Garden Photo of the Day

Not an ordinary clematis

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais

OK, so I don’t think you could call any clematis ordinary. As a whole, they’re amazingly beautiful flowers that never fail to draw attention. But there are lots of clematis varieties out there that don’t fit the standard clematis image. Here’s an example. Instead of the bright, wide-spread, large petals we’re so used to seeing, ‘Betty Corning’ (Clematis ‘Betty Corning’, USDA Hardiness Zones 4-11) flaunts flared, nodding bells of dusky lavender. Here, they blanket an obelisk in the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx.

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Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais
Click here to enlarge this photo.
Photo/Illustration: Michelle Gervais


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View 6 comments


  1. gottagarden 11/05/2010

    This is not an ordinary clematis because it is FRAGRANT! I grow many different varieties of clematis, this is one of the only ones that has a gorgeous sweet scent on summer days. I have it planted right next to my garden bench so I can enjoy the scent.

  2. Layanee 11/05/2010

    I will put this one on my list which is longer than my life expectancy at this point.

  3. NYPat 11/05/2010

    I've been wanting one of those Clematis for years. They're so pretty, and different from all my others.

  4. ktPA 11/05/2010

    I'd like to add this photo of the day and article on Clematis Betty Corning to my list of favorites-- whole article, not just plant entry, or save it on my page somehow-- anybody know (20can I? (20 how? many thanks.

  5. Vespasia 11/05/2010

    Very beautiful, I have a similar one but it is a burgundy colour, very prolific bloom for a long time outside my kitchen window, I love it.

  6. birdwhisperer 11/08/2010

    Absolutaly beautiful, will it grow in ontario? I have lovely regular clematis and they do well, but this would be a lovely addition,we do freeze and thaw which confuses some plants I understand.I know we can't in garden centers in our area is their an address where I can order them to be shipped here?

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