoy. Oh, and the company is not bad either! Cheers, Frank
Really admire your hard work on the path and retaining walls. 200 tonnes of rock did show off. This shows what kind of energy level that gardener could have - top level.
Frank, I was so excited waiting for today, and you did not disappoint. The terraced garden is a ripper. I love the agapanthus. Such a terrific blue. Your antiques spread throughout the garden are wonderful.and I love the Japanese maple you showed us. I will have to check back later today, for a more detailed look at the photos.
Thanks a lot Kev. There are a few more pics to come tomorrow. The close up of the Agapanthus flower is of the cultivar Black Panther - not really black, but a nice deep purple. Cheers mate
What zone is Agapanthus cultivar Black Panther hardy to? is Agapanthus rats and squirrels approve. My tulip bulbs were devoured by them last winter. What is your zone in Victoria Frank? Thanks.
Lilian - Your zones 9-11. We don't have your gardening classification zones here. We live in a Mediterranean type climate - no snow and very few frosts in winter. No problems with rats, and we don't have squirrels. Wombats can cause some damage, but Agapanthus down here are tougher than those nocturnal animals. Cheers, Frank
Hello Mate,
Thoroughly enjoyed your garden and all the fun things you have included, particularly the old plow. I always enjoy informal gardens that are personalized--not something out of a magazine. Great job
Thanks you Dale for your lovely comments. Yes I had a grand plan for the garden, but it just evolved over 11 years. See my comment to Diane regarding the old plough. It is a magnificent piece of agricultural engineering. I needed a tilt tray truck to bring it into the garden because it was so heavy. I'm not sure how many draught horses were used for the plough (perhaps 3?), but it must have been very hard work pulling the plough and turning the soil over. Cheers from Aussie land
I'm really enjoying these glimpses into your garden/life. I do have to ask though...what is the animal up on the wall in the fifth photo? I first thought it was a kinkajou but they are not native to Australia; is it a possum?
Hello there Deanna - Glad you are enjoying the pics etc. You have just gone to the top of the class - it is a possum! Cheers, Frank
G'day, Frank, even though it's raining outside, the sun is shining in my heart as I peruse your copy and enjoy your pictures. In fact, my keyboard almost got a bit of a coffee shower as I read your phrase "a shadow of his former self" and a giggle burst forth....it was a close call. Your bountiful stretches of agapanthus really are quite remarkable. Did you envision from the beginning that would serve as such a dramatic path "edging"? Love the bird feeders hanging on the remains of the tree trunk. Do you get used to seeing such amazingly large and colorful birds swooping in for a meal? Heck, I never fail to get excited when I spot a red cardinal or a chartreusy toned little finch in my gardens and they are nothing compared to your exotic beauties. Is that a young family member driving the Kubota with you? Your place must be so special to visit!
Hi Michaele - Just love your word-smithing - brilliant! Thanks for your kind words. Let's do this in order. Glad your keyboard wasn't affected. Yes I aways planned the use of agapanthus around the borders. Bush/wild fires are a real threat to us, and agapanthus has a sticky sap which is a fire retardant. Incidentally, our lawns (hopefully they will be on display tomorrow) are also part of our fire management plan.
We love our birdlife (see pic of surphur-crested cockatoos right next to our house) and look forward to feeding our kookaburras out of our hands). Wait to you see the pic of a rainbow lorikeets tomorrow - it will blow your mind!
Yes that is one of our grandsons in the Kubota with me - he is very interested in gardening, and loves landscaping and working with his dad and I in the garden. Thanks once again for your lovely and informative comments Michaele. Cheers, Frank
Sulfur crested cockatoos? Rose breated cockatoos? Lorikeets? I'm dying of jealousy! Love those briliant, intelligent birds.
How about this Tim?

Loving it!
Ha, now you are just showing off, Frank. or rubbing it in. Just teasing, of course. Those are the kookaburras, right?
Yes a bit of a show-off Michaele, and yes kookas.
Kookaburras on the railing?!? Oh, now you've done it. The envy runs deeps. I remember learning that little song about kookaburras when I was a child.
Thanks Tia. Where did you learn the song 'Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree'? Cheers, Frank
It was during my elementary school days. Some things stay with you, I guess. ?
Thanks Tia - it looks from the comments in Part 2 that it was common in the music curriculum at the time. I'm really amazed at this, and also the fact that you guys still remember the words etc. Great! Cheers, Frank
And, to think, these are birds that we only get to see in pet shops or zoos.
