Garden Photo of the Day

Lake Cliffs Garden

By Alexandra Dittrich

Jackie Stasevich shares her visit to Lake Cliffs Garden in Michigan.

"Lake Cliffs Garden is open to the public only a few days during the summer. I was fortunate to tour this beautiful and creative private garden on the cliffs above Lake Michigan outside of Benton Harbor. Each path led to a unique vignette combining art and plants. The crowning glory is a tropical garden thriving in Michigan!"

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View 11 comments


  1. user-7007498 08/30/2016

    Thanks, Jackie, for sharing photos of this private garden. I took the opportunity to google it and saw a few more pictures. The garden is a 20 year project by Barbara and Ron Weirich, who winter in Chicago, but reside on this 5 acre property during the growing season.The property is broken into 11 garden rooms, including one with many tropicals. Apparently, they and their full-time employee, fill a Ryder truck 4 times over to move the tropicals into a greenhouse to overwinter each year. The garden has been featured in Fine Gardening, but I couldn't find the links.

    1. frankgreenhalgh 08/30/2016

      Thanks for the additional information Kev.

    2. User avater
      meander_michaele 08/30/2016

      You're like me, Kevin...inclined to do a bit of googling for additional info if I am totally unfamiliar with a locale. Thanks for the legwork and facts. The Weirichs are impressively committed to their garden, aren't they?!

  2. frankgreenhalgh 08/30/2016

    Hi Jackie - What a picturesque outlook from the beautiful private gardens across Lake Michigan! The wide paths and tropical garden are very impressive. Thanks for sharing. Cheers, Frank

  3. User avater
    meander_michaele 08/30/2016

    Looks like you had a lovely day for the garden tour, Jackie. I'll bet there was a light refreshing breeze coming off the lake and low humidity, Ha, I'm just trying to fool myself that that's how it will feel here in east TN when I go outside to do some gardening. Anyway, such a stunning setting and beautiful gardens. Thanks for sharing your visit.

  4. User avater
    Tim_Zone_Denial_Vojt 08/30/2016

    Really an impressive garden and those bedded-out tropicals look stunning.

  5. sheila_schultz 08/30/2016

    What a fun garden in a great location to have the opportunity to tour. I'm wondering how many of the tropical's are planted in their pots?
    Is anyone familiar with the succulent in the foreground of the last photo? It looks like it might be in the Kalanchoe daigremontiana (Mother of Thousands) family, but I have never seen one with this low profile. It's pretty cool!

  6. User avater
    LindaonWhidbey 08/30/2016

    Thanks, Jackie, for giving us this tour of a most interesting garden. The tropical "room" has to be one of the favorites with all of those chartreuse plantings set off by that purple fatsia and the banana. I'm curious about that striking ground cover. Online there was also mention of a black and white garden that intrigued me.

  7. schatzi 08/30/2016

    Thanks for the info Kevin. I wondered if they somehow plunked a greenhouse down over those tropicals for the winter! What a project! Thanks for sharing, Jackie - it is beautiful and obviously a labor of love.

  8. Cenepk10 08/31/2016

    Wow !!! So pretty. Lush. Looks like it rains there.

  9. User avater
    HelloFromMD 09/01/2016

    Neat. Would enjoy seeing more especially how the art is place in the gardens. What a view of the lake!

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