I have some stubborn agapanthus here at my home in zone 8b in the Deep South of the USA that have bloomed twice in 5 years. I have been told by a friend who has a greenhouse that I should keep mine potted and take them in for the winter. No greenhouse here or a way to bring them in. BTW, ww do have some cold and a couple of freezes every winter. Yours are absolutely gorgeous!
Thanks for your response Treasuresmom. Twice in 5 years is not a great reward for your efforts. Evidently, agapanthus grow well in your plant hardiness zones 9-11. Agapanthus grows really well in temperate areas of southern Australia. In fact it grows so well that it is sometimes considered an environmental weed. It really does like warm sunny environments. Under these conditions it is as 'tough as nails' (sorry Aussie expression). Cheers, Frank
Frank, what a delightful garden you have. The blue, white and purple agapanthus is so lush and healthy. I tried growing it at my previous home, but could only get one year at best with flowers followed by sickly little tufts. Your garden is certainly you; quirky good humor and all. Love that you kept the dead tree and turned it into a natural feeding station for all the lovely Australian birds. Anorexic Remington and farmer Henry and all the iron work items you have scattered around your terrace paths add just the right touch of original and light heartedness to your garden. Can't wait to see your pics tomorrow.
Thanks for your lovely comments Sonya. I'm sure Kim won't mind, but she has plenty of pics for tomorrow so I'm going to pinch one back now. The dead tree is actually an aboriginal scarred tree. This pic shows where the bark has been removed to make a bowl many years ago. So the tree has plenty of historical significance as well as feeding the birds. FYI the aboriginal culture goes back 40,000 years in our country (although the bowl was probably made less than a 100 years ago). Cheers from 'quirky' Frank
Given the tree's history, there is no way you could ever take it down. It is an original sculptural item in its own right. I knew that Aboriginal Australians were one of the oldest living
populations in the world and possibly the oldest outside of Africa, with the oldest continuous culture on the
planet but did not realize that they went back over 40,000 years in Australia.
Yes Sonya - some of the aboriginal rock art even goes back more than 40,000 years.
Hi Frank, would like to hear more about the construction of the paths. You said 200 tons of stone. The paths look compacted. Was that all by hand or did you have a tool to do that. The paths are beautiful ( and weed free!) and looks like easy walking through the garden.
Greetings Hellofrom MD - Here is one rockery/retaining wall which took 25 tonnes of granite rock - it soon adds up! For the paths I level off the sandy loam, place the rocks along the borders and add a layer of crushed pink granite rock (about 3 inches deep; contains a lot of clay type particles), wet it and then use a roller to compact it. It works pretty well on controlling the weeds, and I love the crunch when you walk on it. Cheers from Oz

Frank, you're making me very envious with these lovely paths and those patches of incredibly green grass to offset all of the beautiful plants.
Frank, love the extra photos. You have done such a great job with the paths to break up the hillside and to accent the island beds which they surround. Similar to how I use grass, as paths, but my climate is cooler and wetter.
Kev - FYI, I cannot grow plants around the gum tree trunks here because it will create too much fuel for bush/wild fires.
Good morning Frank. Wow... gallahs and (I can't tell from here) Lorikeets (?) in your garden.... very cool. I've always loved blue and purple flowers. Dinner looks great too! You've created a wonderful space for yourself!
Thanks Jay I appreciate greatly your comments. Yes they are galahs and rainbow lorikeets - well done! The pic of a rainbow lorikeet tomorrow will absolutely knock your socks off! Cheers, mate
I used to be quite involved with parrots, raising them from hatching, and having having three of my own. I still have the green wing macaw who will be 27 yrs old on April 1, but the other two are gone. Life moves on, you know?
Jay - 27 is a pretty good innings! Life moves on too quickly I'm finding out. Cheers
You have a macaw? That's amazing. They are so intelligent and long lived, and from what I understand, quite demanding. Obviously you know what you are doing. There are far too many people buying these great birds with no concept of their needs and longevity. If I am ever down your way, I now have triple incentive to seek you out! (you, your garden and your macaw!)
Yes. Here's an old photo of me with Zeke. I've aged a bit. He's definitely the more handsome of the pair!
That's a great photo. Who is more handsome? Well, that's a toss up! So I take it Zeke is a male? Did you have problems with aggression as he matured? I have a good friend who is an exotics-specialist veterinarian, and she got a lot of severe bites from her parrot when he went through his 'puberty'.
Not as bad as with the moluccan cockatoo or the eclectus. He's never been too cuddly, always a bit on the shy side. I no longer let him get all up in my face because a couple of years ago he became very upset when my dogs were barking, I was calming him down, and he pierced through my lower lip. It was my fault. I should have known better.
Anyway, I didn't mean to hijack this garden conversation, so back to gardening!
Occasionally we digress! :)
Hey Jay - 1 April - does April fools day mean anything to you guys????
Yes it does, but there's no correlation between my parrot and April Fools Day. Do they have that down there also?
Yep - only in the morning of 1 April!
Dear Frank, I was so excited to see your garden this morning! It is a ripper, as Kevin says. I have agapanthus in the front bed of my house in zone 6b. It is a southern exposure and they do quite well! It is hard to think of them as invasive!!!! BTW, I just saw that Tim Tams are coming to America!!!! I'll never think of them without thinking of you! I'm glad to see your grandson got the gardening bug...now, I can't wait for those lorikeets! Thanks for bringing cheer to us on a windy and dreary day?
Hello there Rhonda, my good friend (your actually a fav. as well!) - Looks like I have indoctrinated you guys ('Ripper'). Yes agapanthus grow like bloody (hope that doesn't offend) weeds here! Tim Tams - well aren't you going to be spoilt rotten! Of course you deserve to be spoilt - how is that for a good old suck up????? And yes it is great that Ryan loves working in the soil and helping out etc. I'm here to tell you that you won't believe how colourful the pic of the rainbow lorikeet will be tomorrow (how's that for marketing?). Glad the post did bring some cheer. Kind regards, Frank
PS. It is Australia day on 26 Jan. FYI
I wish we could all be there sitting at the table in your gazebo, celebrating Aussie day with you! Save me some of that yummy looking food! ?
Rhonda, I was able to buy 3 varieties of Tim Tams from Target for my Aussie garden tour. Since then I have bought them for myself.
Can't wait to try them!
Oh my God Frank! That agapanthus in the first photo… Amazingly beautiful. What is the cultivar? I have some agapanthus too, but they are the lighter shade of blue and more washed out looking. I have always wanted a darker shade but haven't found one that I like. The name of this one would be most helpful! And what is your trick for getting them to grow? Last year I got no blooms whatsoever for the first time… Not sure what I am doing wrong.
Hello there Lily - great to hear from you! The Agapanthus cultivar is Black Panther - it is a relatively new one here. There is no trick to getting them to grow here - they love sun and heat. The trick is trying to stop them growing and invading native areas. I make sure that I don't let the seed mature and spread to neighbouring areas. Cheers, Frank
Thank you Frank! I have started looking!
Mornin' Frank... I was so excited to open today's GPOD after your 'tease' on Friday! Your gardens are such a reflection of you, great plants thoughtfully planted for more than their beauty surrounded by 'one of a kind' art pieces that are both stunning and hilarious! Henry and Remington continue to be my all time fave, I love that piece! After scrolling through this first batch of photos, my first thought was the symphony of sounds you must hear when you step out onto your deck morning, noon or night. The variety of wildlife that call your gardens home is incredible! Love it, can't wait for tomorrow!
Truly lovely words Sheila. I really value them. Yes Remington and Henry get me in too. Great conversation piece when we have visitors. You are absolutely correct about the sounds of birds and wildlife around our house. It is fantastic. We miss it when we head back to Melbourne. Cheers my friend
It's all been said below. Thank for sharing your fantastic garden! I'm sure many of us with agapanthus envy chuckle that you must deadhead to keep them from invading. If only mine would invade my garden...
Hello Peggy - thanks for your comments. People have trouble killing agapanthus here - it has a very extensive root system. Guess the sun and heat are the secret for growing the Lily of the Nile. Cheers, Frank
I'll try them in full sun. I think we have the heat. I'm going to look for Black Panther as well.
What a treat and a terrible time-sink this morning, Frank! Thanks for keeping me from working..... :)
Love your garden and the Agapanthus. I know that many in California consider them common place, but for those of us can't grow most of them: wow! Your plants look so healthy, too. I have two different hardy Agapanthus that I love. The flowers are a bit smaller than the more tender cultivars, but they are still great. I've got a couple in containers as well, which need to be brought inside in the winter.
You said you go back to Melbourne. Do you summer and winter in different homes?
Thanks and looking forward to tomorrow's post.
Thank you Tim of your lovely comments. I guess we take agapanthus for granted. That is why I was so surprised at the level of interest in them when I showed pics early last year. Sounds like hard work taking the plants inside etc. Yes we travel a lot between Metung and Melbourne. Cheers mate
Frank, Your gardens are spectacular & just oozing with originality. The added photo with the switchback trail & retaining walls indicates, to me, you've moved mountains, It all comes together perfectly, Good luck, Joe
Hello there Joe. Great to hear from you. Still remember the garden you prepared for your son's wedding. Thanks for your nice remarks. Yes it's been a big job moving and rock and using over 500 treated pine sleepers for retaining walls. Cheers from down under
Well Frank all I can say is when would be a good time to come and spend a week or two visiting this paradise? I love agapanthus but apparently mine do not get enough sun because, once I took them from a container to the ground, they have never bloomed. Sigh. You should be so proud of all the work you have done to create such a beautiful landscape. Blessings to you from Vikki in VA.
Hello there Vikki - Come on down Vikki we will look after you et al. Best time to come is our autumn/fall (March - May). Lovely crispy mornings and still (no wind) sunny days. Plenty of private and public gardens to see. Nice touristy things to do as well. Cheers, Frank
What a gorgeous photo. Where was that taken?
Kev. - The 12 Apostles on the Great Ocean Road 2 hours SW of Melbourne.
Good morning, Frank, and thanks so much for sharing your summer with us. You live in a magical place and if that's your grandson, he must love visits at your house driving the Kubota. Our little 2 1/2 yr old grandson loves to go on Papa's tractor and is already trying to do the driving so this looks like our future. Those Agapanthus are just the most beautiful color as is your maple. What time should we arrive for dinner?
Hi Linda - Come for dinner any time - we would absolutely love to see you and your husband in our part of the world. Yes that is Ryan (just 10), one of our grandsons. He loves driving the Kubota (under supervision of course) - good training for driving later in life I say! Mr Google says that agapanthus can be grown in USDA plant hardiness zones 9-11. Does that make sense to you? Cheers from Oz
I'm surprised that they say zones 9-11. We're in zone 8a and have had no trouble growing them. However, we're having an incredibly cold winter with many days right at freezing so we'll see if we have any left this summer. We have been spending a few months in AZ and it's quite cold here as well. Send some of your warm temps our way, please. Thanks for the invite. May surprise you one of these days:) Looking forward to more photos tomorrow.
Well Frank, I wish these photos had waited until February as I honestly did not have the time today to look at them all and read the comments (but I did anyway.) Everything looks great. i'm jealous of the wildlife you get in your garden but not jealous of your heat. Your garden art is great. I like the little wombat napping just up the hill from the boy fishing in the half barrel. And in the photo with the Kubota, Diana looks like she noticed you coming and just ducked behind the screen. Can't wait until tomorrow for more fun, although I really won't have time to look then either!
Hi Chris - Nice pick up noticing the wombat, and recognising Diana, the goddess of hunting. I had Diana laying down in our SUV car when I purchased her, and the car looked like a hearse. You actually get used to the heat - we don't have high humidity to go with the heat, and that helps a lot. Hope you can find a bit of time to look at Part 2. Cheers mate
It's so lovely. The layout! The plants! The ironwork! The sculptures! Everything! Thanks for the photos.
Thank you Edith. Glad you liked the post. Cheers, Frank
Frank - it's all gorgeous! Love the agapanthus, the birds, the terracing and rock paths - you really did a lot of work! Pretty cool grandson too. What time's dinner?
Thanks a lot Shirley. Yes our grandson is a 'bottler'. Any time you like to drop in we can cook up a storm. Also, we have some lovely wines in this part of the world. Come on down I say! Cheers, Frank
Oh Frank, it all looks so good, mate. You know I'm mesmerized with that golden-colored Japanese maple (Katsura, maybe?). I love those agapanthus too. I feel I like I should grow them, have always talked myself out of it, and don't really see them offered much in the garden nurseries anymore...might be a hint. So I'm gonna enjoy yours, at least for today. Great garden - plants and art and all. Thanks for giving a glimpse of the flipside.
G'day David - thanks for your compliments. Hope you also like Part 2. Cheers from a hot Oz
Wow Frank, I am speechless. It is breathtakingly beautiful. A RTV for gardening, kangaloo meat on the fire-pit, metal and other sculptures, agapanthus in abundance, Exotic Birds ... very very awesome work. Thanks for sharing. Cannot wait to see part two of it.
Hello Lilian - Glad you liked the post, and thanks for your compliments. Hope you also enjoy Part 2. Cheers from Oz
Personality popping out all over... So fun... Food looks tasty - Garden is a fabulous adventure luring one in... absolutely love it !!!!
Nice summary Cenepk10 - thanks. Glad you liked it. Cheers, Frank
Frank, finally got home from work so I could take a good look at your photos and read the comments. This is what I love about GPOD. Seeing private gardens from around the world, each showing off the gardeners creativity and personality. So incredibly refreshing. Plus the discussion from the rest of the gardening community is awesome.
Learned a lot today. Pittosporum does have flowers that look like our daphne, which grows here like a small shrub. Incredibly fragrant, with a long blooming time. Is Pittosporum similar, but larger?
I looked up Melaleuca. Incredible bark, which is one of my garden passions, and a must for a tree in my garden.
Good to see Remington and Henry again. Enjoyed the photo of Ryan driving the ATV. I remember when I let my son, Ryan, drive a golf cart at a resort we went to when he was about 10. He took a corner too hard and we went off the path, and nearly went down a 25 foot embankment.rough start, but he ultimately turned out to be a good driver.
Sill drooling over the garden gate. Thanks for the extra picture. So cool.
Australia is on our bucket list. We will get there some day, and will definitely look you up. If you ever get to the east coast of the USA, don't hesitate to contact me. Would love to have you as a guest.
Looking forward to tomorrow. Snacking on a Tim Tam right now.
Hey Kev. - Thanks for your lovely critique. Yes the flowers of our Pittosporum trees have a beautiful fragrance. Paper barks are pretty hardy trees (like water - hopefully the pic of the billabong comes up tomorrow because you can then see the paper barks growing in water) - worth a try. Lucky escape for your son, Ryan - and supports my theory that it makes them very good drivers. Our sons learnt to drive in the paddocks on the family farm. Really surprised at the interest in the garden gate - that is the great thing about GPOD, you learn a lot about the interests of others elsewhere in the world. We would drove to show you and your wife around Melbourne and our marvellous State. Sometime down the track hey! Looks like Rhonda is going to also get into the Tim Tam kick for a hit of sugar. Cheers my good mate
Frank, your garden is FABULOUS! I love your placement of those gorgeous agapanthus along the path, the exotic (to me) birds and the whimsical artwork all around (including that gate). I can imagine how many years of hard work went into making this paradise. Wow!
Thanks you so much Clare. Lucky I started the job 11 years ago - couldn't do it now! Cheers, Frank
Holy moly Frank! Your photos sure look like an invitation to come on over and visit you. You certainly take everything to the next level - from gardening in an acre with your Kubota RTV, magnificent garden specimens, funky garden art (I love that horse1) to good cookin'. Looks like you're always having fun and eating well. Love it!
Lovely comments Cherry. Thanks a lot. We use the expression 'Holy moly' here as well. Why don't you book a ticket and come on down? You will have an absolute ball - guaranteed! My wife and I will make sure of that. Cheers, Frank
I wouldn't be surprised if your middle name is "Fun".
Lovely to see your Garden Paradise and the fun loving,whimsical garden decor and statuary. Having a gazebo smack in the middle of the garden sure looks like and enjoyable place to admire your surroundings from and enjoy watching the birds. Your barbecue dish sure looks yummy too. You're getting me inspired to look back at my garden pictures from last season. We should be getting more snow yet before we get to our spring season in mid March.
Hello there Kriss - thanks for your nice comments. Love to see some of your garden pics. Spring isn't too far away for you, and we can look forward to autumn - my favourite season (lovely crispy mornings and still sunny days). Cheers from Oz my friend
Had to peek at your gardens, Frank and love the whimsy! The flying flowers are my favorites ~ drawn to the earthbound ones! Delightful... The beauty of this GPOD sight is getting to know gardeners from all over and then visiting their gardens. Now on to Day #2.
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